Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

помогите с артиклями For over ... year and ... half Pamela and her partner Edith have been the owners of the Sea View Hotel in ... Lime street.

10-11 класс

For ... last ten years they have made ... good profit from the hotel. Pamela is excellent with ... figures and seldom makes ... mistake. ... two ladies, however, don't do all the work themselves. They invite ... college students who do the cleaning and washing up. Old Albert, ... retired policeman, takes care of the swimming-pool.

Lola2005 01 мая 2015 г., 6:08:44 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 мая 2015 г., 8:25:39 (9 лет назад)












Другие вопросы из категории

переведите предложения на английский.

1 Это очень важно для меня.
2 В Украине образование является обязательным для детей до 16 лет.
3 Говорите по английский, пожалуйста
4 Ты- учитель?
5 Нет, я работаю специалистом по IT технологиям.
6 Я живу в центре Москвы, а он живет не далеко от меня
7 Стены в этой комнате желтые
8 В нашем городе нет платных школ.
9 Этот ученик не посещает уроки.
10 В школьном году 2 семестра.
11 Он не знает физику.
13 Прочитайте этот текст.
14 Это знаменитый колледж.

complete the sentences with can or can't

hi adam whats that ?

it s my guitar

_____ you play the guitar ?

yes i ___


____- you play a musical instrument?

no i ___, but i ____sing

oh i _____

_____ you play the piano?

no i ____, I____ ONLY play the guitar.

Помогите пожалуйста решить
16.Fill in the gaps with one of the introductory

verbs from the list below in the past simple.

deny suggest

Читайте также

do animals have any unexplained powers we are unaware of? For many years pet owners and scientists have reported examples of unusual behaviour in

animals. They say that pets can anticipate their owners leaving for trips or returning home. These animals somehow know when they are going to be fed or taken for a walk. Does this mean anything or is it just a coincidence? Maybe it has nothing to do with psychic powers, maybe pets just understand enought language to get the message? Surprisingly, little research has been done on these phenomena. However, naturalists have carried out some experiments to investigate such behaviour. The evidence suggests that pets seem to react to their owners' thoughts and intentions but the mechanism of such communication remains unknown. Another thing scientists are unable to explain is animals' sense of direction. How can pigeons find their way back home over hundreds of miles in unfamiliar places? The research into animal navigation has not helped to solve this mystery. In some experiments pigeons were taken away from home in closed vans to check whether they could remember their way. They were still able to find their way home easily. They could navigate on cloudy days and even at night which means they don't use the sun. And they couldn't smell their home because they were miles away from it. It's quit remarkable to think that many animals escaped the great Asian tsunami in 2004. Elephants in Sri Lanka moved to high ground before the giant waves struck. Some dog owners were surprised by the fact that their pets refused to go to the beach for a walk on the day of the tsunami. Some local tribes on the islands were warned by the behaviour of the animals and moved away from the coast before the disaster. But how did the animals know? They also seem to know about other disasters. Domestic animals often behave in an anxious or unusual way several hours before earthquakes strike. Similar behaviour occurs before avalanches or even explosions. The ability of animals to anticipate disasters could be of great help to people. In China, for example, the authorities encourage people to report unusual animals' behaviour and it has enabled cities to be evacuated before earthquakes, saving lots of lives. Do we have any unexplained powers? Have you ever felt like someone was staring at you while you had your back turned to them? Have you ever felt like you knew what someone was going to say before they said it or even that you were familiar with a place that ypu knew you had never been to before? These may all be indications of the powers which we might have lost just because we no longer need them: telephones and television have replaced the feelings, maps and global positioning systems have replaced the sense of direction. But still we have much to learn from animals about their nature, and about our own.

Помогите пожалуста перевести текст, только не тупо в переводчике а чтоб был смысл в ньом очень прошу помогите!!! THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HO

LLOW On the Eastern shore of the Hudson River there was a little valley, among high hills, which was one of the quietest places in the whole world. This valley had long been known by the name of Sleepy Hollow. Many strange stories about ghosts were told and retold in a village situated there. The most frightful, however, was the one about a headless horse¬man. It is said that it was the ghost of a soldier who had been killed in battle. Once there lived in this village a schoolmaster, Crane by name. He was a tall and very thin man. In the same village lived the daughter and the only child of a rich farmer. She was a pretty girl and attracted the attention of every young man in the village. Crane too, was in love with her. But if the schoolmaster meant to win her heart, he would have to get rid of all his rivals. The one he feared most was a certain Brunt. He was a tall and strong young man and most people liked him for his bravery and great skill of a horseman. It is clear that Crane would have lived quietly in his little village to the end of his life if a very strange thing had not happened one night. In the afternoon of that day Crane was in his school when a servant brought him an invitation to a party, which was to be held that evening at Van Tassel's. The pupils were sent home an hour before the usual time, and Crane spent no less than half an hour dressing up for the party. He wished to look his best that night, therefore, he borrowed a horse from the farmer with whom he was then living. The horse's name was Gunpowder. It was towards evening that Crane arrived at home of Van Tassel. The house was full of guests and Brunt was among them. There were many good things to eat and a lot of dancing. Everybody enjoyed himself that night. When the party was nearly over, Crane suddenly left the hall where the guests were dancing. He went to Katrina's room where he stayed alone with the girl for a short while. They must have had an unpleasant conversation for the school¬master looked sad when he re-entered the hall.

