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John Barker was born in London on 12 October 1990

5-9 класс

Ydgjyfg689745 07 марта 2015 г., 10:37:30 (9 лет назад)
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07 марта 2015 г., 12:44:43 (9 лет назад)

Если перевод, то: Джон Баркер родился в Лондоне 12 октября 1990 года


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Answer the guestions
Помогите пожалуйста) Turn into the Reported Speech: 1.The Geography teacher explained:"The climate in England is very mild and


2.John said:"I expect Alice to arrive on Fiday.

3.The student said:"We studied this theme a year ago".

4.Linda said:"They moved new flat in 2001".

5.He said:"The Moon rotates round the Earth".

6.The History teacher said:"The first ten amendments were made in 1791"

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Harry Barker was born on 16 th September 1965 in a farmer's family. He spent his early years on his father's farm. They always had a lot of animals. Harry

usually helped his parents and worked on the farm. He fed the cows, sheep and horses, watered the plants in the garden. He often asked his father questions about his animals and got answers. Harry was interested in medicine. He wanted to know how to help the animals. But his dream was how to help people : he wanted to become a doctor, a children's doctor.
When Harry was eighteen, he left his home for London and began doing medicine. His university years were the happiest years of his life. He did what he liked doing.

Larisa Kosach (pen-name Lesia Ukrainka) was born in Novhorod-Volynsky on February 25, 1871 which is now in Zhytomir Region. Her father was a lawyer and

her mother was a Ukrainian writer (pen-name Olena Pchilka).Her sister was married to Mykhailo Drahomanov, a scholar, public figure and political emigre, who was to play a great role in Lesia's life.When Lesia was nine, her parents moved to the town of Lutsk and settled at an estate near Kovel. Because of weak health and the absence of school with instruction in the Ukrainian language, Lesia received education at home. She had a remarkable aptitude for the humanities.Lesia's close ties with distinguished public and cultural figures of her time played a positive role in her formation as a poet. Apart from Drahomanov and Franko, the Kosaches friends included the composer M. Lysenko, the poet, playwright and one of the founders of the Ukrainian professional theater N. Starytsky, the bibliographer M.Komarov, and the poet V.Samiilenko. Such a milieu made Lesia try her hand at writing poetry early. At the age of nine she wrote her first verses, and at 13 her first poem was published in the Lviv magazine “Zoria”. From then on her poetry appeared regularly in the Ukrainian publications.Unfortunately, the outset of her literary career coincided with the first symptoms of what was then an incurable disease — tuberculosis of the bones. Her poor health made her travel from one warm country to another — Vienna, Crimea, Italy, Georgia, Egypt.In 1893 her book of verse, "On Wings of Songs", was published. It was favorably received both by the readers and critics. Then followed her book of verse “Thoughts and Dreams", "Responses", which earned her, alongside L. Franko, a leading place in Ukrainian literature at the turn of this century. Just then she turned to playwrighting. Her first works of drama were based on subjects from the Bible. Among her best plays are "The Forest Song" and "The Stone Host".Beginning with 1894 Lesia lived in Kyiv. Here she started learning foreign languages. Later on she read and spoke English as well as Ukrainian. With a full command of German, French, Italian and English she could write not only prose, but also poetry in all these languages.L. Ukrainka died on August 1, 1913 in Georgia, and was buried in Kyiv. Her works reveal the dominant feature of her talent — exceptional public sensitivity and the ability to grasp and express in vivid images the idea and tendencies of her time.

Сочините к этому тексту 12 вопросов на английском языке!

The Name by Henry Cecil Henry Cecil (pseudonym, real name Henry Cecil Leon) is an English detective story writer. He was born in Middlesex before the

