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5-9 класс

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I think that every teenager around the world has a hobby and know what to do in your free time. Many girls like going window shopping and checking out the shop for new clothes. Boys spend a lot of time playing computer games and doing sports. In Irkutsk there are a lot of entertainment places which teenagers like to visit. One of them is 130 quarter. There they can watch a movie, go shopping, grab a bite to eat and just walk around and see the sights. During the week I don’t do much in the evenings apart from my homework, but on the weekends I usually go to the movies with my friends or walk and train my dog.

Ssi1107 03 апр. 2014 г., 18:44:11 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 апр. 2014 г., 21:08:26 (10 лет назад)

у тебя нет ошибок.) можешь смело сдовать учителю)

+ 0 -
03 апр. 2014 г., 22:34:03 (10 лет назад)

I think that every teenager around the world has his own hobby and knows what to do in his free time. Many girls like going window shopping and checking out the shop for new clothes. Boys spend a lot of time playing computer games and doing sports. There are a lot of entertainment places which teenagers like to visit in Irkutsk 


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Переведите пожалуйста. И не с переводчика. А то там не понятно.

A true friend is a friend who you will never fall out with and who will be your friend for ever. My brother has such a friend.
For me a true friend is a person who never laughs at you, never calls you names and enjoys doing the same things as you do.

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Hello!My name is Angelina. I finished grade 8. In school, I trying to learn is well. My favorite subjects are russian, literature and history. Besides school, I'm in a music school. There I learn singing, playing the piano, solfeggio and music history. In this sphere, I am making progress and the plan is to go to music college. I want to become a music teacher and pass on their knowledge to others. I also have a hobby. Already a year I go to drama and I like the theater. In my spare time I like to spend for an interesting book. Read prefer fiction, classic novels and lyrics. And of course when I get time, I will devote a part of my family. My family is big and friendly. When we get together, we like to share news and interesting stories or play board games. There are many reasons why I want to study in England. I will list the main ones. Firstly I can visit the beautiful and historically important places. Secondly, I find new friends. More importantly, I will look into the history and culture of another country. Of course, I'll practice more in English. All this is very interesting to me. I hope that I will succeed.

ПРОВЕРЬТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА НА ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ОШИБКИ!! The history of British cinema is very diverse. It’s divided into five major


The first part tells us about the rise of British cinema in the 60s and the immense contribution of the world-famous band - The Beatles in story. Also, the most successful series film - James Bond.

The second part tell us about the sad 70. Specifically, the Americans refused to sponsor the UK film, leaving him with no money and no right to exist.

The third part is devoted to mixed eighties. Television and cinema are beginning to cooperate closely. People thought that this is the beginning of new relations between cinema and television - and others said that the arrival of television meant the end of the movie.

In 1990, according to spectators, there was the return of the British cinema.

Many of the then-known blockbusters were filmed American directors.

Проверьте текст на ошибки, пожалуйста. Ошибки с окончаниями и тд, в общем, грамматические. Писала сочинение, но google переводчик сами знаете, как

переводит. Сочинение на тему "Мой знак зодиака - близнецы".
My sign of the zodiac - twins. And when I once again read through the horoscope of your zodiac sign , then wondered - how does this description sounds like me . In the horoscope was written that I quickly throw what I was doing without regret , and begin to seek another case. As the truth is the truth. Quite often I get tired of one passion , and I am desperately trying to switch to another , as the monotonous things depress me . Also in the horoscope is written that I do not punctual person . But it is not. I rarely late, and if it does happen, I 'm late for a while. Twins do not like slow-moving people, they are emotional, like stepping into the debate for hours on the flight , proving his point. I agree with these opinions, yes , it's very similar to me . In my horoscope there are a few differences from me, but this can only say one thing : how many people, so many opinions.

Проверьте, правильно ли я составил текст о моём домашнем животном (проверьте на грамматические ошибки) (Текст внутри) I would like to

tell you about my cat.It is name is Barsik.
It is eyes is yellow,It is color is white.
It is clever, beautiful, naughty and fat.
It like to eat meat and drink milk. Sometimes he drink water.
I like run with it. Also we play with ball together. I like my cat.

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