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DAVID: Have your seen the Statue of Liberty? Mike: Oh . yes . we have. We`ve just had a helicopter tour of the city.We`re going to see a show on

5-9 класс


DAVID:Darling . enjoy your time

MIKE:Dad . have you ever heard the nickname of New York?

DAVID: Of . course. The Big Apple

MIKE: Yes. Bye-bye. Dfd .

DAVID: Bye. darling

Horosheishkolnik6 10 янв. 2015 г., 19:53:24 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 янв. 2015 г., 22:03:30 (9 лет назад)

Дэвид: Ты видел Статую Свободы?

Майк: О, да. У нас только что была экскурсия на вертолёте. Собираемся смотреть шоу на Бродвее.

Дэвид: Развлекайся, дорогой.


Майк: Пап, ты знаешь прозвище Нью-Йорка?

Дэвид: Конечно. Большое яблоко.

Майк: Да, пока-пока, пап.

Дэвид: Пока, дорогой.


Другие вопросы из категории

ПОМОГИТЕ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! :) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple. 1. I

(to read) books in the evening. 2. I (not to read) books in the morning. 3. I (to write) an exer­cise now. 4. I (not to write) a letter now. 5. They (to play) in the yard now. 6. They (not to play) in the street now. 7. They (to play) in the room now? 8. He (to help) his mother every day. 9. He (to help) his mother every day? 10. He (not to help) his mother every day. 11. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 12. My friend (not to like) to play football. 13.1 (not to read) now. 14. He (to sleep) now? 15.We (not to go) to the country in winter. 16.My sister (to eat) sweets every day. 17. She (not to eat) sweets now. 18. They (to do) their homework in the afternoon. 19. They (not to go) for a walk in the evening. 20. My father (not to work) on Sunday. 21. He (to work) every day.


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Test 5 The largest lady in the world is…a) Eiffel Tower b) The Statue of Liberty c) Pisa Tower d) Mount Everest e) The Statue of WomanThe U.S centre for

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поможіть скласти 10 запитань до цього тексту The Statue of Liberty is one of the main sights of New York City and the symbol of freedom of all Am

ericans. It’s the statue of a graceful woman with the flare in her hand, which enlightens the world. The structure of the woman is colossal. Its total height is about 93 meters. The woman only, without the flare and the base, is 46 meters. When visitors want to reach the spiky crown of the statue they should overpass 356 stairs. The Statue of Liberty is situated on the Liberty Island, which is not far from Manhattan. The full name of the statue is “Liberty Enlightening the World” and it was presented to the USA by Frenchmen on 28 October 1886 in order to commemorate the centennial of the American Revolution. Thus, the statue symbolizes freedom and democracy of American nation. Another remarkable symbol is the crown on the head of Statue of Liberty. It has seven rays on it, which symbolize seven continents and seven seas. The crown also contains 25 windows symbolizing earthly gems and heavenly rays, which illuminate the world. The Statue of Liberty is almost always open for visitors. People arrive here by ferry and then climb on top of the structure, where the museum of statue’s history is situated. People can also see well the spectacular New York Harbor from the top of the statue. Each year millions of tourists from all over the world visit the Statue of Liberty and remember this trip for a lifetime.

Have you seen the old man, in the closed down market,

kicking out the paper, in his worn out shoes?
In his eyes see no pridе and held loosely at his side
Yesterday's paper, telling yesterday's news.

So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you the sun don't shine?
Oh,let me take you by the hand
and lead you though the streets of London,
I'll show you something to make you change your mind.

And have you seen the old girl walks the streets of London,
Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags?
She´s no time for talking she just keep right on walking,
Carrying her home in two carrier bags.

And in the all-night café at quarter past eleven
Same old man sitting there on his own/
Looking at the world over the rim of his tea cup
Each tea lasts an hour and he wanders home alone.

And have you seen the old man outside seaman´s mission,
Memories fading with the medal ribbons that he wears?
And in our winter city, the rain cries little pity
For one more forgotten hero and the world there doesn´t care.


очень краткий пересказик 8 предложений очень срочно.... ROBIN HOOD AND THE BUTCHEr. [34] The Sheriff of Nottingham

hated Robin and would have been very glad if any one had killed him.

The Sheriff was a very unkind man. He treated the poor Saxons very badly. He often took away all their money, and their houses and left them to starve. Sometimes, for a very little fault, he would cut off their ears or fingers. The poor people used to go into the wood, and Robin would give them food and money. Sometimes they went home again, but very often they stayed with him, and became his men.

The Sheriff knew this, so he hated Robin all the more, and he was never so happy as when he caught one of Robin's men and locked him up in prison.

But try how he might, he could not catch Robin. All the same Robin used to go [35] to Nottingham very often, but he was always so well disguised that the Sheriff never knew him. So he always escaped.

The Sheriff was too much afraid of him to go into the forest to try to take him. He knew his men were no match for Robin's. Robin's men served him and fought for him because they loved him. The Sheriff's men only served him because they feared him.

