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10-11 класс

Tired of walking to work or college? This electric scooter is the solution .It travels at a maximum speed of 25 kph and can go up to 16 kilometres without recharging. And it only takes 3-4 hours to recharge the battery. The scooter is ideal for holidays too. It is easy to carry and only weighs 19 kilos. When folded it is only just over a mette long and 330 cm wide.
1-How big is it?
2-How much does it weigh?
3-How fast does it go?
4-How far does it go?
5-How long does the battery take to recharge?
6-How much does it cost?

An050980 26 февр. 2017 г., 12:03:59 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 февр. 2017 г., 12:49:54 (7 лет назад)

It travels at a maximum speed of 25 kph and can go up to 16 kilometres without recharging. And it only takes 3-4 hours to recharge the battery. The scooter is ideal for holidays too. It is easy to carry and only weighs 19 kilos. When folded it is only just over a metre long and 330 cm wide.
1-How big is it?it is only just over a mette long and 330 cm wide.
2-How much does it weigh?It is easy to carry and only weighs 19 kilos
3-How fast does it go?It travels at a maximum speed of 25 kph
4-How far does it go? it can go up to 16 kilometres without recharging.
5-How long does the battery take to recharge? it only takes 3-4 hours to recharge the battery
6-How much does it cost? it is not said in the text!


Другие вопросы из категории

что за слово,, Стори?
Помогите пожалуйста. Буду очень признателен.

Контрольная по английскому
Переведите в косвенную речь:(Перевод на русский не нужен)
1."I love my dog." said my daughter to me.
2.Peter said:"I have crashed my new car."
3.Mary asked John, "What did the children do outside on such a day?"\
4.He asked me:"Do you know this nice girl?"
5.She said to me:"I love you."

Переведите в прямую речь:(Перевод на русский не нужен)
1.Betty said that her grandmother was in the hospital.
2.He told us that he had been working since 10 o'clock.
3.Percy asked me if i would introduce him to my parents.

Вставьте модальные глаголы. (Перевод на русский нужен)
1.Your son is ill, you ... certainly call a doctor.
2.Sally ... not tell you her secret, she is not of the kind.
3.I ... visit my Granny at the hospital.
4.You ... to wait here till i call you.
5.Jack ... have explained her everything before she got angry.

Пожалуйста помогите!!!!

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Допоможіть будь ласка!!!!!"

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