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упражнение 4. помогите решить пожалуйста

10-11 класс

Zhakslikova00 15 сент. 2016 г., 23:31:44 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 сент. 2016 г., 2:07:53 (7 лет назад)

am, is, 
is, am
am, are
am, are
don't, does
do, have, do
don't, do, have
is, doesn't


Другие вопросы из категории

Выполните задание в вложении плиз)
Read the converstaion between a nurse and Wayne's father. Complete the sentences with verbs in the correct tense. Then listen and check your


Nurse: It's Mr. Slenkovich, Wayne"s father, isn't it?

Mr. Slenkovich: That's right. What happened to Wayne? Is he all right?

Nurse: He'll be fine, Mr. Slenkovich. But first things first. It seems that Wayne (1) ______ (finish) work at 8 o'clock in the evening and (2) ____________ (just leave) the store when two men (3) ___________ (attack) him.

Mr. Slenkovich: (4) _________ (already go) to the bank with the money from the store?

Nurse: I'm really not sure. Anyway, some people (5) __________ (see) the assault and called an ambulance. The paramedics checked Waynde over, put on a neck brace, and brought him in.

Mr. Slenkovich: Did they get the guys who attacked him?

Nurse: I don't know but the police (6) ____________ (already speak) to Wayne. Dr. Tan Examined him when the arrived and sent him to have a scan. He (7)_____ (have) a dislocated jaw, which we put back in place, but there don't seem to be any broken bones. Anyway, we (8) _______ (decide) to keep him in fot the night.

Mr. Slenkovich: Why? If he's OK, why can't he come home?

Nurse: Well he (9) __________ (knick out) for about ten minutes after the attack and the doctor thinks it best to keep an eye on him.

Mr, Slenkovich: Can i see him.

Nurse: Just for a minute. He (10) ___________ ( need) to rest.

VIII. Определите функцию

причастия прошедшего времени (Participle II), переведите предложения на русский язык.

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