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помогите составить 5 предложений с глаголом has

10-11 класс

Nadira4ka1 29 авг. 2014 г., 2:15:04 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 авг. 2014 г., 3:18:34 (9 лет назад)

She has a sister and a brother
My mother has fair hair
My friend has a black dog
He has got a nice kitten.
Olga has got many books at home. 

+ 0 -
29 авг. 2014 г., 4:00:18 (9 лет назад)

She has got an umbrella
He has written the essay
Has she cut her hair
He has got a brother
She has very beautiful garden


Другие вопросы из категории


Упражнение 1

Раскройте скобки, употребляя
глаголы в
Present Continuous.

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски предложенными словамиEarthquake and EpidemicMedical teams, rescue teams, trapped, rubble, epidemic, casualties, toll, collaps

e, outbreak, earthquakeIn some parts of the world the ground shakes from time to time. This is called an _____ and if it’s a bad one, the number of (dead and injured people) is sometimes large. Buildings often _____ and _____ have to search for people who are _____ under the _____. Sometimes water supplies are affected and there is an _____ of disease, called an _____. _____ are sent by the government to help the sick. The death _____ can reach hundreds or even thousands.
Задание 3. Заполните пропуски словамиHealthy, solid particles, quantities, ultraviolet, dump, combustion, wild plants, atmosphere, pollution1) Hydrocarbons are caused by the _____ of oil and petrol and it effects the environment with carcinogen.2) Radioactive isotopes which are caused by small _____ from nuclear waste and nuclear accidents have a carcinogenic effect on the environment as well.3) Besides that optical effect it causes an increase of ozone in the lower _____ and the health conditions of the particular organism living in such an area.4) In Scandinavia, which receives a high proportion of its air _____ from Britain, once productive lakes are now completely devoid of fish.5) Emissions of dust can and should be controlled by filters which remove _____ before gases are discharged.6) More and more often people are told not to be in direct sunlight, because _____ radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer.7) There is no ocean or sea which is not used as a _____.8) It may be that the medicines we need will be discovered in _____ in savannas, deserts or rainforests.9) We need to choose cheap electricity and polluting the environment and expensive electricity but _____ life and clean environment.

Моего друга зовут Олег. Он живет в новом районе Москвы. У него удобная двухкомнатная квартира в большом доме. В квартире — гостиная и спальня. В

гостиной не много мебели, но мебель новая и удобная. Комната светлая благодаря большому окну. В комнате есть диван зеленого цвета. Около дивана — телевизор, два кресла и торшер. Вечерами после работы Олег любит сидеть в кресле, просматривать газеты и журналы и пить чай или кофе. Он не очень часто смотрит телевизор. В субботу или в воскресенье к Олегу приходят друзья, чтобы провести с ним вечер. Друзья говорят о своих делах, слушают музыку, обсуждают последние события.

Переделать предложения из косв.речи в прямую.По образцу(0)

0. The advisor asked me how I was getting on.(How are you getting on?)
1.he asked me what I wanted to do when I left school.
2. told me not to imagine that it was easy.
3. he wanted to know what my best subjects were.
4. he asked me if I had ever acted in a play.
5. he told me to get some experience, to join a theatre group, and then to try to get into a good drama school.
6. he wanted to know if my parents knew about my ambition to be an actress.
7. he asked me if they would be happy about it.
8. he asked me if I had ever thought of becoming a teacher.

Читайте также

Составить 1) составить 4 предложения с одним(любым) неправильным глаголом в Past Simple, Past Continuous(Progressive), Past Perfect, Past Perfect

2) составить 4 предложения с одним(любым) неправильным глаголом в Past Simple, Past Continuous(Progressive), Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous(Progressive)
вообщем должно получится 8 предложений

Составить 20 предложений с (have/has) и c неправильными глаголами вместе


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