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This is the lady … I met last year. A. which B. whoseC. whom

10-11 класс

Makovvik 03 дек. 2014 г., 21:33:34 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 дек. 2014 г., 22:35:05 (9 лет назад)

В первом 1)a а во втором будет 2)c


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A girl wants to change something about the way she looks like. Give her

a piece of advice on how she can do it. ответить, 10 предложений, можно на русском

Перевести на английский язык.

Послушай! Ана поет в соседней комнате. Она поет очень хорошо. Она учится в консерватории уже 3 года. 2. что вы пишете? я пишу письмо своей сестре Мы часто пишем письма друг другу. Сейчас она работает над своей книгой. Она работает над ней уже несколько месяцев. 3. что вы сейчас здесь делаете? -я перевожу статью о жизни шекспира. По-моему вы переводите ее уже давно -да, эта статья довольно трудная. я перевожу ее несколько дней Но обычно вы переводите с английского языка на русский довольно но быстро. да a вот над атой работаю со вторника. 4. Мой друг занимается в библиотеке каждый день. Сейчас он пишет там доклад. Он работает над ним уже неделю, 5. Что ты обычно делаешь вече вечером? Обычно я делаю уроки читаю иногда смотрю передачи по телевизору. А сейчас я пишу доклад. Я работаю над ним полтора часа.

Ребят, срочно нужно сочинение. О Москве на 1-2 страницы. Используя эти слова ( a beach a bridge a canal a car park a castle a cathedral a church a

fountain high-rise buildings a hill a library a mosque a museum a park the sea a shopping centre a square a statue)

Нужен перевод, Можно не дословный, но передающий смысл текста. заранее спасибо. Lists of speech topics are great but without some structure to

follow for writing a proper speech they won't get you very far.
It would be easy for me to just write down thousands of subjects for you to choose from, but that wouldn't do you much good if you don't have a grasp of the different types of rules for writing different types of speeches!
Don't get me wrong! There are hundreds of speech topics and ideas for you to pick from on this site but you'll also get tips and outlines and actual speeches to help you get your head around how to write a speech and how to deliver one too!
Being in elementary school, high school or college gives you lots of opportunities to brush up on your speech writing skills and public speaking skills!
Take advantage of that because when you're out in the real world, these skills will serve you well!
Finding the best speech topics for your presentation can be frustrating at times but you can't go wrong if you choose a topic on something you have an authentic passion for.
When you speak on something that you are enthusiastic about, there's a certain zest in your presentation that captures an audience.

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Having a bad boss could be bad for your heart. This is the conclusion of a Swedish study on management styles and health. The researchers concluded that

poor managers can increase their employee's risk of developing heart disease. The Stockholm University study analyzed data on the health of 3,000 male workers. They compared the data with the results from questionnaires about senior managers. The questions asked workers if they thought their boss was considerate, communicated well and offered positive feedback. Other questions looked at how much work bosses gave to workers and how well they outlined their goals. The research team found that workers who respected their bosses were healthier and had fewer heart problems. The report is published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine. It suggests that companies should re-train bosses to improve worker health. A healthier workforce will improve the overall health of the company. Investing in providing leadership skills to senior managers could be a good long-term investment. The researchers said a more supportive and understanding boss would reduce the chances of workers developing high blood pressure and stress-related illnesses. Magnus Larsson, an engineer for a large IT company, agreed with the report's findings. He believes his heart attack last year was because of his boss: "The guy was a monster. Working for him was a daily nightmare for eight years," Larsson said.

Здравствуйте! Очень нужен перевод! Ales: Through wars and through peace to now. This is the first photo of just a hand that I

took, and it came about by accident. I was driving this lady to a clinic, and we had to wait in a car park. I had my camera in my lap (you know how you do in case something photographic turns up,) when I happened to notice the light falling on her hand that was guarding her handbag. Camera on lap, screen facing up looking down for a rough sighting and auto-focus, I managed a shot before she moved. Imagine my delight (and surprise) when this image came up on my monitor. Talk about luck. Alterednate: Great capture, it really does speak 1000 words. Nony vogue: Wow, the lighting is amazing. This is quite the shot. I'll add it to my faves. Lynn Morag: Tt's a beautiful snapshot - just think what experiences that hand has lived through - from the turn of the century in a world when the motorcar was rarely seen, no streetlights, houses without electricity ... Cilest: Very impressive! Sensitive and beautiful light. Wish I had taken it. Swirl: Gorgeous pic :)! more proof that we outlive our bodies... Bainers: When 1 first looked at this photograph, I thought it was in black and white. But, it is not. I really like this. HKCB: A really beautiful portrait. I'm impressed. The framing and focus are excellent. Rongzoni: There is so much strength and character in this por trait - I can feel her eyes looking out across history, with tears of sadness and joy! It makes me remember my grandmother too, with great affection! Ted Foo: Beautiful and touching! What might this hand and its owner have been through in their life? Every wrinkle tells a story

