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Нужен срочно перевод. Не через переводчик, прошу.

10-11 класс

Интервьюер: Здравствуйте, позвольте задать вам несколько вопросов?
Саймон: Да, конечно.
Интервьюер: Почему вы выбрали именно эту гору для покорения?
Джо: В то время, мы были молоды и полны решимости, нам казалось, если мы сделаем это, наши имена станут известными.
Интервьюер: О чем вы в первую очередь подумали, когда Джо сломал ногу?
Джо: Я начал готовить себя к тому, что это конец для меня, ведь так и должно было произойти.
Саймон: Я понимал, что лучше всего для меня оставить Джо там, но не смог принять это.
Интервьер: Что вы почувствовали, спустившись с горы живыми?
Саймон: Я и мой друг были живы, я был самым счастливым человеком в тот момент.
Джо: Вы и представить себе не можете, как я был рад. Я никогда не смогу отплатить Саймону его поступок.

Pivo2012 16 сент. 2013 г., 8:14:38 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 сент. 2013 г., 10:17:18 (10 лет назад)

Тебе повезло , я очень хорошо знаю русский и английский языки ! Я англичанка ! Interviewer: Hello, let me ask you a few questions?Simon: Yes, of course.Interviewer: Why did you choose this mountain to conquer?Joe: At that time, we were young and full of determination, it seemed to us, if we do this, our names will be known.Interviewer: What did you first think when Joe broke his leg?Joe: I started to prepare themselves for the fact that this is the end for me, because the way it should have happened.Simon: I realized that the best way for me to leave Joe there, but could not accept this.Interviewer: How did you feel going down the mountain alive?Simon: I and my friend were alive, I was the happiest man in the moment.Joe: You and can not imagine how I was glad. I can never repay Simon his act.


Другие вопросы из категории

Написать сочинение по английскому. You have received a letter form your English-speaking pen-friend Bill who writes:... I am thinking about

going away on a volunteer project for part of my gap year. Didn't you do this last year? Where did you exactly? I found an interesting project in Africa that is in need of volunteers. I would have to pay my own travel expenses and find accommodation, so I will have to raise some money first. Do you have any suggestions on where I should look?

Please? write me back with any ideas. Here is my new adress.

Write a letter to Bill. In your letter

1. answer his questions

2. ask 2 questions about his volunteer project.

Write 100-140 words


поставить глагол be в нужную форму am; is или are

Its roof _ red and doors _ brown.

выберите правильный ответ 1 Tom said, 'I want to visit my friends this weekend.' а)Tom said he wants to visit his friends that


б)Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.

в)Tom said he wanted to visit his friends this weekend.

2 Jerry said, 'I'm studying English a lot at the moment.'

а)Jerry said he was studying English a lot at that moment.

б)Jerry said he was studying English a lot at the moment.

в)Jerry said I was studying English a lot at that moment.

3 They said, 'We've lived here for a long time.'

а)They said they have lived there for a long time.

б)They said they lived here for a long time.

в)They said they had lived there for a long time.

4 He asked me, 'Have you finished reading the newspaper?'

а)He asked me if had I finished reading the newspaper.

б)He asked me if I had finished reading the newspaper.

в)He asked me if I finished reading the newspaper.

5 'I get up every morning at seven o'clock.',Peter said.

а)Peter said he got up every morning at seven o'clock.

б)Peter said I got up every morning at seven o'clock.

в)Peter said he had got up every morning at seven o'clock.

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Ребятки привет, нужно перевести эти предложения! прошу помогите)

1.He should have moved from a house into a bungalow.
2.They will be allowed to begin work inside the house when the outer shell is complete.
3. Since the 1980s council tenants have been able to buy their own homes very cheaply if they have lived in them for over two years.

ТОЛЬКО НЕ ЧЕРЕЗ ПЕРЕВОДЧИК,нужен согласованный,хороший перевод
я надеюсь на вас:)

СРОЧНО нужен перевод текста! Желательно не через переводчик. Заранее благодарна.

