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Kete has got a cd . its her/hers cd.

5-9 класс

Stibikina 12 июля 2013 г., 22:56:56 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 июля 2013 г., 1:27:38 (10 лет назад)

her CD - потому что есть существительное, нельзя употребить в данном случае абсолютное местоимение hers) 


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раскрыть скобки

1) What you ( do) here ?
2) I (wait) for Ann.
3) It is five o`clock but dhe ( come not) yet
4) Perhaps something (happen) to her
5) He (not) well yet,

Помогите пожалуйста

7 класс

Помогите пожалуйста с англиийским языком. Нужно найти ошибки. 1)We asked a police officer to tell ours the way.

2) Please can you show to me a map?

3)I'm looking for my friends but I can't see they.

4)Could you lend some money me?
5) Turn left and you'll see the restaurant on right.

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the south of england, near Surrey ,Elspeth Beard ,THE famous architect has got a very unusual house. it's a water tower ,130 ft*tall .the house is 100

years old .the tower has got six floors. there is a reception room on the ground floor .the bedrooms are on the first, second and third floors .they have all got their own bathroom .the kitchen is on the fourth floor and the living room is on the fifth .there are 142 steps to the roof , 88 to the kitchen and 113 to the living room .lt's a great way to keep fit as there isn't a lift . that's the price you pay for living high up!

Make these sentences negative or interrogative as in the example. EXAMPLE : She has got a good friend. Has she got a good friend?

He has to return before two o clock. He doesnt have to return before two o clock.

1. steve has got to spend more time doing his homework.

2. Mother has got an old photo of herself as a little girl.

3. We have to study the map of the British Isles.

4. They have got a passport.

5. All the people have got to take care of the envieonment.

6. We have got a good bus service in our town.

7. This country has got a monarch.

8. She has to ask someone for advice.

9. We have got to learn more about this empire.

10. Teenagers have to be polite to grove-ups.

Спасибо большое!!

Помогите пжл, ТОЛЬКО НЕ ПЕРЕВОДЧИК!!! иначе не зачту решенным мой вопрос

Work in groups. Discuss what a person should do if he/she:
feels tired all the time
can`t get to sleep
has got a high temperature
has got aching joints
has got a sore throat
his/her chest hurts
has got a bad cough

The island for my Frend. My Frend has got------------- island. There------and--------on the island. There is a------------there. The island

is--------and-------. There are ------------on the island. ------has got-------trees. ------likes----and-----. But------hasn"t got------.

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