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Какие слова есть со суффиксом -sion!?

5-9 класс

Wolkangelina 09 авг. 2013 г., 9:11:12 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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09 авг. 2013 г., 10:16:20 (10 лет назад)

session; profession; commission; depression; transmission; illusion; corrosion; diffusion; provision; division
Их вообще много)) 


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Читайте также

2.Выберите правильное вопросительное слово для данного предложения.

_________ do you have your breakfast?
a/ who b/ when c/which d/how e/what
6.В каком случае вспомогательный глагол do стоит верно?
a/ When do you go to school? b/ He do like apples. c/ Who do go to school every day? d/ He do not play tennis. e / My mother do not help you.
9.Какое предложение верное? Обрати внимание на порядок слов.
a/ I and my brother often play tennis.
b/ My brother and I play tennis often.
c/ I and my brother play tennis often.
d/ My brother often play tennis and I too.
e/ My brother and I often play tennis.
Задачи, оцениваемые в 3 балла.
11.Даны наречия, которые употребляются с разными временами английского глагола.
Выберите то, которое является показателем Present Simple.
a/tomorrow b/ yesterday c/ always d/ already e/ next morning
12. В четырех, приведенных ниже примерах, есть ошибки. Найдите верный вариант.
a/ He play football on Sundays.
b/ My mother do not like to play tennis.
c/ He is drinking tea now.
d/ They listening to music.
e/My parents has breakfast early in the morning.
13. Какое слово лишнее?
a/ a living room b/ a kitchen c/ a hall d/ a bathroom e/ a sofa
14. Выберите нужный предлог.
There are three rooms _____ the flat.
a/ on b/ in c/ under d/ at e/ between
15. Кот Матроскин написал своему другу письмо. Прочитай внимательно.
Dear Fyodor!
It is New Year soon (скоро). I like New Year very much. Sharik likes it too. He takes photos of different animals and birds. I am making a cake for our party now. Petchkin likes this holiday. He sends postcards and telegrammes to all our friends.
We put a New Year Tree in the yard near our house. It is big and nice. All birds and animals often sit in our tree. Please, come to our village.
We want to see you very much.
А сейчас прочитайте текст еще раз. Из данных ниже предложений выберите то, которое не соответствует тексту письма.
a/ It is Christmas soon.
b/ Matroskin likes this holiday.
c/ Petchkin sends postcards and telegrammes to our friends.
d/ There is a nice New Year Tree in the yard.
e/ Birds and animals like their tree.
16. Найдите верный перевод для этого словосочетания: самая интересная книга
a/ an interesting book b/ the more interesting book c/ the book is more interesting
d/ the most interesting book e/ the book is not interesting
18. Из 5 утверждений об английских праздниках выберите неверное.
a/ English people celebrate Christmas on the 25 of December.
b/ Englishmen put a New Year Tree at home.
c/ They celebrate Halloween on the 31st of October.
d/ Father Christmas comes down the chimney and puts presents into the stockings.
e/ During the New Year night children go from house to house and say : « Trick or treat ».

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