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Помогите с английским. Простая грамматика. Упр2

10-11 класс

Andrey19991407 11 июня 2014 г., 11:21:18 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 июня 2014 г., 13:06:03 (9 лет назад)

1 have read
2 have paid
3 have failed
4 has saved
5 Has something gone
6 have always paid
7 has been ringing
8 has happened
9 has been trying
10 has telephoned


Другие вопросы из категории

) Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

Ferdinand Magellan 1) ………(be) a Portuguese sailor who 2) ……… (want) to
sail around the world. Emperor Charles V of Spain 3) ……… (give) him five ships
and two hundred and sixty-five Spanish sailors. They 4) ……… (leave) Spain on
the 20th of September 1519 and 5) ……… (begin) their long and
dangerous journey.

Ребят. Помогите сделать один номер по английскому.

Дополните высказывание необходимым словом.
1. Children start school at the age of ______ in Russia.
2. Children under the age of six are taken to creches and _____ schools.
3. The majority of schools is _______ of charge.

Читайте также

Work in pairs. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.1) best/ have/ when/ day out/ did/ the/ you/ ?

2) your/ did/ out/ best/ where/ you/ on/ go/ day/ ?
3) who/ with/ there/ you/ go/ did/ ?
4) you/ see/ there/ what/ did/ ?
5) did/ what/ you/ there/ do/ ?
6) did/ there/ a cafe ( на Е ударение)/ to/ go/ you/ ?
7) est/ you/ did/ what/ ?
Помогите с английским. Срочно надо сделать это упражнение в учу немецкий :/
p.s. Надо не просто перевести, а составить предложения из данных слов.


12. Переведите эти слова....
Вот какие есть слова:
sky. roof. purse. one. Where?. clock. birch. boy. a. these. on. plate. your. those. floor. what?. the. time. my. two. girl. under. star. tree. bag. spoon. ПЛИИИЗ ПОМОГИТЕ!

помогите с английским плохо надо выбрать а или b. 1 What's your new flat like? A)it's very nice b)Really? 2 has your new house got any furniture ? A)how ab

out rhe kitchen? B)yes, it has? 3 how many rooms sre there in you flat? A)there's a small living room? B)five? 4 ls there a bookcase in your room? A)yes, there is? B)Yes, there are? помогите умоляю ребята.

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