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Помогите плизз прошу!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! complete the text. use: use: friday, homework, english, heart , learn, do, questions,

5-9 класс


Look at our timetable. We have got Enqlish on monday Wednesday and ... in enqlish lessons we ... new words translate from russian .... english ask and answer a lot of .... sing songs and learn poems by ... I enjoy learning .... but i don't like to ... homework. On Fridays theere is no .... i like English on Friday.

Annaksen2014 30 окт. 2014 г., 8:05:09 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 окт. 2014 г., 10:57:48 (9 лет назад)

friday,learn,into,questions,heart,english,do,homework ....вроде так с:

+ 0 -
30 окт. 2014 г., 13:02:30 (9 лет назад)

Прошу помогите сделать!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Читайте также

помогите срочно a:complete the story using the words:always, usually often sometimes seldom never

susan drives from london to winchester on friday (often) it is her visiting day (always) she visits her granny (usually) she drives to guildford to see her aunt (sometimes) but she she goes to see her uncle (seldon) he is a lean man a mean man he is a man who siles(never) susan doesn't like him
b. ask 6 general questions to the text using the same six words. see a.

Complete the Text. Use:thousands,was

Complete the Text.

Use:thousands,was founded,city,of,cathedrals,interesting,famous

London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Grear Britain and Northern Ireland.It is a very old city.It________about two thousands years ago.London is one of the most famous and_________cities in Europe.It is_______for its places of interest.There are lots of museums,historical buildings,ancient________and monuments.It is full_______history.Every year_________of tourists come to London

помогите прошу express the same using passive constructions.выразить то же самое с использованием пассивных конструкций.

1.We wasted a lot of time when we were looking for the right house.
2. People can do a lot to stop the destruction of forests.
3.People mustn't use nuclear weapons.
4.Biologists will tell you a lot about extinct animals of our planet.
5.You ought to rewrite the text to make it look nicer.
6.You should pack these fragile cups very well or they may break.

Помагите пожалуйста очень надо!!!! 1)Complete the text with the words from below there are a lot of cinema-goers. visit to the cinema is

becoming very popular way to spend free time/modern cinemas are beautiful and comfortable rooms are equipped with large new screens, special sound absorption panels and nice places you can buy tickets right before the movie starts or the day before certain types of films are the movies if you want to have fun you can choose comedy or Western if you enjoy special effects and are interested in around the idea of a future you can see science fiction or adventure.Children like to watch cartoons and come to the movies with their parents.

2)Use the text and find the appropriate words to eht definitions.

1)People,who enjoy going to the cinema in their free time.______________

2)Something that many people like._______________________

3) A piece of paper that shows you have paid to do something____________

4)A film about the life of cowboys in the USA in the 19th century.__________

5)A film using drawing and not real people,animals?things.___________--

Помогите пожалуйста!) Complete the text Use: thousands,was founded,of,cathedrals,interesting,famous. London is the capital of the

United Kingdom of Great Britan and Northern Ireland. It is a very old city. It ________________ aboud two thousand years ago.London is one of the most famous and _______________ cities in Europe. It is _______________ for its places of interest. There are lots of museums,historical bildings,ancient _______________ and monuments. It is full ________________ history. Every year ________________ of tourists come to London.


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