Перевести не с переводчика.This is the little Red Hen.Her name is Jen,or Jen the Hen.Jen the Hen is very clever.Jen the Hen got a family.She has got thr

ee little children-three little chickens.They live in a brown house in Green Street.Jen the Hen has got one son and two daughters.They are yellow.They are very,very nice.They like to run and jump.How Jen the Hen loves them all! They are a happy family.Jen the Hen has got three friends.They are a cat,a dog,and a duck.This is Cat.The Cat-s name is Pam,or Pam the Cat.She is big grey cat.She lives in Green Street,too.

Salt Lake City is the capital and the most populous city of the U.S11) Salt Lake City is the capital and the most populous city of the U.S., state

of Utah. The city was founded in 1847 by a group of Mormon pioneers led by their prophet, Brigham Young, who fled hostility and violence in the Midwest. Mining booms and the construction of the first transcontinental railroad initially brought economic growth. In the 21st century the city has developed a strong outdoor recreation tourism industry (skiing and biking), become the industrial banking center of the U.S, and served as host to the 2002 Winter Olympics.

2) The first Europeans to settle in the valley were the Latter-day Saints on July 24, 1847. They had traveled beyond the boundaries of the United States seeking an isolated area to practice their religion, away from the hostility they had faced in the East. They found the large valley empty of any human settlement. Only four days after arriving in the Salt Lake Valley, Brigham Young designated the site for the Salt Lake Temple.

3) Constructed on Temple Square, in\on the center of …… city, the temple took 40 years to complete, being started in\at 1853 and dedicated on April 6, 1893. ……temple has become iconic of the city and is the centerpiece of the city. The Mormon pioneers organized …… new state and …… United States Congress established the Utah Territory. Great Salt Lake City became its capital in 1858. The city is located in\on the northeast corner of the Salt Lake Valley. The Jordan River flows through\across the city and is drainage of Utah Lake that empties into the Great Salt Lake. …… highest mountaintop visible from\out of Salt Lake City is Twin Peaks, which reaches 11,489 feet (3502 m).

4) As Salt Lake City is the headquarters for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), there are many historic and actual LDS sites around the city. The largest is Temple Square, which includes the Salt Lake Temple and visitors' centers that are open to the public, free of charge. Temple Square also includes the historic Tabernacle, home of the world-famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The Family History Library, the largest genealogical library in the world, is located just west of Temple Square. It is run by the LDS Church and is open to the public and free of charge.

5) Near the mouth of Emigration Canyon lies This Is The Place Heritage Park, which recreates typical 19th century LDS pioneer life. Hogle Zoo is located across\through the street from …… park. …… City's largest public park, Liberty Park features …… lakewith\since an island in …… middle and the Tracy Aviary. The park is home to a large number of birds, both wild and in the aviary. The Bonneville Shoreline Trail is …… popular hiking and biking nature trail which spans ninety …… miles through the foothills of the Wasatch Front.

6) Tourism to the city has increased as\like …… result of the 2002 Winter Olympics held in Salt Lake. The former Olympic venues are …… very popular attractions for many visitors. The Utah Olympic Park features the Olympic ski jumps, too\as well as bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton runs. Today, the Olympic Park is used for year-round training and competitions. The Utah Olympic Oval was …… home to …… speed skating events and is now open for\to the public.

7) Salt Lake City is also home to a few major shopping centers. Trolley Square is an indoor and outdoor mall with many independent art boutiques, restaurants, and national retailers. The Gateway District, an outdoor shopping mall, is the city's newest major shopping center and has many national restaurants, clothing retailers, a movie theater, the Clark Planetarium, the Discovery Gateway, a music venue called The Depot, and the Olympic Legacy Plaza.

№9 Прочитайте текст еще раз и письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1) What religion is connected with the name of Salt Lake City?
2) What is the center of the city?
3) Why is Salt Lake City so attractive for visitors?
4) What places in the city are interesting for visitors?

The different types ... business organisation to be found ... the UK may be classified ... five headings. 2. This is the simplest form … business

enterprise and is often referred ... as the one person business. 3. He is solely responsible … the success … the business. 4. The strength … this type … firm lies … the direct personal interest ... the proprietor in the efficiency ... his business. 5. The owner is personally liable ... the debts incurred ... his firm. 6. All his personal possessions are ... risk. 7. Another disadvantage ... the type of firm is the strict limitation ... its ability to acquire capital ... expansion. 8. Finance is restricted ... the amounts which the entrepreneur is able to provide ... his own resources and whatever sums he can borrow ... his own security.

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