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write a portrait of a

5-9 класс

Styler 31 марта 2017 г., 2:58:20 (7 лет назад)
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31 марта 2017 г., 4:50:11 (7 лет назад)

 Angelina Jolie radiates understanding and compassion. People sense her warmth and fairness. For this reason, Angelina attracts many people who are in need of comfort, including the disadvantaged. People tend to come to her to unload their burdens. Jolie inspires confidence.

Angelina Jolie has a fine sense of justice. She does everything in her power to keep the harmony and is even willing to sacrifice her personal desires for the good of others.

Angelina can take this too far, however, sometimes playing the role of the martyr. She has to guard against being taken advantage of. Jolie is not always a very good judge of character. She tends to see the best in others. She can also become too involved in the lives of others, to her own detriment. (This aspect can be balanced by other numbers in Angelina's chart.)

Angelina Jolie is hospitable and domestic. She loves children and is a good parent. She is romantic, faithful and very protective.


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