A friend who lived in Australia(tell) one day by his neighbour living across the road that he (be away) in England for a few weeks. The man further

explained that his house (decorate) at the moment but he (leave) the country the next day, as he(not see) his rich relative for a few years. He said he hoped his neighbour(look) after his house properly. The first week passed withhout any incident. Soon the decorators packed up and(leave). But the next day the good friend (catch) sight of two fellows at his neighbour's door(pack) rolled up carpets into the old van. "Hey", cried the man, "What the hell you (do)? I (look) after the house for a week already an I (not want) my friend(get) angry when he (return) home" The two fellows explained to him that the owner of that very house (order) (clean) his Persian carpets while he(be away). They managed to make him (believe)that it9be) true. The friendly man (think) that his own carpets (need) cleaning. He always (be) a bechelor and everything in his house (suffer)from his carelessness. So he (agree) with the two fellows that they (add) the expenses secretly to his neighbour's bill. The happy carpet- cleaners (lay) all the carpets into their van and(drive) cheerfully away. While they(drive) they(make) fun of the man they so cleverly(deceive). There (be) no need to say tht neither of the neighbours ever(see) their carpets again. Помогите поставить глаголы в правильное время, плз!

Exercise 7.

Установите соответствие между темами A – G и текстами 1 – 6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
Colours for royal families
Colours around you

Origin of the toy’s name
Toys for all ages

Popular names
Lovely animals

Personal names

1. People say that red, yellow and orange are “warm”, and that blue and green are “cool”. But if you touch a red wool sweater, it doesn’t feel warmer than a blue wool sweater. Scientists have taken the temperature of colours with a special instrument called a thermopile and have found that reds and oranges are warmer than blues and greens.

2. Pandas are wonderful. They look so nice, rather like soft furry toys. No wonder people love them. At any zoo they are always the centre of attention. The most striking thing about pandas is their black and white colouring. Pandas are strict vegetarians. They eat only young bamboo stems and nothing else. Pandas are peaceful, friendly and harmless. They have no enemies.

3. Imagine being arrested and thrown into prison for wearing a certain colour! It could have happened back in the days when kings and emperors ruled. In ancient Rome only the emperor and his wife could have purple or gold clothes. In China, only the emperor could wear yellow. And in France, in the past, only a princess could wear a scarlet dress.

4. Today we can hardly imagine a world without this eager listener and loyal friend, the teddy bear. But why is it called Teddy? The story goes back to 1902, when Theodore Roosevelt was President of the United States. The press and the people fondly called him Teddy. Once on a hunting trip, he couldn’t bring himself to shoot a defenseless bear cub. The owners of a candy store in New York made a little toy bear cub and put it in their shop window with a handwritten notice saying “Teddy’s bear”. The bear became a hit with the public.

5. Pet names, like human ones, go in and out of fashion. According to Bairbre O’Malley, a London vet, they reflect larger trends in society. The computer boom, for example, has produced dogs called Mac, Apple and, for smaller breeds, Microchip, or Laptop. Hollywood’s influence has inspired names like Conan and Terminator for bull terriers and other strong breeds. Mr O’Malley also remarked that many animals he treated after road accidents were called Lucky.

6. One of the most popular tourist attractions today is Legoland Windsor, the newest theme park in Europe. It is a theme park and the theme is bricks. Lego bricks, to be specific. You know those little plastic toy bricks children use to build castles, bridges, all sorts of things. Some grown-ups play with Lego bricks, too. One hundred of them worked for two and a half years to design buildings, trains, cars, boats, fountains and people for Legoland Windsor.

A friend who lived in Australia(tell) one day by his neighbour living across the road that he (be away) in England for a few weeks. The man further

explained that his house (decorate) at the moment but he (leave) the country the next day, as he(not see) his rich relative for a few years. He said he hoped his neighbour(look) after his house properly. The first week passed without any incident. Soon the decorators packed up and(leave). But the next day the good friend (catch) sight of two fellows at his neighbour's door(pack) rolled up carpets into the old van. "Hey", cried the man, "What the hell you (do)? I (look) after the house for a week already an I (not want) my friend(get) angry when he (return) home" The two fellows explained to him that the owner of that very house (order) (clean) his Persian carpets while he(be away). They managed to make him (believe)that it9be) true. The friendly man (think) that his own carpets (need) cleaning. He always (be) a bechelor and everything in his house (suffer)from his carelessness. So he (agree) with the two fellows that they (add) the expenses secretly to his neighbour's bill. The happy carpet- cleaners (lay) all the carpets into their van and(drive) cheerfully away. While they(drive) they(make) fun of the man they so cleverly(deceive). There (be) no need to say the neither of the neighbours ever(see) their carpets again.

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