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как переводятся слова: greeting lovely sights

5-9 класс

NastyaAlekseeva222 30 июня 2014 г., 19:38:10 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 июня 2014 г., 22:04:47 (9 лет назад)

Greeting - приветствие.
Lovely - прекрасный.
Sights - достопримечательности.
Я думаю, что так.Надеюсь, что помогла:з

+ 0 -
30 июня 2014 г., 23:14:39 (9 лет назад)

приветствие прекрасные (любимые) достопримечательности


Другие вопросы из категории


1)Comic Relief organizes Red Nose Day every two years. It's the biggest TV fundraising event in the UK calendar. On Red Nose Day everyone in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is encouraged to put on a red nose, and do something a little bit silly to raise money - celebrities included. A clown-style red nose is the symbol of Red Nose Day. Most schools in the UK are involved in Red Nose Day, too.
2)Сomic Relief was set up on BBC 1 on Christmas Day 1985 from a refugee camp in Sudan to let people know about the famine in Africa. It began with a few live events, getting support from the comedy community. It was started by comedians who wanted to use comedy to let people know about poverty in the UK and in Africa. The first Red Nose Day was in 1988 with Lenny Henry, Griff Rhys Jones and Jonathan Ross, presenting the show and raising 15 million! Over the years, more than 2050 celebrities have given their time and talent to Comic Relief.
3)Comic Relief raises money for people who need it most in Africa and the UK. Sixty per cent of Red Nose Day money is spent in Africa and forty per cent in the UK. Experts carefully decide which projects should get money. Since Comic Relief started it has raised over 337 million. Comic Relief cash in Africa has educated people about AIDS, taught women to read, immunized children and helped to give some, especially girls, an opportunity to go to school and learn professional skills. Across the UK it has helped disabled people and supported older people.


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