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Привет, мне нужна помощь с домашней работой. Мое домашнее задание во вложениях.плиз

1-4 класс

Nekit414 26 февр. 2017 г., 19:49:25 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 февр. 2017 г., 21:03:19 (7 лет назад)



Правильные глаголы: live, ski, skip, stop, thank

Неправильные глаголы: buy, say, see, swim, think




He bought a computer.

- Did he buy a computer?

- No, he didn't buy a computer.



She put it under the desk.

- Did she put it under the desk?

- No, she didn't put it under the desk.



They came in the evening.

- Did they come in the evening?

- No, they didn't come in the evening.


4. She washed the cups.

- Did she wash the cups?

- No, she didn't wash the cups.


5. He saw the horse.

- Did he see the horse?

- No, he didn't see the horse.



1. When did she buy it?

2. When did they skate?

3. When did he eat apples?

4. When did she see him?

5. When did they skip?



1. Why did they have fish for breakfast?

2. Why did they say that?

3. Why did he take her bag?

4. Why did she play at school?

5. Why did she give him the bike?



1. Where did she see him?

2. Where did they play?

3. Where did he go?

4. Where did they put it?

5. Where did she swim?



1. I am at school.

I was at school.

2. They are in Africa.

They were in Africa.

3. He is in bed.

He was in bed,

4. It is in the box.

It was in the box.

5. We are at the stadium.

We were at the stadium.



1. Were they ill? - No, they weren't ill.

2. Did they go to school? - No, they didn't go to school.

3. Was she funny? - No, she wasn't funny.

4. Did she wash the glass? - No, she didn't wash the glass.

5. Could she ski well? - No, she couldn't ski well.



1. They weren't there.

2. There wasn't there.

3. She didn't come home.

4. She couldn't sing.

5. He wasn't in Great Britain.



1. Yes, he didn't eat soup for breakfast.

2. No, he didn't drink two cups of coffee.

3. Yes, they came home at 4 o'clock.

4. Yes, they don't like cheese.

5. No, they have a pet.



1. No, I wasn't five. I was ten last year.

2. Yes, I were at school yesterday.

3. No, she wasn't in Africa. She was in Germany last week.

4. No, I didn't buy a toy, because I had no money for it.

5. Yes, I have got a pet.

+ 0 -
26 февр. 2017 г., 23:28:18 (7 лет назад)


131 Правильные глаголы: live, ski, skip, stop, thank


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Помоги это срочно!!!
III. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite and the Future Continuous.

1. When I (get) home, my animals (sit) at the door waiting for me. 2. It (be) the middle of June. They (come) soon. 3. If you (want) to see us, come to Tom's on Sunday. We (wait) for you there at midday. 4. At this time next week they (board) the plane to London. 5. They (have) English fr om nine to ten in this room. 6.I (wait) for you when you (come). 7. "I (call) for her at eight." - "No, don't; she still (sleep)." 8. They are so angry. A few more words and they (quarrel) again.

Составить не менее трех слов с каждым из этих звуков.

1) (ei)
2) (e)
3) (∧)
4) (ai)
5) (æ)

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