One day Robin was walking through the forest when he met a butcher.

This butcher was riding gaily along to the market at Nottingham. He was dressed in a blue linen coat, with leather belt. On either side of his strong grey pony hung a basket full of meat.

In these days as there were no trains, everything had to be sent by road. The roads were so bad that even carts could not go along them very much, for the wheels stuck in the mud. Everything was carried on horseback, in sacks or baskets called panniers.

The butcher rode gaily along, whistling [36] as he went. Suddenly Robin stepped from under the trees and stopped him.

"What have you there, my man?" he asked.

"Butcher meat," replied the man. "Fine prime beef and mutton for Nottingham Market. Do you want to buy some?"

"Yes, I do," said Robin. "I'll buy it all and your pony too. How much do you want for it? I should like to go to Nottingham and see what kind of butcher I will make."

So the butcher sold his pony and all his meat to Robin. Then Robin changed clothes with him. He put on the butcher's blue clothes and leather belt, and the butcher went off in Robin's suit of Lincoln green, feeling very grand indeed.

Then Robin mounted his pony and off he went to Nottingham to sell his meat at the market.

When he arrived he found the whole town in a bustle. In those days there were very few shops, so every one used to go to market to buy and sell. The country people brought butter and eggs and honey to sell. With the money they got they bought platters [37] and mugs, pots and pans, or whatever they wanted, and took it back to the country with them.

All sorts of people came to buy: fine ladies and poor women, rich knights and gentlemen, and humble workers, every one pushing and crowding together. Robin found it quite difficult to drive his pony through the crowd to the corner of the market place where the butchers had their stalls.

He got there at last, however, laid out his meat, and began to cry with the best of them.

"Prime meat, ladies. Come and buy. Cheapest meat in all the market, ladies. Come buy, come buy. Twopence a pound, ladies. Twopence a pound. Come buy. Come buy."

"What!" said every one, "beef at twopence a pound! I never heard of such a thing. Why it is generally tenpence."

You see Robin knew nothing at all about selling meat, as he never bought any. He and his men used to live on what they shot in the forest.

[38] When it became known that there was a new butcher, who was selling his meat for twopence a pound, every one came crowding round his stall eager to buy. All the other butchers stood idle until Robin had no more beef and mutton left to sell.

As these butchers had nothing to do, they began to talk among themselves and say, "Who is this man? He has never been here before."

"Do you think he has stolen the meat?"

"Perhaps his father has just died and left him a business."

"Well, his money won't last long at this rate."

"The sooner he loses it all, the better for us. We will never be able to sell anything as long as he comes here giving away beef at twopence a pound."

"It is perfectly ridiculous," said one old man, who seemed to be the chief butcher. "These fifty years have I come and gone to Nottingham market, and I have never seen the like of it—never. He is ruining the trade, that's what he is doing.

[39] They stood at their stalls sulky and cross, while all their customers crowded round Robin.

Shouts of laughter came from his corner, for he was not only selling beef and mutton, but making jokes about it all the time.

"I tell you what," said the old butcher, "it is no use standing here doing nothing. We had better go talk to him, and find out, if we can, who he is. We must ask him to come and have dinner with us and the Sheriff in the town-hall to-day." For on market days the butchers used to have dinner altogether in the town-hall, after market was over, and the Sheriff used to come and have dinner with them.

"So, the butchers stepped up to jolly Robin,

Acquainted with him for to be;

Come, butcher, one said, we be all of one trade,

Come, will you dine with me?"

"Thank you," said Robin. "I should like [40] nothing better. I have had a busy morning and am very hungry and thirsty."

"Come along, then," said the butchers.

The old man led the way with Robin, and the others followed two by two.

As they walked along, the old butcher began asking Robin questions, to try and find out something about him.

"You have not been here before?" he said.

"Have I not?" replied Robin.

"I have not seen you, at least."

"Have you not?"

"You are new to the business?"

"Am I?"

"Well, you seem to be," said the old butcher, getting rather cross.

"Do I?" replied Robin laughing.

At last they came to the town-hall, and though they had talked all the time the old butcher had got nothing out of Robin, and was not a bit wiser.

One of the most famous statues in the world stands on an island inNew York. This statue is the statue ofLiberty– a woman holding a torch. Visitors can g

o inside the statue. The statue is so large that as many as twelve people can stand inside the torch. Many people can stand in other parts of the statue. The statue weighs 225 tons and is about100 metreshigh.

The statue of liberty was put up in 1886. It was a gift to theUnited Statesfrom the people ofFranceforAmerica’s 100th birthday

French people gave money for the statue. Americans designed and built the pedestal.

The French engineer Alexander Eiffel. Who was famous for hisEiffelTowerun Paris, found out how to make the heavy statue stand.

People who come to theUnited Statessee the Statue of Liberty holding her torch. She symbolizes a welcome to a land of freedom.

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