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Write a short review of any russian film that you like

5-9 класс

Peleevad 01 дек. 2016 г., 12:52:27 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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01 дек. 2016 г., 14:31:40 (7 лет назад)

I love watching movies, especially comedies. They raise a great mood. And besides, so good to laugh with friends or family, browsing your favorite band! My favorite movie - "Chasing Two Hares", filmed on the same drama Starytsky. I can watch it at least every day, and I never get bored. This film is very funny, and funny is not only a situation in which the heroes fall, but also their language, appearance, povedinka.Aktory play just fine, watching them, gets incredible pleasure. How many puns in the movie! After Svyryd and Pronia disguise themselves educated and cultured people, they really are not, so their efforts to create a good impression is often incredibly funny. Despite the fact that the film "Chasing Two Hares" is a brilliant comedy, it makes us think of the very serious and important issues.


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ПОМОГИТЕ!!!! ОБЪЯСНИТЕ постановку пропущенных слов!

The ‘Lost City of Atlantis’ was first described (1) _by_Plato, the famous Greek philosopher, over 2,000 years ago. His story paints a picture of an ancient civilisation whose hunger for power over others led to (2) _its_ final downfall. According to Plato, after a failed attempt to invade Athens, ‘the island of Atlantis was swallowed up by the sea and vanished’ in only one day.

Ever (3) _since_ this legendary account was given, philosophers and scientists have taken (4) __part__ in many debates and discussions about (5) __whether__ the city was real or not. Some say that Plato was merely trying to warn people about the dangers of political greed, (6) __while__ others believe the island really existed.

One American classical scholar, Daniel Dombrowsi, claims that Plato wanted to show (7) __what__ happened when man attempted to create an ‘ideal state’. However, some people have (8) __put___ forward the idea that Atlantis could (9) _have_ been one of the islands we know today as Crete, Santorini, Malta (10) __or__ Cyprus. And in their book ‘When The Sky Fell’, Rand and Rose Flem-Ath suggest that the lost nation could still exist today under the thick snow of Antarctica. Could a once sundrenched paradise now (11) _be_ a frozen tomb?

(12) _whichever_ theory we choose to believe, the myth of Atlantis seems set to remain a subject of debate for quite (13) _some____ time to come!

fill in gaps. Use very few or very liffe. 1)we have______butter. 2)there area______animais in the zoo . 3)there are_______hotels

in this town.

4)we have_______juice.

5)this winter is hot very goid.there is______snow.

Плз хэлп!!!!!

Нужно составить два рассказа о призедентах сша (кроме Вашингтона и линкольна)
плз хелп!!!

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