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Сделайте пожалуйста оьщие вопросы к каждому предложению!!!плиз срочно!!

5-9 класс

Mrr1996 12 авг. 2014 г., 15:44:21 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 авг. 2014 г., 17:04:29 (9 лет назад)

1. Did he go to the cinema yesterday?

2. Does he get up at 8 o clock?

3. Was the weather warm?

4. Did they work on Monday?

5. Is she very famous?

6. Do they go to the theatre every month?

7. Were we in London?











Другие вопросы из категории

Ребят, помогите составить пересказ текста на 15 предложений(( очень нужно

When I was four months old, my mother died. I had no brothers or sisters. So all my boyhood, from the age of four months, there were just two of us, my father and me. We lived in an old gypsy caravan. My father owned the filling station and the caravan, that was about all he owned in the world. It was a very small filling station on a small country road with fields and woody hills around it.
While I was still a baby, my father washed me and fed me, pushed me in my pram to the doctor and did all the millions of other things a mother normally does for her child. That is not an easy task for a man, especially when he has to earn his living at the same time.
But my father was a cheerful man. I thinks that he gave me all the live he had felt for my mother when she was alive. We were very close. During my early years, I never had a moments unhappiness, and here I am on my fifth birthday.
I was a little boy as you can see, with dirt and oil all over me, but that was because I spent all day in the workshop helping my father with the cars. The workshop was stone building. My father built that himself with loving care. We are engineers, you and I, he said to me. We earn our living by repairing engines and we can’t do good work in a bad workshop. It was a fine workshop, big enough to take one car comfortably.
The caravan was our house and our home. My father said it was at least one hundred and fifty years old. Many gipsy children, he said, he been born in it and had grown up within its wooden walls. Different people had knocked at its doors, different people had lived in it. But now its best years were over. There was only one room in the caravan, and it wasn’t much bigger than a modern bathroom.
Although we had electric lights in the workshop, we were not allowed to have them in the caravan as it was dangerous. So we got our heat and light in the same way as the gypsies had done years ago. There was a wood-burning stove that kept us warm in winter and there were candles in candlesticks. I think that the stew cooked by my father is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. One plate was never enough.
For furniture, we had two narrow beds, two chairs and a small table covered with a tablecloth and some bowls, plates, cups, forks and spoons on it. Those were all the home comforts we had. They were all we needed.
I really lived living in that gypsy caravan. I lived the evenings when I was in my bed and my father was telling stories. I was happy because I was sure that when I went to sleep my father would still be there, very close to me, sitting in his chair by the fire.
My father, without any doubt, was the most wonderful and exciting father any boy ever had. Here is a picture of him.
You may think, if you don’t know him well, that he was a serous man. He wasn’t. He was actually full of fun. What made him look so serious and sometimes sad was the fact that he nevr smiled with his mouth. He did it all with his eyes. He had bright blue eyes and when he thought of something funny, you could see a golden light dancing in the middle of each eye. But the mouth never moved. My father was not what you would call an educated man. I doubt he had read many books in his life. But he was an excellent storyteller. He promised to make up a bedtime story for me every time I asked him. He always kept his promise. The best stories were turned into serials and went on many nights running.

Перевести. Очень срочно,не пользоваться переводчиком.

"Мой питомец!"У меня есть котенок. Его зовут Пушок. Он серого цвета. У него такие веселые ушки! То они весело стоят, то висят как у слона. У него мягкие лапки, а хвостик всегда стоит. Он очень нежно мурлычет. Пушок все время требует, есть, сколько бы его не кормили! Он громко мяукает на кухне, вертится под ногами, лезет на стол. Если я не сразу покормлю его, он кусает меня за ноги! И при этом кот выглядит довольно упитанным. Мой кот очень ласковый, забавный и умный. Он всегда каким-то образом узнаёт, когда я иду со школы. Когда дверь открывается, он выбегает мне навстречу, трётся об мои ноги и громко мяукает, как будто говорит, как сильно он скучал по мне. Мой кот, лучший друг и член семьи, и я очень его люблю!

поставте глаголы в Простое прошедшее время т.е Past Simple

Теперь тоже самое только в предложении в скобках нужно слова поставить в Past Siple.
8)How (Axel and the professor / travel)?
9) (Miss Marple / live) in England ?
10) (You / help) Cory with his homework?

Читайте также


This is the book whose / which / where the plot is intriguing.
Olga whose / who / which father is my director studies in this school.

2005 was the year where / which / when I won the school song contest.

This is the cottage which / whose / where I live in.

I love my cat Pussy whose / which / where likes to lie near our fire place.

Let me introduce my best friend Tom who / whose / which hobby is to write funny stories.


Напишите пожалуйста разделительные вопросы к этим предложениям:

In this town, a Roman road( in Latin strata) crossed theAvon(in the Welsh languages, the word afon means a river).
Of the names of the places we are often able to tell who the people were in the past.
Latin words started to be used in the names of English places a very long time age.
Специальный вопрос к этим предложениям:
From this we know that at different times Roman, Welsh and English people lived here.
We can easily tell where Europeans from different countries settled in America by looking at the original names.

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!:( Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям.вообще ничего не понимаю, сделайте

Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1) There are some new books in our library.
2)There is no book on the table/
3)There were many old houses in our street/
4) There are 4 seasons in a year
5) There will be a conference next week.
6) There are many large cities in our country.
7) There was nobody in the room.
8) There are 7 days in a week.
9) There is something on the shelf.
10) There are many places of interest in London.
11)There are many beautiful flowers in our garden.
12)There was much work last week

Перепишите предложения, раскрыв скобки и поставь "to be" в нужную форму. К каждому предложению задайте общий вопрос, дайте краткие ответы. 1.

We (to be) students now. 2. My sister (to be) a pupil in 1999. 3. My parents (to be) in church last Sunday. 4. Liza and Mark (to be) friends. 5. My group mates (to be) at the Academy? 6. He (to be) a student a year ago. 7. They (to be / not) ready last meeting.

Сделайте, пожалуйста...

Задайте к каждому предложению общий вопрос, отрицание и специальный.

1. We were watching TV the whole evening yesterday.
2. He spent his childhood in France.
3. She meets her children after school every day.
4. They have already visited a lot of cities in this country.
Сделайте пожалуйста срочно надо, хоть сколько нибудь

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