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Write as in the example slow-slower the slowest

1-4 класс

Mohsterhi1 29 июня 2016 г., 16:05:33 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 июня 2016 г., 17:55:59 (7 лет назад)

dark-darker-the darkest nice-nicer-the nicest large-larger-the largest

+ 0 -
29 июня 2016 г., 19:03:04 (7 лет назад)

Big bigger the biggest good better the best beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful


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Write as in the example..slow-slower-the slowest wonderful-more wonderful-the most wonderful strong 'short' interesting 'young 'famous' fantastik

'cheap' expensive' light' good' terrible' bad' delicious

Write questions as in the example.

example:We have no bread.(to go to the shop) - Shall I go to the shop?

1) There is an interesting film on the cinema.(to buy tickets)
2) I can t do the expcise.Its very difficult.(to help)
3) The room is dirty.(to clean)
4) It s very hot in the room.(to open the window)
5) We are very hungry.(to cook pizza)

These children are five winners of yesterdays bike race.Write about them as in the example.


1)Yesterday Leo took first place in the race and got a medal.

Write sentences as in the example.

Mr Ivanov lives in Moscow.
The Ivanovs live in Moscow.

1. Mr Brown lives in London.
2. Mrs Green wants to go there.
3. Mr Baranov has got a nice house.
4. Mr Serov often visits Moscow.
5. Mr Lukin is happy.
6. Mr Potter sometimes goes to the country.
7. Mrs Smith had a party.
8. Mrs Lomov was basy.
9. Mr White has lunch at home.
10. Mrs Jackson is in the country now.

Мне нужен не перевод, а решение.

Read what the people do every day.Then say about yesterday as in the example.1]Mike listens to music every day.2]Lily paints every day.3]Granny cooks

dinner every day.4]Jane helps Mum in the kitchen every day.5]Bill phones his parents every day.6]Grandpa fixes his car every day.

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