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закончить предложения интересно Do I Do you Do es she Does he Do we Do they

5-9 класс

ээхэх 16 марта 2015 г., 8:08:38 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 марта 2015 г., 10:14:35 (9 лет назад)

Do I climb a tree?
Do you win the race?
Does she watch fireworks?
Does he write a poem?
Do we fly to the Moon?
Do they travel around the world?


Другие вопросы из категории

VI. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Мой друг помогал маме по дому вчера. 2. Что ты читал вчера вечером? 3. Я ездила в Киев в прошлом году. 4. На

тарелке большое яблоко. 5. В парке не было детей. 6. В вашей комнате много интересных книг? 7. Вчера дома не было молока. 8. Ты ходил в школу вчера? 9. Вчера Мэри не выполнила домашнее задание.10.Вы отмечали Halloween в прошлом году?

Читайте также

помогите поожалууйста,напишите ответы на вопросы: 1what do you think Claire wanted to do? 2do you think she was afraid in the field?

3how do you think Claire felt at the castle?Why?

4How did you feel when you read about the castle?

5Do you think she wanted to run away?when?

Where:in tne field,at the castle, after the stone fell?

6what do you think she did next?

Who/when/where/what/do/does/he/she/you/they/collect/play with/like/team/games/go/

play/go with/tennis/skiing/chess

1 do you play tennis?
2 what games does he like?

Закончите предложения:модальный глагол "can" выражает ... A)necessity;b)ability;c)prohibition;d)advice;e)wish.

2.Употребите данное предложение в будущем
времени i can swim across the river:a)i would swim;b)i shall be able to swim;c)i will swim;e)i shall swim.
3.дополните предложения :my mother .... drive but she hasn"t got a car:a)should;b)must;c)can;d)may;e)has to.
4.закончите предложения:"...." of hiking alone doesn't frighten me:a)danger;b)dangerous;c)dangers;d)dangeority;e)dangerouless.
5.вставьте необходимые предлоги:They eat a lot ... rice ... China:a)of/in;b)from/in;c)by/on;d)of/on;e)-/in.
6.ВСТАВЬТЕ АРТИКЛИ :What is .... correct way to sit at ... table?a)a/a;b)the/the;c)-/the;d)a/the;e)the/a.
7вставьте предлоги:He is interested .... sport and goes .... the stadium every day:a)in/on;b)with/to;c)in/to;d)on/to;e)in/in

помогите пожалуста составить предложения/Plis 1.music\you\to'do'listening\like? 2.kind\ you\ what\ music\ of\

do\ like?

3.listen\ how\ do\ musik\ often\ you\ to?

4. TV\ on\ programmes\ do\ watch\ you\ music?

5 Have\ live\ been\ you\ a\ ever\ concert\ to?

6 like\ hear\ what\ or\ group\ singer\ you\ would\ like\ to?

7 will\ to\ group\ what\ singer\ or\ you\ listen' never\?

8 interview\ would / to\ like\ you\ group\ singer\ or\ what?

9 ask\ question\ would \ favourite\ what\ you\ your\ or\ group\ singer?

10 kind\ what\ show\ of\ it\ was?

11 place\ and\ when\ did\ it\ where\ take?

12\ buy\ difficult\ it\ to\ tickets\ was\ the?
13 they\ expensive\ were?

14 you \ did\ go\ who\ with?

15 the\ you\ like\ did\ seats\?

16 performance\ did\ you\ the\ enjoy?

17 your\ is\ about\ the\ and\ opinion\ show\ performers\ the \ what?

18 popular\ is \ teenager\ cinema\ with?

19 you \ go\ cinema\ often\ to\ do\ the?

20 you\ do' like\ comedies\ watching?

21 favourite\ you\ got\ a\ actor\ have?

22 you\ at\ watcing\ do\ films\ home\ or\ the\ at\ prefer\ cinema?

23 go\ the\ you\ to\ cinema\ last\ did\ week?

24 weekend\ to\ you\ the\ going\ cinema\ at\ are\ the?

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