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to be worth Ving(стоит что то сделать) to be not worth Ving(не стоит что то сделать) 1.Go

10-11 класс

and see the new display in the London Transport Museum. It's so exciting!

2.This TV programme was so stupid. I'm sorry Ispent time on it.

3.I'm glad we stayed. Till the end of the show.The most interesting thing happened at the end.

KorsakovaKaterina01 07 марта 2015 г., 14:36:09 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 марта 2015 г., 15:51:06 (9 лет назад)

1. The new display in the London Transport Museum is worth seeing. It's so exciting!

2. This TV programme wasn't worth watching.

3. The show was worth watching.


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They learned to play the lyre and the pipes,and to sing.

задайте как можно больше вопросов опираясь на это предложение!!!!

Read the sentences and write them in the Indirect form :

1. Vera Ivanovna says, "Look after your sister, Natasha"
2. Lena says, "I have had a good time in the country"
3. Dima says to his little brother, "Do not open that box!"
4. The pupil asks the teacher, "Shall i go on reading?"
5. The postwoman asks the man at the door, "Do you get Pravda or Izvestia?"

Вставить артикли!! 5 упр
Помогите, я боб

Английский язык

Читайте также

Fill the gaps in the following text with the correct form of the words in capitals. I always wanted to be a great

(1)_________________ . I had SCIENCE

these dreams of discovering a (2)________________ new drug REXOLUTION

that would save the lives of hundreds of people. Unfortunately, I was

never very good at (3)_______________ at school and kept CHEMIST

producing these horrible smells and the teacher used to get very cross with me.

After a while, I decided I would become an (4)_____________ ___________ INVENT

and design an amazing new (5)___________________ which PRODUCE

would become a household name. My parents were quite encouraging,

but told me to be a little more (6)____________ and not quite so


(7)________________ . A few weeks later I had a brilliant idea for AMBITION

a pen that, at least (8)_____________,would write upside


down. To my (9)___ ____________ a friend of mine pointed out DISAPPOINT

that it was not a new (10) __________.


Помогитие раскрыть скобки. Можно написать только то, что вставили. 1) It (to be) about 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon. 2) We (to

sit) in the cafe opposite the bank.

3) Suddenly a motorcycle (to stop) outside the bank.

4) There (to be) two men on the bike.

5) One of them (to get off) and (to run) into the bank.

6) He (to carry) a gum.

7) After a short time, he (to come) out of the bank.

8) He (to carry) a large bag.

9) He (to get) back on the bike.

10) A few minutes later the police (to arrive).

Подкорректируйте пожалуйста перевод, если что-то не правильно. Вот сам текст: Здравствуй Дарен, я очень рад за тебя и с удовольствием помогу тебе

выбрать музыкальный инструмент, на котором ты будешь в дальнейшем играть. Я думаю что тебе пойдет играть на барабанных установках, это очень веселый инструмент и как я думаю на нем легко играть, но можешь так же попробовать гитару, на ней можно сочинять различные мелодии, которые могут понравится кому-то. Я предпочитаю рок, а так же поп музыку, рок помогает мне завестись и поднять себе настроение, а поп музыка помогает расслабиться. Нет, вообще не хожу на концерты, но очень бы хотелось. А на какие концерты ты ходишь? Что же ты выбрал, гитару или барабанную установку? Любишь ли ты Рок? Вот перевод: Hi Daren, I is very glad for you and with pleasure I will help you to choose a musical instrument which you play further. I think that to you will go to play drum kits, it is very cheerful tool and as I think on it easily to play, but you can as to try a guitar, on it it is possible to compose various melodies which can it will be pleasant to someone. I prefer fate and as the priest music, Rock helps me to be got and lighten himself mood, and the priest music helps to relax. No, I don't go at all on concerts, but very much it would be desirable. And on what concerts you go? What did you choose, a guitar or a drum kit? Whether you love Rock?

Из пассивного залога сделать активный 1. Many shapes had to be manufactured at a relatively high cost.

2. Different kinds of steel will have to be used in making blades. 3. High carbon
steel may be hardened by heating it to a certain temperature and then quickly
cooling in water. 4. Vanadium steel can be used for springs. 5. Larger drills
could be used in that machine.

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