They were not railway children to begin with. I don't suppose they had ever thought about railways except as a means of getting to Maskelyne and Cook's, the Pantomime, Zoological Gardens, and Madame Tussaud's. They were just ordinary suburban children, and they lived with their Father and Mother in an ordinary red-brick-fronted villa, with coloured glass in the front door, a tiled passage that was called a hall, a bath-room with hot and cold water, electric bells, French windows, and a good deal of white paint, and 'every modern convenience', as the house-agents say. There were three of them. Roberta was the eldest. Of course, Mothers never have favourites, but if their Mother had had a favourite, it might have been Roberta. Next came Peter, who wished to be an Engineer when he grew up; and the youngest was Phyllis, who meant extremely well. Mother did not spend all her time in paying dull calls to dull ladies, and sitting dully at home waiting for dull ladies to pay calls to her. She was almost always there, ready to play with the children, and read to them, and help them to do their home-lessons. Besides this she used to write stories for them while they were at school, and read them aloud after tea, and she always made up funny pieces of poetry for their birthdays and for other great occasions, such as the christening of the new kittens, or the refurnishing of the doll's house, or the time when they were getting over the mumps. These three lucky children always had everything they needed: pretty clothes, good fires, a lovely nursery with heaps of toys, and a Mother Goose wall-paper. They had a kind and merry nursemaid, and a dog who was called James, and who was their very own. They also had a Father who was just perfect--never cross, never unjust, and always ready for a game--at least, if at any time he was not ready, he always had an excellent reason for it, and explained the reason to the children so interestingly and funnily that they felt sure he couldn't help himself. You will think that they ought to have been very happy. And so they were, but they did not know how happy till the pretty life in the Red Villa was over and done with, and they had to live a very different life indeed. The dreadful change came quite suddenly. Peter had a birthday--his tenth. Among his other presents was a model engine more perfect than you could ever have dreamed of. The other presents were full of charm, but the Engine was fuller of charm than any of the others were. Its charm lasted in its full perfection for exactly three days. Then, owing either to Peter's inexperience or Phyllis's good intentions, which had been rather pressing, or to some other cause, the Engine suddenly went off with a bang. James was so frightened that he went out and did not come back all day. All the Noah's Ark people who were in the tender were broken to bits, but nothing else was hurt except the poor little engine and the feelings of Peter. The others said he cried over it--but of course boys of ten do not cry, however terrible the tragedies may be which darken their lot. He said that his eyes were red because he had a cold. This turned out to be true, though Peter did not know it was when he said it, the next day he had to go to bed and stay there.

переведите текст, только не через переводчик.

5.В ящике лежат несколько тюбиков с краской.
6.В загорске много старинных церквей и величественных соборов. 7. На
переднем плане картины много света и красок. 8. Как много музеев и
театров в Санкт- Петербурге? 9. Как много масла в холодильнике?
Посмотри, он одет в спортивный костюм. 10.Президент США прибывает в
Москву завтра. 11.Обычно я езжу на автобусе, но сейчас я иду пешком.
12.Где Том? Он играет в теннис. 13.В Петербурге часто идёт дождь, но
сейчас светит солнце.14. В прошлые выходные мы не ходили по магазинам.
15.Ваши комнаты были большие и светлые? НЕт. 16.Сегодня утром мы
опоздали на занятия. 17. Вы закончили переводить текст? Да, я перевёл
его 20 минут назад.

поиогите с переводом, просьба не через переводчик

Все выбежали из горящего здания. Бедного котенка переехала машина. Наше время истекает. У нас кончились яблоки. Купи килограмм по дороге домой. Бабушка открыла дверь, и щенок вбежал в прихожую. Давай заглянем к твоим родственникам сегодня ( заглянем, чтобы повидать). В часах кончился завод. Этот парень всегда говорит обо мне с пренебрежением.
Эмили говорит, что будет расстроена, если никто не придет к ней на вечеринку. Не уверена, что он справится с этой работой, но, если он справится с ней, он нам очень поможет. Когда Гэри вернет в библиотеку книги, которые он взял, чтобы почитать Боюсь, я не знаю, пойдет ли он слушать оперу. Если девочка толкнет дверь, та откроется. Наташа не уверена, сможет ли она съесть полную тарелку супа. Если не будет идти снег, завтра мы поедем за город кататься на лыжах.

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