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Scotland lies to the north of England. People who live in Scotland arc Scots.

10-11 класс

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, but Scotland has no separate Parliament, for the Scottish MPs (Members of Parliament) sit with the English ones in Westminster in London.
Edinburgh is not the largest city in Scotland. Glasgow, which lias a population of over one million, is twice as large as Edinburgh.
Even so, Edinburgh remains the centre of the life of Scotland. Here are the administrative centres of the Navy, the Army, and tlie Air Force, the chief banks and offices; and the famous university.
Edinburgh, unlike Glasgow, has no large factories. Publishing is its well-known industry. It has been famous for its printers since the early years of the sixteenth century, when the first Scottish printing-press was set up within its walls. The publishing of books is today a very important industry. Much printing is done for London publishing houses, and there are many paper-mills near Edinburgh.
Edinburgh is a beautiful city. The first thing you see in Edinburgh is the Rock -— the very large hill in the middle of the city, on which stands Edinburgh Castle.. The Castle looks like a castle from a fairy-tale, and parts of it are more than a thousand years old. From the top of the Castle there is a beautiful view of the hill and the sea.
Besides the Castle there are many other interesting buildings, such as Holyrood Palace which is the old royal residence, the Art Gallery, the University of Edinburgh.
Edinburgh is famous for many things: its festivals (plays and music), its college of medicine, its museums and libraries, and for its writers Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and others.

Ychenica78 22 июня 2013 г., 4:54:42 (10 лет назад)
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22 июня 2013 г., 7:04:22 (10 лет назад)

Шотландия находится на севере Англии.

Люди, которые живут в Шотландии, образовывают дугу Шотландцев.
Столица Шотландии - Эдинбург, но Шотландия не имеет никакого отдельного Парламента, для шотландских членов парламента (Члены парламента) сидят с английскими в Вестминстере в Лондоне.Эдинбург не самый большой город в Шотландии.Все-таки, Эдинбург остается центром жизни Шотландии. Вот административные центры флота, армии, и Воздушных сил, главных банков и офисов; и известный университет.Эдинбург, в отличие от Глазго, не имеет никаких больших фабрик. Публикация - его известная промышленность. Она была знаменита его принтерами начиная с ранних лет шестнадцатого столетия, когда первая Шотландская печатная машина была установлена в пределах его стен. Публикация книг - сегодня очень важная промышленность. Много печати делается для Лондонских издательств, и есть много бумажных фабрик возле Эдинбурга.

Эдинбург - прекрасный город. Первая вещь, которую вы видите в Эдинбурге, - Скале -- очень большой холм посреди города, на котором, терпит Эдинбургский Замок. Замок напоминает замок от сказки, и части этого есть более чем тысяча преклонных лет. От вершины Замка есть прекрасный вид холма и моря.
Кроме Замка есть другие интересные здания, как например Дворец Холируда, который является старой королевской резиденцией, Картинной Галереей, Университет Эдинбурга.
Эдинбург знаменит многими вещами: его фестивали(играет и музыка), его колледж медицины, его музеи и библиотеки, и для его Сэра авторов Уолтер Scott, Роберт Louis Stevenson и другие.

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22 июня 2013 г., 7:40:35 (10 лет назад)

Шотландия расположена на севере Англии. Люди, населяющие Шотландию, называются шотландцами.

Столица Шотландии - Эдинбург, но сама Шотландия не имеет независимого парламента. Члены парламента, представляющие Шотландию, пребывают с совместно с членами парламента, представляющими Англию, в лондонском Вестминстере.

Эдинбург не самый крупный город Шотландии. К примеру Глазго, с населением больше миллиона, вдвое больше Эдинбурга.Но при всем при этом Эдинбург остается жизненным центром Шотландии. Тут находятся административные центры флота, армии и воздушных сил, главные банки и оффисы, а также известнейшие университеты. В Эдинбурге, в отличии от Глазго, нету больших фабрик. Он известен своей издательской индустрией.  Славу ему принесли издания еще в ранних годах шестнадцатого века, когда первый шотландский печатный пресс был установлен тут. В наше время книгопечатанье тоже представляет собой очень важную отрасль. Большая часть печатной продукции делается для лондонских печатных домов, и в окресностях Эдинбурга множество  бумагоперерабатывающих комбинатов.

