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1)Tomorrow the ... this into Russian.

5-9 класс

a)translates b)translated c)will translate
2)This year my sister often ... good marks in Einglish.
a)gets b)got c)will get

HelliKop 23 марта 2017 г., 11:26:23 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 марта 2017 г., 13:02:20 (7 лет назад)

1.  C 
2.  A
This year my sister often Gets good marks in English.


Читайте также

Translate the sentences into Russian. (И еще написать как читается) 1)Kate was ill yesterday but she feels better today. 2)When the team didn`t win a

basketball match,they were very angry with themselves selves. 3)When our family goes out,the children always enjoy themselves. 4)Jane has bought herself a nice dress. 5)Mother was tired,so the children cleaned the kitchen themselves. 6)I don`t know the answer myself,but I`II ask our teacher.

fill in the gapes with WHEN/WHAT TIME,WHERE,WHAT.Translate the sentences into Russian. 1.________do you help your mum-After dinner

2.________do you they go for a walk-To the park.

3.________do you do homework-At 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

4.________do they do in the everning-They listen yo music/

5.________do they have lunch-at school


Помогите с ангийяским:)Плииииз

Вставьте притяжательное местоимение.It’s ___ book.They are her flowers. The flowers are ______.It is my diary. The diary is _______.This is (my/mine) dog.(Our/ours) dream was to travel in Spain.She has no answer to (her/hers) question.Образуйте слово.m e a d r , b o j, a l a c e p, a w y a i l r, d e r g u n d o r u n, o n m u m e t n, o r t u,e s a u r t n t a r, l l r y a e g, m o s u a f, e s r o f t.Напиши порядковые числительные словами и наоборот.second 8. 15-йsixth 9. 18-йninth 10. 17-йseventh 11. 5-йfirst 12. 13-йtwentieth 13. 14-йtwelfth 14 . 4-й Заполните пропуски.clearly- …- ……-…-bestfast-…-…difficult-…-……-worse-…old-…-…easy-…-… .Translate the sentences into Russian.The brown table is as big as the yellow table.There are a lot of monuments to Russian writers in Moscow.The boy is taller than the girl.Cars are slower than planes.Can you help me?Walk to the post-office and turn left.I haven’t got a piano.I have no friends.I have much money.There is a lot of coffee in the cup.

Choose the correct word and translate the sentences into Russian ( Выберите нужные слова и переведите предложения)

1. Food that is half-cooked is called fresh food / convenience food,__________________________________________________________

2. A healthy diet which contains fruit, vegetables, meat, milk and cereals is a balanced diet/calorie-controlled diet._________________________________

3. Pork, butter and cream are products which contain a lot of fat/protein. _______________________________________________________________

4. People who have excess weight should avoid food which contains fat and sugar/ iron. _____________________________________________________

5. Laura wants to lose weight and skips supper / has an ice cream before bedtime. ________________________________________________________

6. The English say you should leave the table before you feel full / have a second dessert. ___________________________________________________

7. In order to avoid bad breath you should brush your teeth regularly / have a sweet instead of dinner.___________________________________________

8. Vegetarians are people who don't eat meat. They eat mostly fish / vegetables._

9.Dark chocolate contains no calories / sugar.______

10. Yoghurt and cheese are dairy products / meat products._____

11. If you want to burn calories you should go jogging / go to a fast food restaurant._____

Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The song we were listening to was a very good one.
2. The tourists they were waiting for didn't come.
3. Unfortunately, he didn't get the present he had hoped for.
4. The report he had to make was very important

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