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сочинение на тему если я был бы миллионером на английском языке

10-11 класс

Elviraablyaeva 23 июня 2013 г., 23:14:42 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 июня 2013 г., 0:09:58 (10 лет назад)

do you ever thought about being a millionaire? but why i'm asking, of course you did. you might ask the same to me, if i  were a millionaire? what would i do?
First of all let's talk about, what does it mean " to be a millionaire?" of course it mean that i have lots of money, millions of money. So, first of all if i were a millionaire i as a most people in the world  i would buy a new house, i would do everything i want, because money makes our dream come true. Not all dreams actually but all materials dreams. I would spend them on parties and beautiful clothes, i would travel around the world, i would visit countries that i didn't saw before.but it's my first things i would do after becoming a millionaire, The next and most important, i would help my parents and may be i would create some charity events, i would try to help children. In my point of view, the most important in like " being a millionaire" or " becoming a millionaire" it's to be yourself, whatever happens you should be yourself. and never change your attitude to those who are by your side, that's why i would try to make all my parent's dreams come true. I believe i would do it. finally, i may write here lots of sentences on the theme if i were a millionaire i would.. but the most important to help others who surround you. because of it i would like to finish that if i were a millionaire i would try to make world better.


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Переведите текст,пожалуйста,на английский Глобализация это процесс объединения политики,экономики и культуры в одно целое. Так же глобализация- это

причина современной информационной революции. По моему мнению, глобализация-это возрастание различных факторов, поэтому я "за " глобализацию. А другие люди поддерживают негативную точку зрения, их называют антиглобалисты.

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