Эдинбург красив. Первое, что бросается в глаза в Эдинбурге - это Рок, обширный холм посреди города, на котором возвышается Эдинбургский Замок. Он похож на замок из волшебных сказок, некоторые его части насчитывают больше тысячи лет. С вершины Замка открывается красивый вид на холмы и море.

Кроме замка, в городе есть много других интересных строений, таких как Палац Холируд, который является давней королевской резиденцией, Галерея Искусств, Эдинбургский Университет.

Эдинбург славен многим: своими фестивалями (театральными и музыкальными), медицинским колледжем, музеями и библиотеками, также своими писателями - сэром Вальтером Скоттом и Робертом Луи Стивенсоном


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Which one means the same as the sentence given, (a) or (b)? (5 points)

1. It’s possible that they don’t live here any longer.
a They mightn’t live here any longer. b They can’t live here any longer.
2. It isn’t possible that they are twins.
a They mightn’t be twins. b They can’t be twins.
3. It could be that they are not married.
a They mightn’t be married. b They can’t be married.
4. It isn’t possible that there is some milk in the fridge.
a There can’t be any milk left. b There mightn’t be any milk left.
5. I think I saw her go out.
a She mightn’t be at home. b She can’t be at home.

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Management is a process used to achieve certain goals through the utilization of resources: people, money, energy, materials, space, and time.

Administrative management is an approach that focuses on principles that can be used by management to coordinate the internal activities of organizations.

For years, managers have considered decision making to be a pure art. It has been considered an art because a variety of individual styles can be used in approaching and successfully solving the same type of managerial problems in actual business practice. These styles are often based on creativity, judgment, intuition, and the experience rather than on the systematic analytical approach.

However, the environment in which management must operate is changing. A man has long since landed on the moon, and technological advancement dictates the pace of our life. Such advances in technology cannot possibly be made without concurrent advances in the systems of management.

Business and its environment are more complex today than ever before, and the trend toward increasing complexity is continuing. So making decisions today is much more complicated than in the past for three reasons. First, the number of alternatives is usually much larger. Second, the consequences of the decisions are more difficult to predict due to increased uncertainty. Finally, the cost of making errors has become larger and larger, mainly due to the size of operations, automation, and a resulting chain - reaction situation in which the impact of an error may be felt on many places due to complex interrelationships.

To illustrate how critical the impact of a single error can be, consider the following example. In the early 80s, the management of Polaroid decided to invest millions of dollars in developing a new camera, SX-70. The justification for the huge investment was the anticipation of large profits from the sale of film for the camera. On July 2, 1985, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged almost 16 points and closed at a low for the year of 790. The major contributor to the fall was the drop in Polaroid, a once highly priced glamour issue that fell ll3/g points, a decline of 32 percent, in a single day! The drop was attributed to an announcement that the sales of SX-70 film were only one third of the company's projections. The plunge reduced the value of Polaroid shares by more than 360 million USD overnight! The impact was so significant that even though Polaroid did not file for the bankruptcy, its earnings declined for several years.

Managers must become more sophisticated - they must learn to utilize new tools and techniques that are being developed in their field. No one can imagine a successful physician using the medicine and equipment of the turn of the century. Yet, in management, one can find executives using management tools of that time.
1. Say whether it is true or false.

1. Administrative management is the ratio of the organization's productivity and the organization's structure.

b)Management is a process used to achieve certain goals through the utilization of resources.

c)The environment in which administrative management must operate is stable.

d)Today managerial decision making trends towards increasing simplicity.

e)In the early 60s, the management of Polaroid decided to invest millions of dollars.

f)Managers must learn to utilize new tools and techniques that are being developed in their field.

