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текст Мої літні канікули

5-9 класс

Sataeva2002 09 марта 2015 г., 7:28:54 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 марта 2015 г., 8:59:32 (9 лет назад)

Summer vacation is three months luchih that you can spend as hochesh.Mozhno read any books, play with friends, do whatever you want.
Summer vacation is swimming in the river or the sea, the sea in the summer always teploe.Kogla start summer vacation, it immediately raises a lot of plans as ihprovesti.a Cod vacation ends, you realize it or not executed poloviny.prihoditsya wait for the next vacation. 



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Помогите пожалуйста! Нужно вычеркнуть лишнее

1)zoo - concert hall - theme park - film. 2)packet - corner - jar - bar. 3)comedy - greengrocer's - animated - action. 4)art gallery - jigsaw - stuffed animal - board game 5) chocolate- crisps-jam-square. Пожалуйста!!!)


(1) Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to run.

1. He ran_to sea at the age of fourteen and never returned home. 2. She doesn't like your success;
that's why she's always running you_. 3. The electric battery won't work. It has run_. 4. Our
food will soon run_. 5. A small rabbit has been run_by a bus. Poor little thing! 6. I'm afraid
we have run_of petrol.
(2)Complete the sentences using the ideas in brackets.
I. Ask the teacher when (вы будете писать тест) 2. If they (отошлют письмо завтра), you'll
get it at the end of the week. 3. (Если ты будешь бормотать стихотворение себе под нос), nobody
will hear you. 4. (Если он пообещает прийти вовремя), he will come. 5. Ask him (когда он
придёт). 6. It will be a gloomy day tomorrow, (если погода не изменится).
(3) Fill in the articles where necessary.
1. Brazil exports a lot of_coffee. 2. Gold is_metal. 3. Jane always has_light breakfast in
the morning. 4._lunch that was served yesterday was really very good. 5. Shall we go for_walk
after_supper? 6. Would you like _ ice-cream? 7. Pas me_sugar, please. 8. Has she ever eaten_
brunch? 9. Do you like_fish and chips?
(4)Open the brackets to make the story complete.
The Lion And The Stoat1
Far away in a small country, there lived two artists - a stoat and a lion. They (be)1 both good
painters, but each of them (think)2 that he (can)3 (paint)4 better. One day the lion (say)5 to the stoat, I
(paint)6 pictures for ten years next month. (Kleet)7 me in the market square in a month at 110011. Each of
us (bring)8 a painting and the public (be)9 the judge." The stoat (agree)10.
On the day of the contest the whole town (come)" to the market place. The two paintings
(hang)12 on a wall, each (cover)13 by a curtain. "I (show)14 my painting first," (cry)15 the lion, and he
(draw)16 back the curtain. The crowd (begin)17 (clap)18 . Suddenly some birds (fly)19 down to the
painting and (try)20 to peck 'at the grapes in the picture.
"I (win)21," (roar)22 the lion. "My painting (look)23 so real that it (fool)24 the birds! And what
(be)25 behind that curtain of yours?"
The stoat (smile)26. "There (be)27 no curtain. It's my painting of a velvet curtain. The grapes in
your picture (fool)28 the birds and my picture (fool)29 you."

Как переводится medicine

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перевидите на английский пожалуйста!!!!!!!! мої літні канікули були дуже класні . влітку я їздив з батьками та сестрою на море. в гарне місто Одеса .

також я цим літом був в двох табора. час проведений там був незабутнім. там було дуже весело багато активних ігор . цей табір був у наметах. це було дійсно круто. іншу частино свого літа я провів разом з друзями . моє літо було супер

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