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надо заполнить таблицу!!!!!!!!!!!№4

10-11 класс

89272842745 18 окт. 2016 г., 21:44:27 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 окт. 2016 г., 0:06:49 (7 лет назад)

до першого стовпчика name cake late table baby
а до другого flag bag grandma nany

+ 0 -
19 окт. 2016 г., 1:25:36 (7 лет назад)

Решение в приложении.


Другие вопросы из категории

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences/ 1) I don't like living here because I've got a few friends, so my social life is extremely boring. 2) She

smokes too much. She's already been smoking two packets this morning. 3) I RATHER GO TO THE BEACH THAT THE CINEMA. 4) In my opinion, no other country is exciting or interesting as Cuba. 5) Environmentalists tell us that animal species such as tiger will be extinct within thirty years. 6) One advantage of living in a city like the New York is the huge choice of things to do.

"a person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter "

Подскажите, какие можно привести аргументы ЗА и ПРОТИВ. Сколько сижу, думаю - все ничего в голову не идет.
Если кто даст ссылку на готовое эссе, то буду очень благодарна.
Всем заранее спасибо!

Make questions as in the example. Ask your partner to answer them.

Example: Perhaps one day you will win the world tennis championship.- What would you do you won the world tennis championship?
1. Perhaps one day your parents will send you to Harrow.
2. Perhaps one day you will be invited to Buckingham Palace.
3. Perhaps one day you will break a mirror.
4. Perhaps one day you will be expelled from your school.
5. Perhaps one day you will meet Bruce Lee in your school.
6. Perhaps one day you will fly to the Moon.

Alisher usmonov kakoy chelovek

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помогите пожалуйста с английским очень надо((((( заполните пропуски, задание,нужно в текст правильно вставить отрывки предложений, и какая из частей 1-7

в списке
Fleet Street
Fleet Street runs east from the Royal Courts of Justice as far as Ludgate Circus. It
takes its name from the Fleet River, A ____________ where Farrington Road now
stands. At that time traffic had to cross over the Fleet Bridge in order to reach the
Fleet Street’s associations with printing go back to the end of the 15th century,
when the pioneer publisher Wynkyn de Worde moved here from Westminster. Between
1500 and his death in 1535, from his premises he printed and published hundreds of
books, B ___________ (the Inns of Court and Blackfriars Monastery were both nearby).
Other printers also working in the area included Richard Pynson, printer to the
king after 1508, C ____________ of Fleet Street and Chancery Lane. In 1530 Sir
Thomas More’s nephew William Rastell began printing and selling books from
premises in St Bride’s churchyard, D ____________ in 1557. It was clear that the publishing industry was here to stay. A key date in the history
of Fleet Street was the year 1702 E ____________. Since then the street became home
to hundreds of newspapers, and its name is still synonymous with British national
This state of affairs only came to an end in 1980’s, F ____________ caused by the
changeover to the new technology, which necessitated relocating to gain more space.
The Times led the way, to Docklands, and within a few years Fleet Street was stripped
of its soul.
1. whose office was at the corner
2. which years ago followed the route
3. when the British press was going through a period of deep crisis
4. bringing out an edition of his uncle’s works
5. many on legal and religious subjects
6. including the publishers of Thackeray and the Brontл sisters
7. when the first newspaper, the Daily Courant, appeared

1. Напишите предложение в Future Simple: They (deliver) the goods next week 2/ Напишите предложение в Future Tense: Tom sold the old car to his friend

3. Измените предложение в вопрос: They will be there at noon 4. Измените предложение в отрицательное: John will be at home tonight 5. in, on или at: _____4:30 p.m. 6. Напишите ,что вы собираетесь делать (going to): we will return at night 7. Напишите этo предложениe в Future Tense а) will/shall/: b) to be going to: They finished this work before noon 8. Укажите last, next, in ago, yesterday, tomorrow: They won't be there _____ 9. where, when, why ______arу you going have so soon 10. задайте вопрос с where, when, why: he bought a new house last week 11. how. how much, how many ______does it cost 12. Задайте вопрос с how: There are five catalogues on the desk 13. Укажите fast, much, many, old, often, tall, big How ____ is tour sister 14. Напишите предложение в Present Perfect The meeting (begin) already 15. Напишите это предложение в Past Simple Future simple и Present Perfect They have enough time 16 Измените предложение в вопрос She is written the letter 17. задайте вопросы с: when where who how why We have three of four offers 18.Измените предложение в отрицательное The Smiths have a very large house 19, Напишите предложение в Past Simple She's seen Tom (a week ago) 20, укажите нужный глагол в Present perfect: know speak spend receive buy sell read show go take We______televivsion equipment this week 21, Укажите глагол в Past Simple или Present Perfect I (visit) him last sunday 22 Изменить предложение в вопрос He was very tired after talks 23/ Задайте вопрос с why He wasn't in his office 24. Задайте расчлененный вопрос и дайте ожидаемый короткий ответ Mr. Brown lives in New York, ______?____. 25 Укажите already/yet mr. Bell has spoken to them ______ 26. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательного: fast 27, Заполнить таблицу: beautiful _______ ________ 28. Укажите превосходную степень прилагательного Who is _______(intelligebt) student in your class 29. Укажите модальный глагол can, must. may You___go home after lunch

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