2. Finish the sentences:

1. For years, managers have considered decision making .. .

2. Such advances in technology cannot possibly be made without concurrent advances …. .

3. So making decisions today is much more complicated … .

4. First, the number of alternatives is .

5. Second, the consequences of decisions are more difficult to predict ….
1. Choose the correct answer.

1 He is ...C... man in the world.

A tall B taller C the tallest

2 I am …... than my sister.

A old B older C the oldest

3 This picture is …... of all.

A good B better C the best

4 My car was …... than yours.

A expensive B more expensive C the most expensive

5 This is …... film I've ever seen.

A boring B more boring C the most boring

6 Dan is not as ……. as Henry.

A thin B thinner C the thinnest

7 My shopping bag is as ... as yours.

A heavy B heavier C the heaviest

8 I think History is a(n) .. subject.

A interesting B more interesting C the most interesting

9 England is very …... in winter.

A cold B colder C the coldest

10 Trains are ….. than bicycles.

A fast B faster C the fastest

2. Underline the correct word.

1 She looked at me angry/angrily this morning.

2 He got dressed quick/quickly as he was late.

3 The fish had a strong/strongly smell.

4 She spoke to her friend soft/softly.

5 This salad tastes good/well.

6 That chair is quite comfortable/comfortably to sit on.

7 He sounded very unhappy/unhappily on the phone.

8 I feel sad/sadly today.

9 She is a very clever/cleverly student.

10 She crossed the road safe/safely.

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет
Перевести текст!!!! Since operating systems have historically been closely tied to the architecture of the computers on which they run, we bwill look at

succeswsive generatiions of computers to see what their operaiting systems were like. The first true digital computer was designed by the English mathematician Charles Babbage (1792-1871). Although Babbage spent most of his life and fortune trying to build his "analytical engine,"he never got it working properly because it was purely mechanical,and the technology of his day could not produce the required wheels, gears, and cogs to the high precision that he needed. Needless to say, the analytycal engine did not have an operaiting system. Babbage realized that he would need soft ware for his analytycal engine, so he hired a young woman named Ada Lovelace, who was the daughter of the famed British poet Lord Byron, as the world's first programmer. The programming language Ada is named after her. After Babbage's unsuccessful effrts, little progress was made in constructing digital computers until World War ll. Around the mid-1940s, Howard Aiken at Harvard , John von Neumann at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton,J. Presper Eckert and William Mauchley at the University of Pennsylvania, and Konrad Zuse in Germany,among others , all succeeded in building calculating engines. The first ones used mechanical relays but were very slow, with cycle times measured in seconds. Relays were later replaced by vacuum tubes.These machines were enormous, filling up entire rooms with tens of thousands of vacuum tubes,but they were still millions of times slower than even the cheapest personal computers available today. In these early days asingle group of people designed,built,programmed, operaited,and maintainat each machine.All programmig was done in absolute machine language,often by wiring up plug boards to control the machine's basiv functions.

Переведите пожалуйста текст,только хорошо!A trip to London is never complete without a visit to the Tower of London. The site dates back to the 11 th

century arid is guarded by the Yeoman warders, or 'Beefeaters!

King Henry Vlll first introduced Beefeaters in 1485

When he used them as bodyguards. Their duties included

looking after the prisoners in the Tower and guarding the Crown Jewels. These days though, their main role is to act as guides for

the many tourists that visit the Tower every year. They also

take care of the eight big black ravens that live in the tower.

There are 36 Yeoman Warders at the Tower and they are all

men who were in the armed forces for 22 years or more.

They live in the Tower with their families.

The Beefeaters are most famous for their striking red and gold uniform, but they actually only wear this on formal occasions. Most of the time they wear a dark blue uniform with red trimmings*.

No one is exactly sure where the name 'Beefeater' comes from.

One theory says that the warders used to be paid with meat instead of money! Others say that the name comes from the French word bvffetier. Buffetiers were guards in the palace of French Kings. They protected the King's food.

For example,some years ago the "Roswell case" launched a hot discussion in the USA. A film showing the autopsy of an alien who died in a UFO crash in

1947 in Roswell , New Mexico ,gave what UFO believers claimed to be real proof that extraterrestrials exist. The US Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal examined the film carefully checking every detail , including the age and the quality of the film, the photographer , and the shots of the alien's organs . The investigation proved that the film was not real.

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Замените придаточные определительные предложения причастными оборотами. 1. All the people who live in this house are students.

2. The woman who is speaking now is our secretary. 3. The apparatus that stands on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite new. 4. The young man who helps the professor in his experiments studies at an evening school for laboratory workers. 5. People who take books from the library must return them in time. 6. There are many pupils in our class who take part in all kinds of extra-curricular activities.

1. Все люди, которые живут в этом доме студентов. 2. Женщина, которая говорит сейчас наш секретарь. 3. Аппарат, который стоит на столе в углу лаборатории является достаточно новым. 4. Молодой человек, который помогает профессору в его опытах обучения в вечерней школе для лабораторных работников. 5. Люди, которые берут книги из библиотеки должны вернуть их в срок. 6. Есть много учеников нашего класса, которые принимают участие во всех видах внеклассной деятельности.

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