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помогитеI can`t get this new camcorder to work.The instructions are confused / confusing.

5-9 класс

I droped all my books as i was going into class.It was very embarrassing / embarrassed.
Alistair is really irritated / irritating! he keeps taking when I`m trying to concentrate.
His parents were very disappointed / disappointing when they read his school report.

Pronkina2004 01 янв. 2014 г., 17:35:45 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 янв. 2014 г., 20:35:42 (10 лет назад)

I can`t get this new camcorder to work.The instructions are confusing.
I dropped all my books as I was going into class. It was very embarrassing.
Alistair is really irritating! He keeps taking when I`m trying to concentrate.
His parents were very disappointed when they read his school report.


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School address: Zhelyabov Street
Number: 55555
Our school comfortable and amicable. At school 2 floors. On the first floor pupils of younger education study. Besides, on the first floor a big gym. On in Torahs a floor pupils of the main education study. As there is a big library with new books. Teachers kind and sympathetic. They help pupils in difficult minute. Teachers teach them to the main subjects and discipline. At school there is a lot of free a fukultativnykh of lessons. The school is equipped with equipment and new oborudovaniye. As at school two changes. Come to us to school, we will be glad! !

Адрес школы: улица Желябова
Номер : 5555

Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст. тольк без переводчика

Our country. Our environment. There are many big and small rivers, green forests, high mountains, lakes and seas in Russia. Our Earth is our home. I think people must take care of our Motherland. There are some laws and decisions on this important question. We have state organizations whish pay attention to this problem. The international conventions pay mush attention to the control of population too. There are a lot of industrial enterprises in our country that"s why we can"t ignore the problem of the protection of our environment. We have got the main aim of the protection. Our environment must be clean. What must we do for it? We have to control atmospheric and water pollution, to study the man"s influence on the life of animals, plants and our human life. If we don"t use chemicals in a proper way we"ll pollute our environment. Our plants and factories put their waste materials into water and atmosphere and pollute the environment. There are many kinds of transport in our big cities, that is why we must pay attention to the protection of our nature and the health of the people. Radiation. Now it has become one of the main problems. It is not good for health of people died from radiation some years ago in Chernobyl. It was a tragedy. The other problem is an earthquakes in America. Our scientist try to forecast earthquakes, then we can protect ourselves from them. The people all over the world do everything to protect their nature, to make their country riches, do make their life happier.

Читайте также

1. If the weather (to be) fine, we ( to go) for a picnic. 2. If it (to rain) this afternoon, I (to take) my umbrella. 3. If you (not/ to drive)

carefully, you (to have) an accident. 4. When I (to get) salary, I (to buy) tickets on a guided tour around Europe. 5. When Saturday (to come), we (to have) a party. 6. We (to go) to the cinema tomorrow if you (to want) to. 7. If I (to have) time, I (to watch) the movie in the evening. 8. When my brother (to come) back home, we (to talk) with him for hours. 9. If you (to read) this book, you (to pass) the exam. 10. If you (not / to read) this book, you (not/to pass) the exam. 11. If you(to look) at the map of the world, you (to see) a lot of countries and continents. 12.I (to see) a lot of places of interest if I (to travel) to Australia.

Отредактируйте и исправте ошибки пожалуйста))Срочно!)) Many people dream to go to work the abroad with the.nekotory such opportunity drops out.

If you well know language that work as the abroad excellent practice in language. We you will get acquainted there with a great number of people, you will find to yourself new friends. The good salary.Вы is possible you can to develop, study to itself culture of that country to which you go to work and learn a lot of the new. But you can face some problems.Могут to arise problems of communication with foreigners, to you can the unusual food won't be pleasant. When you will arrive the abroad you will be far from the family and friends, you will miss them. To you it will be unusual in other country after all there other customs and customs, ва it is necessary to get used long
But if you decided to go to work abroad, good luck!

2. Vocabulary. Here are some tips that can help to decide where it is better to study. Fill in the gaps in the text with a

correct word or word combination from the box. There is one extra word.






Deal with





Further education




Sixth form


After you have done your GCSE’s you need to make important decisions. So what are your choices? You can either ____ school and go to work or stay at school. You also can either enter a _____ college or a college of ____.

Leave school

If you are sure this is for you and you have a specific ___ you want to go into, then go for it. But do not be surprised if you find it difficult to get a job at the age of 16 with no _____

Stay at school

Most schools have sixth forms which they _____ their students to go into. You will have the same teachers and friends and things around you. In addition, you do not have to ____ change and making new friends. Although the___ will probably be less pressured than at school, the teachers will still make you do the work. If you need a “push” to do anything then you may better stay at school where the ___ is more strict.

Sixth-form colleges

They are for students aged 16-18, which usually offer a lot of A _____ subjects and sometimes other courses. For students who study there, there are lots of _____ to express oneself. Many sixth-form colleges have student unions, which have various sports ____, societies and may organize interesting events.

Further Education College

These are colleges which offer a great range of -_____, from A levels to _____ courses like decorating and landscape designing. The students will be of different ages and backgrounds, as many colleges of further education encourage people with to go into education.

поставте вопросы на английском языке 1whether he /she likes winter hollidays 2 what new year present he / she would like to get ( what new year present wou

ld to get правильно поставил? ) 3 what he/ she is going to do during his / her hollidays 4 whether he / she is going to decorate the new year tree

20 за правильные все ответы) прошу помочь) Ex-1 1)Use the words below to complete the

sentences. There are three words you do not need to use.

-connect - link - frozen - transfer - join - memory - domload - deleted - connection - virus -split

Вставить слова в предложения:

1)Oh,no ! I've accidentally ..... all the photographs on my hard disk! 2)Let me make a copy of these files before you .... them to your computer.3) The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more.... 4)Is there a problem with the network? I can't ..... to the Internet. 5)I need to buy a new mobile phone. I've water on my old one, and it's stopped working. 6)Click on this ..... to go tothe international site of the online store. 7) I think your computer has a... You'd better run a full scan . 8) What's wrong with the screen? It's been .... for the last ten minutes.

Ex 2-Form nouns from verbs and translate.






Ex 3- Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences.

1)break down =2)break into =3)break up =4) break out= 5) break out of

A go into a building by force to steal sth B escape from a place C stop having a relationship with sb D start happening E stop working

1)The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had ..... the local prison. 2)Fighting .... between opposing football fans after last night's game. 3) The couple .... but got back together a month lated . 4)When her car .... she called a local garage to ask for help. 5) The poloce are looking for two men who were filmed as they were ...... an electrical shop lats night.


1)Don't call Jessica tomirriw morning ; she..... a tennis lesson. a) will be having b) is having c) will have

2)Send me a copy of the photographs.... I can show them to my friends. 1)in order b)so that C) in case

3)James stopped playing his video game... he heard his mum at the door. a) while b) by the time c) as soon as

4)I don't like my next-door neighbor; she's ... nosy woman! a)such a b)such c)a so

5)Can we watch the parade when we... to the Carnival? a) are going b)go c)Will go

6)It's not worth going to the footbal pitch now; the game.... by the time we get there. a)wil have started

b)Will start c)Wil be starting

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