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Выбрите правильную букву вместо "?":

5-9 класс

The longest metro is in London. It is called "?" and is 4000 metres kilometers long.
A) the Traffic B) the Tube C) the Drive D) Rail Way
Помогите ! Это монитроринг за 1-4 класс!

S2lusya 08 марта 2015 г., 3:29:06 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 марта 2015 г., 4:41:45 (9 лет назад)

The longest metro is in London. It is called "?" and is 4000 metres kilometers long.
A) the Traffic        B) the Tube       C) the Drive       D) Rail Way


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Перевидите. 6 класс. Упр 4.
Complete the sentences using an appropriate phrase with "go".

1)Those skirts________fashion years ago.
2)The vase______and broke into pieces.
3)"_______",my boy.Don't stop my father used to tell me.
4)She __________ and nobody has even seen her since them.
5)I __________ tennis
6)He ____ the corner and saw a big apple tree.
7)He just_____ describing his new car.

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ПОМОГИТЕ РЕШИИТЬ ОООЧЕЕЕНЬ НУУУУЖЖЖННОО !!!!!ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!! 1 задание нужно закончить предложение 2 задание нужно выбрать правильный

перевод предложения

3запдание нужжно выбрать правильное местоимение


Надо выбрать правильную букву к каждому вопросу dima and lena ...

1 a) live in london
b) visitedlondon for the first time
c) often visit London
2 They decided to go to the Tower ...
a) by car
b) by boat
c) on foot
3 On their way ( по дороге ) theyll ...
a) cross Tower Bridge
b) visit Westminster Abbey
c) pass the British Museum

№1 выбрать правильное 1. I no can understand I can't understand 2. He can drive a tractor He cans drive a tractor 3

. Can you swim fast?

Do you can swim fast?

4. We can to play tennis quite well

We can play tennis quite well

5. You speak Italian very good

You speak Italian very well

6. He plays very well the piano

He plays the piano very well

№2 поставить в правильном порядке

1. tell, time, me, please, you, the. can?

2. party, you, can, to, come,my

3. glass, please, i, of, water, can, have, a

4. slowly, speak, more, you. please, can

5. lift, give, you, a, can, i

Помогите выбрать правильные ответы, которые можно вставить вместо многоточий 1.when i came home yesterday evening my sister ........ the washing

up ф) was doing

a) was doing

b) had done

c) has done

d) did

2. this was my first flight. I ...... Before

a) have never flown

b) had never flown

c) have already flown

d) didn't fly

3. I'm so worried about Laura. .... you any news, phone me

a) before

b) as soon as

c) when

d) while

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