First World War; the author of many successful books: ‘Alibi for a Judge’, ‘Friends at Court’, ‘Sober as a Judge’ and others. ‘Settled out of Court’, in a dramatic version made by William Saroyan and the author, ran for some time at the Strand Theatre. ‘George Elephant!’ called the Clerk in Court Number One; and a small man with glasses was brought. ‘Are you George Elephant?’ asked the Clerk. ‘I am’. ‘You are charged with murder; that you at Golders Green on the 19th day of January 1948, murdered Jane Elephant. How say you, George Elephant, are you guilty or not guilty?’ ‘Not guilty.’ ‘Very well,’ said the Judge. ‘You may sit down.’ Except for a few remarks on the curious name of the prisoner, few people were interested in the case. The facts as stated were very simple. On the 20th January the prisoner had walked into a police station. ‘I have cut my wife`s throat,’ he said. ‘She`s quite dead.’ It seemed true enough. Her throat seemed to have been cut with a razor which was near her body. George was born of ordinary middle-class parents at the end of the nineteenth century. There was no sign of madness in the family. On leaving school George had gone into his father`s business, and after that he had married and settled down to an ordinary life. Jane was not a particularly attractive wife. Although she was pretty, she grew fat as she grew older. She took a good deal of pleasure in laughing at George, and one of the subjects of which she never seemed to get tired was his last name. George was a little ashamed of his name, but he had never had the courage to change it. Usually, however, the owners of unfortunate names just bear them. George had certainly suffered a great deal. When he first went to school and was asked his name in front of the other boys, he replied, ‘George Elephant.’ ‘Olliphant?’ said the master. ‘No, sir, Elephant.’ ‘What, Elephant? Like the animals?’ ‘Yes, sir, like the animals.’ After that at school he was called by the names of all known, and some unknown, animals. George was modest, and boys at school are merciless. He was not happy there and was thankful when he left. But his troubles did not end when he left school. When he married Jane he had hoped she would make his difficulties lighter. But Jane did not mind being called Elephant; in fact she told everyone her new name. Even when she was being loving she used to call him ‘my elephant boy’, and so he was not allowed to forget. When Sir Gordon Macintosh had discovered these facts, he had no doubt at all of the proper defence to raise in the court. He immediately had George examined by famous doctors. The doctors said that the accused was not mad, but that his mind was very much affected by jokes about his name. The doctors for the defence said that the prisoner might have been made so angry by his wife`s jokes that he could not control himself. George was not found guilty of murder, but he was sent to prison with hard labour for seven years. That, however, was not the end of the matter, because the case by this time caused great public interest. In the end, so much sympathy was shown for George and so much pressure was put on the Government, that George`s time in prison was reduced from seven years to three. Two years later, just before he was let out, a priest arrived at the prison where George was. He had a talk with George. ‘Before you leave,’ said the visitor, ‘would you like to say anything to me3 in secret. Tell me, for example, what6 was it that actually led you to kill your wife?’ ‘Well, as a matter of fact,’ said George, ‘I was fond of another woman.’ пожалуйста,очень нужно перевести,я не успеваю(((

Charles Spencer Chaplin didn't have a very happy childhood. He was born in London, England, on 16 April 1889. When his father left the family.

Chaplin's mother didn't work, and her two sons were often hungry. When their mother got ill, Chaplin and his brother went to the workhouse, which was the place for orphans. Life there was very hard, but Chaplin didn't give up. He started his career as an actor when he was nine. When he was twenty-one, he joined a travelling music-hall company. Soon after he went to America and became the famous film star, Charlie Chaplin. The actor died in 1977 but we still remember his "Little Tramp", a funny little man in baggy (мешковатый) trousers and a small bowler hat.

ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО!!!Нужно заменить глаголы неопределенной формы в Passive Voice.J. M. Barrie, the creator of Peter Pan, was born in

Kirriemuir, Scotland. Now his birthplace (0) is kept (to keep) as a museum. Robert Burns is the national poet of Scotland, and January 25 — the date of his birth — (1)____________ (to celebrate) by Scots the world over. Robert Burns (2) ________________ (to remember) with a ceremony called Burns' Supper, at which traditional Scottish dishes (3) ________________ (to eat). Burns' poems (4)____________{to read) and after the meal (5)________________ (to finish) there may be some Scottish dancing. In 2009, the 250th anniversary of his birthday (6) ________________ (to mark). There are special book museums all over Great Britain. Exhibitions of books, photographs, pictures of famous British writers (7) ________________ (to hold) there. The exhibition of one of Scotland's best-loved writer Robert Louis Stevenson (8) ________________ (to organise) in 2005, to mark the 155th anniversary of his birthday. The National Portrait Gallery in London contains a lot of world-famous masterpieces. Many portraits of famous British writers (9) ________________ (to exhibit) there. Agatha Christie is the world's most published crime writer. Agatha Christie's books (10) ____,_ (to translate) into 103 languages, and they are still popular today. A new collection of her detective stories (11) ________________ (to publish). Exhibitions on her life and work (12) . every year in her native town, Torquay, England.

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