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Надо написать письмо в ответ на это: I have put on such a lot of weight recently and i just dont know what to do. Ive tried all sorts of diets but nothi

10-11 класс

ng helps. Ive cut out breakfast and all fatty food, but i cant still lose weight. What do you think i shold do? Is it good to keep to a diet? Do you have the same problem? Helen 100-120 слов

Вознаграждение бльшое ;)

Ainyuwa 02 июля 2015 г., 2:10:08 (8 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 июля 2015 г., 5:06:38 (8 лет назад)

                         Adress - город, страна, либо полностью - №дома, город, страна)


Dear Helen,

I was glad to get your letter! Sorry I haven't written for so long but I had a lot of homework.

I so sad that you have problem such a putting a lot of weight. I don't have the same problem before. But I think you are better to ask parents. Or try to go to the gym. Do morning exercises every day. I amn't sure that to keep to a diet is good. Anyway you should consult to the doctor. How much have you put on? What think your parents? Are your classmates laughing at you?

Well, I'd better go now as I promised my mother to help her. Write back soon!

Best wishes,



Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите!!! Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous. The students were celebrating

because they (pass) ... their exams. Our boots were muddy because we ... (play) football all morning. I didn't know they (listen) ... to me practising the guitar all afternoon. She was out of breath because she (run) ... I didn't recognise Bill. He (dye) ... his hair orange! She was angry because I (not phone) ... her for over a week. He was worried because he (lose) ... his passport. The sea was warm because the sun (shine) ... on it all day. Sue didn't come to the party because nobody (tell) ... her about it. They (not go out) ... with each other very long before they got married.

помогите найти соответствия

1)общественная служба
2)государственная служба
3)внутренняя государственная служба
4)государственная гражданская служба

а)career service
б)civil service
в)national service
г)public service

Задать семь любых вопросов по этому тексту

1. As long as we live we continue to learn, and the education we receive when we are young helps us to continue learning. We are taught to read and write, and are taught many of the essential facts about the world and shown how to sort them out1 so that later in life, we shall be able to find out things ourselves and not to ask other people.The first teachers were fathers and mothers, but very early in the history of man children began to be taught by people other than their fathers and mothers. It is thought that schools first started in Egypt 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, and that it was the invention of writing which made them necessary.2. Only the sons of nobles2 attended the first Egyptian schools, which taught reading, physical education and good behaviour. In ancient India the priestly caste3 decided what should be taught to each of the four castes, or groups, into which people were divided.Only the priestly caste was allowed to learn the Hindu scriptures. In China, until the 19th century, education was organized according to social classes, and consisted largely of learning the scriptures by heart.

Задайте 5 вопросов к

Kate will bug the piano next week
4)к подлежащему
Заранее спасибо

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Нужно написать письмо в ответ на это

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Помогите ответить на письмо, пожалуйста. I love everyone in my family and they are very nice to me. However, there is something that troubles me

a lot and makes me feel a kind of disadvantaged. The point is that there is no sense of family in our house. We never fight with each other, and there are no family rows. We try not to get on each other's nerves, but we never do anything together. Everyone is preoccupied with their own business. Mum normally does some cooking, looks through some papers or discusses something with her collegues on the phone. Dad either watches TV or upgrades his car. My brother, who is eight, draws something or plays computer games. As for me, I just feel bored and lonely. To conceal it I pretend to be very busy with my homework, or go out even when I don't feel like doing it at all. Is it the same in other families? If you happen to have some ideas on how to help us. I'd really appreciate it. What could we do together to feel that we are together.

Нужно ответить на это письмо, используя предложения ниже, их нужно закончить.

doing something together is crucial to family happiness...

from my personal experience i can say that...

i can honestly say...

it can be interesting to different generations...

to involve everyone in...

i suppose everyone will enjoy...

why dont you arrange...

you can try...

it will give you a feeling...

if it doesn't work...

Пожалуйста помоги срочно нужно.....нужно ответить на вот это письмо "Last month our class went to Washington to visit the National Museum of

American History. It was my first visit there and it was fun! How often do you go to
museums with your class, if at all? Which museum is your favorite or what
museum would you like to visit? Why do you think people should go there?
This summer we plan to go hiking with my parents."

И в письме должно содержаться:

1-ответы на вопросы в письме

2-задать 3 вопроса про летние планы

3-написать 100-140 слов

Пожалуйста,помогите написать письмо,очень очень надо(

кто-нибудь выручите!))

Написать письмо, в котором должны быть ответы на вопросы :what holiday is your fovourite and why? What presents do you like to give and get? What do people do on holidays?

перевести на английский язык

Что вы собираетесь делать завтра вечером? Наш отдел собирается встретиться с архитекторами нашего города.О чем вы собираетесь говорить с ними?
Они собираются строить новый дом в нашем районе в будущем году.Мы собираемся обсудить проект этого дома? Когда вы собираетесь ответить на это письмо? Мы собираемся решить этот вопрос на следующей неделе и написать ответ через неделю. Наш главный инженер собирается посетить их учреждение.

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