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10-11 класс

Вопрос:Найди слово с общим значением для каждой строчки.
1 --------------: rainy,sunny,warm,snowy,cloudy
3---------------:volleyball,table tennis,hockey

Lililu 25 нояб. 2014 г., 7:10:06 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 нояб. 2014 г., 8:41:39 (9 лет назад)

1 weather: rainy,sunny,warm,snowy,cloudy
2 family: mum,grandma,dad,grandpa,brother
3 sports:volleyball,table tennis,hockey
4 seasons:winter,spring,summer,autumn
5 months:December,June,August,Sertember


Другие вопросы из категории

Переведите пожалуйста только не через переводчик)

1.Сыновья её подруг милиционеры.
2.Мать его жены работает в школе учительницей.
3.Девушка моего брать посещает музей каждый месяц.
4.Родители их друзей ходят в театр каждую неделю.
5.Книги наших студентов лежат на полке.
6.Сыновья той женщины спортсмены.Девушки
тех ребят лучшие подруги.
7.Студенты того института отдыхают в кафе.
8.Работники нашего офиса обедают в том ресторане каждый день.
9.Дочери тех мам уже дружат 15 лет.
10.Двоюродный брат нашего офис бизнесмен.

Согласны ли вы с цитатой. Обоснуйте ответ.

Rosa Luxemburg:
Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently.
Роза Люксембург:
Свобода есть всегда, и только для того, кто думает по-другому, отлично от остальных.

помогите изменить небольшой текст )

Мне нужно изменить текст для пересказа)
не как в тексте от 1го лица, а от себя)
Можно менять слова и т д)
как вам удобно)
It all happened last summer. I was staying at my cousin's house in the mountains and I was bored. I really wanted something exciting to happen, so I decided to go for a walk alone. At first, it was sunny, the mountains beautiful and I felt happy. But were time passed quickly and soon it was getting dark. I realized that I was a long way from my cousin's house and I was completely lost. osuddenly, I heard a strange noise and saw a large dog. He was barking and he seemed to be asking me to with him. So I decided to follow him. After go a while, he took me to my cousin's house. He ran off into the night and never saw him again.

помогите перевести стихотворение пожалуйста. очень очень буду благодарна

On the banks of Allan Water. (a lyrical ballad)
On the banks of Allan Water,
When the sweet spring time did fall,
Was the miller's lovely daughter, Fairest of them all.
For the bride a soldier sought her, And a winning tongue had he,
On the banks of Allan Water,
None so gay as she.

On the banks of Allan water,
When brown autumn spread his store,
There I saw the miler's daughter, But she smiled no more.
For the summer grief had brought her
And the soldier, false was he;
On the banks of Allan Water, None so sad as she.

On the banks of Allan Water,
When the winter snow fell fast,
Still was seen the miller's daughter;
Chilling blue the blast.
But the miller's lovely daughter, Both from cold and care was free, On the banks of Allan Water,
There a corpse lay she.

1) Rewrite this sentence using passive structure:

They know this island as an island of wonders.
2) Report this sentence:
Sam said, "We are going to have a picnic next Saturday."

Читайте также

Помогите решить задание.

Вопрос;Прочитай письмо Джека.Помоги ему сделать письмо короче.Переделай подчеркнутые предложения по образцу.
l am a dog.- l'm a dog.
Dear Tiny,
My name is Jack.l am a dog.l am kind.l am not big.l do not live in London.l live in the country.l have not got many friends.But l have got two friends.They are a donkey and a cat.The donkey does not like winter.He cannot play snowballs.But he likes summer and green grass.The cat likes all seasons.
Would you like to visit us in summer?lt will be sunny. lt will not be rainy.l will be happy to see you.
Your pen friend,
5 -------------------------------------------

Help me.Помогите мне.

помогите решить задание, заранее спасибо!!! дается 50оч.

Помогите решить задание по английскому Test "Find the name of the leading person"

A TV programme
A shop
A shool
A college
The goverening party
An orchestra
A Republic
A hospital
A football team
A monastery
К ним слова
Prime Minister

Do you know The UK ?
1. What is the offical launge obb

Помогите решить задание!) Руководствуясь правилами передачи прямой речи в косвенную ,переделайте нижеследующие предложения по моделям:

Model 2: Be careful, he said to us.-He told us to be careful. Don’t be late,he said.-He said not to be late.
1.Eat more fruit and vegetables,the doctor said.
The doctor said……
2.Read the instructions before you switch on the machine , he said to me.He told……
3.Shut the door but don’t lock it,she said to us.
4.Don’t come before 6 o’clock, I said to him.
I told ……….
5.Can you speak more slowly?
He asked…….

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