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Перевидите в косвенную речь,очеь нужно. JOHN: If the headteacher does not back what he said to me this morning.I am going to leave the

5-9 класс


David: What did he say?

John: Leave the college?

Sergeika 01 мая 2013 г., 6:50:39 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 мая 2013 г., 9:29:08 (11 лет назад)

John said, that if the teacher didn't back what he has said to him that morning, he would live the colledge

David asked, what has the teacher said

John answered that the teacher has said to leave the college


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Помогите пожалуйста сделать правильно упражнение по Английскому! Прочитайте предложения, употребив нужные по

смыслу предлоги: Behind, from, to, in front of, in, at.

1)There is a beautiful flowerbed ... the house.

2)The nurse does not live ... the hospital.

3)there is a little garden ... the house.

4)Lena's mother works ... the library.

5)Let's go ... the post office.

6) We live ... Vasilkovo.

1. She had ... computer games.

A) some

2. There is ... caviar in the can.
A) some

Пожалуйста 8 решите!спасибо

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Tell the jokes using reported speech.переделать в косвенную речь Voice on phone:John Smith is ill and cant attend classes today.He requested me t

o notify you

Teacher :all right.Who is this speaking?

voice:This is my roonnate


John:If the headteacher doesnt take back what he said to me this morning,Im going to leave the college.

David:What did he say?

John:Leave the college!

Переделать в косвенную речь)

“There is too much violence on TV,” said Tessa.

“If the taxi-driver arrives late you will miss your flight,” he said to her.

“I would travel abroad if I had enough money,” said Sam.

“I’ve been shopping. I bought you a nice pair of shoes,” Mrs Brown said to her husband.

“I have eaten nothing for two days, I’m dying of hunger,” he said to her.

“The Earth is a planet,” she said.

“I’ve been training hard recently,” he told the reporters.

“While the workers were repairing the roof, they broke the bathroom window,” she complained.

“I think I failed the Intelligence Test,” Jim said.

“You never listen to me, Sarah,” he complained.

“Those are the boys who chased me,” Olivia said.

“She has been waiting for a long time,” she said.

“We came by car,” they said.

“I’ve finished the letters you asked me to write,” Margaret said.

“My money had run out,” she said to her husband.

“I have been waiting for you in the hall,” he said to her.

“I’m going to Lancaster in May,” he said to me today.

“I went to a bullfight during my stay in Spain,” she said to him.

“I try to avoid working overtime,” he said.

“The baby will probably be walking and talking by the next time you come,” she said to him.

“I’m going to tell the whole story to the police,” she said to him.

“I’ve bought a present for you,” he said.

“My friend collects unusual ashtrays,” he said.

“We will get on well together,” she said to me.

“That was a wonderful party,” said Martin.

Передайте следующие специальные вопросы в косвенной речи.I said to him:"How long are you going to stay there"?2)I said to Nick:"where are you going"3)I

said to him:"How long will it take you to get there?"4)Pete said to his friends:"When are you leaving St.Peterburg?"5)He said to them:"Who will you see before you leave here?"6)They said to him:"What time does the train start?"7)Ann said to Mike:"When did you leave London?"8)She said to Boris:"When will you be back home?"9)Boris said to them:"How can i get to the railway station?"10)Mary asked Tom:"What time will you come here tomorrow?"11)She asked me:"Why didn t you come here yesterday?"12)She asked me:"What will you do tomorrow if you are not busy at your office?"13)I asked Mike:"What will you do after dinner?"14)I asked my uncle:"How long did you stay in the Crimea?"15)Ada said to me:"Where did you see such trees?"Помогите пожалуйста(((

Перевести с английского на русский.

If the Dean doesen t take bake what he said to me the morning.I am going to leave college/
what did he say?
He told me to leave college

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Вот предложение "Does power in Britain belong to the Queen? (Jane) нужно переделать в косвенную речь, получилось-Jane asks if power in Britain belong to the Queen. как перевести правильно это предложение?

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