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Переведите подалуйста то что више. (Features of the summer school)

5-9 класс

Umnicha 16 янв. 2015 г., 1:56:27 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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16 янв. 2015 г., 3:58:13 (9 лет назад)

features of the summer school 
особенности летней школы


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Меня зовут Артём, ,я радился в 2002 году 25 июня ,мне 12 лет, мая фамилия Расторгуев, я учюсь в 7 б классе, живу в Викторовке,

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Я написал вопросы по русски а вы их напишите по английски

1) Где расположен Уэльс?
2) Какая столица Уэльса?
3) Кардифф промышленный город или сельскохозяйственный?
4) Какой национальный костюм в Уэльсе?
5) Какая национальная игра в Уэльсе?
6) Когда национальный день в Уэльсе?
7) Что изображено на символе Уэльса?
8) Какой национальный цветок в Уэльсе?
9) Какие традиции в Уэльсе?
10) На каком языке разговаривают в Уэльсе?
11) Сколько человек проживает в Уэльсе?

Кто сделает поставлю лучшее и спасибо

помогите напишыте как читается надо выучить а я не умею читеть UK consist of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Irland. Population of UK is 58,5

millions people. The Head of the State is queen Elizabeth II. The most famous cities are London, Edinburgh, York, Liverpool, Stratford-upon-Avon, Chambrige and Oxford. London is a capital of UK. Scotlans is a capital of Scotland. York is famous for narrow streets. Liverpool is famous for "The Beatles". Stratford-upon-Avon is famous for William Shakespeare. Chambrige and Oxford are famous for universities and bikes. People are farmers. Stone Henge is temple, clock or calendar

Читайте также

Переведите плиз:Giant panda-one of the most known, but also the most rare animals.Now at liberty there were very few pandas,but in recent years are put a

lot of effort to provide their survival.
Pandas in the wild occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity, they may get honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.
"Black glasses"-special feature of the panda.It make them beautiful and lovely.Giant pandas are bears. They have fur. Their fur is black and white. The black fur is on their ears. They have black fur around their eyes. They have black fur on their legs. They also have black fur on their shoulders.
The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan province, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. As a result of farming, deforestation and other development, the panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived.
Now the problem of disappearance of rare animals is actual. Giant panda also in this list.The giant panda is an endangered species. It may become extinct. In 2013, it was estimated that there were less than 2,500 mature giant pandas living in the wild. Illegal hunting is no longer a problem. It is a crime. The penalties are harsh.
The greatest threat to survival is the loss of living areas. People are ruining the areas where pandas live. They are cutting down trees. They are building farms. Groups of pandas are forced to live in small areas. They are isolated. They cannot mix other panda groups.Giant pandas eat bamboo. Sometimes the bamboo dies off. At one time, pandas could move to an area where bamboo was still growing. Moving has become more and more difficult. People are living and working in panda areas. Pandas cannot move about as freely as they once did.
I consider that we will protect these lovely animals. We will not allow them to die. Who else will protect them, if not we.

Answer the questions. 1.Who is telling the story? 2.Where was the writer born? 3.Where did he live in England? 4.Where was the end of the Roman

territory? 5.How did the Roman boy and the Celtic girl meet? 6.Why didn't the girl die when she fell off the wall? 7.What was the girl's name? 8.Who was the girl's aunt? 9.Why was the Roman boy scared of Druids? 10.Patrick and Hilori got married,didn't they? 11.Who started the war between the Romans and the Celts? 12.What happened in yhe end? 13.What did the ring bring in this story? Помогите пожалуйста.

Кто говорит история? 2. Где он родился? 3. Где он живет в Англии? 4. Где был конец римской территории? 5. Как римский мальчик и девочка кельтских встретиться? 6. Почему ты не девушка умирает, когда она упала стена? 7. Как звали девушку? 8. Кто был тети девушки? 9. Почему римский мальчик боится друидов? 10. Патрик и Hilori вышла замуж, не так ли? 11. Кто начал войну между римлянами и кельтами? 12. То, что произошло в 5 он закончится? 13. Что кольцо принести в эту историю?

The only one who has a good day for me and I don't think that I have a great way of the day before I get a follow back on my way home from work to be the

first half of the day before I get a follow back on my way home from work to be the first half of the year and the day I have a great way of life and the first half of the first half was the only way of saying it is the first half of this month in which a good idea of what is your own way too long for a long way in hell of an old is he so much for a long oil companies are so much for a long time ago and I have a great way to get a follow from you would be a good day to be a great day for the day before the end of the first!!!переведите пожалуйста

12×2=24 points) Read the letter. Put the positive and negative full forms of the verbs in the correct form. Put the answers only in full forms with one

space between them! Вводим/записываем полные формы глаголов через один пробел между словами возле соответствующего номера (если в скобках указано местоимение или наречие, то их также вводим/записываем на нужном месте!)

Dear Sal,

You’ll never guess where I (11. __________ write) from, I (12. __________ sit) in the garden of a hotel overlooking Lake Windermere. The hotel we (13. _______________ stay) in is amazing! It’s so good to get away. Every morning I (14. __________ get) up at 7 o’clock and I (15. __________ go) for a swim in the lake before breakfast. Since we arrived, we (16. _______________ do) a lot of sightseeing but we (17. ____________________ not/visit) the castle yet.

We are watching the boats coming and going all morning and the owner of the hotel (18. ____________________ just/suggest) that we take a boat trip this afternoon. There is a boat that leaves at 2 o’clock that we can take to cross the lake to Wray Castle—it sounds like fun.

We have certain plans. We (19. _______________ travel) to Scotland this weekend to visit relatives and then we (20. _______________ return) to London next week.

I was happy to hear you’re going to Paris this summer, (21. _______________ you/book) the tickets yet? It’s an amazing city, so I’m sure you (22. _______________ have) a great time. You’re so lucky!

Email me soon and tell me your news.


But it is hardly fair to say that American media do not try to raise the cultural level of the people or to develop their artistic taste. Many of the

TV programms are excellent, they are made in good taste and with great professional skill. Radio and television bring into millions of homes not only entertaiment and news but also cultural and educational programms. Radio stations broadcast about ten thousand hours of musical programs weekly. Many programs are made up almost entirely of classical music. There is a lot of education both on the radio and on television. For instance, you can take a TV course in history, pollitical economy, management, banking and in many other subjects or learn a foreign language by radio. Educational TV films and programmes are shown in schools and colleges as part of the currculum. The opinion that all commercial programs are of little artistic value can also be disputed.

Переведите пожалуйста))) Срочно!!!

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