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Cделайте транскрипцию, например как произносится например English-инглиш when did you start learning English How often does

5-9 класс

she play tennis

Alim2001 22 мая 2014 г., 17:02:48 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 мая 2014 г., 19:58:10 (10 лет назад)

1.Вен дид ю старт ленинг Инглиш?  I started  learning English 


Читайте также

1)When did you spend your summer holidays?

2)When did you go there?
3) What did you do there?
4) How much money did you spend?
5) Why did you go they?
6) Were you alone?
7) Who were you with?
8) Did you like?
помогите пожайлуста!

как перевести следующие вопросы:When do you usually get home after school? Are you tired after six lesson?do you relax at home?How do you relax?At what

time do you finish your homework?Does anybody help you to do homework?Did your parents vizit your school last year?Do you help your mum about the house?When do you usually go to bed?люди прошу помогите скоро ночь а мне ещё переписывать,Только перевести буду очень благодарен,заранее спасибо!

Did you use to wear glasses? Did you use to wear long hair? When Did you use to come home from school in Year 1? What books Did you use to read when

you were eight? Where Did you use to live before you came to the place you live now? Did you use to play dolss/cars when you were a little child? ответьте пожалуйста на вопросы


1. where and when did you begin learning english?
2.who was your first english teacher?what can you remember about you first english classes?
3.what do you find most interesting (most useful and effective; most amusing) about learning english?
4.do you read anything in english?have you read any english books up to the end? what were the books? did you find them difficult?
5.do you think reading in english is useful? in what way? do you use dictionaries to look up words you don't know? what do you prefer : to read stories in easy english or to have difficult texts for reading?why?
6.what is the easiest way for you to learn new words?how many new words can you learn at a time?do you learn new words in isolation or in context?
7.do you like grammar drills?do you find them important ?easy?difficult?useless?boring?do you think you have too many grammar drills at school? do you agree that you must learn grammar in any language?
8.do you think correct pronunciation and intonation are important in learning english?how can wrong pronunciation and intonation lead you to misunderstanding ? do you think the same is true about learning russian?
9.while learning a language you learn to listen and understand what you hear , you learn to write , to ... and to ... . how can you complete this sentence?
10.what do you and your friends find most difficult about learning english? what are your strong and weak points?
11.how are you planning to use english in future?

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