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К предложению составить Общий, альтернативнй, специальный и разделительный вопрос!!!!Умоляю очень срочно!!!!!!! In business they follow rules

10-11 класс

and respect the different levels in the company

Kayla2002 16 июля 2016 г., 0:14:49 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 июля 2016 г., 1:34:56 (7 лет назад)


             Do they follow rules in buisness and respect the different levels in the company?-Yes, they do.



             Do they follow rules in business and respect the different levels in the company or no?     


            What do they do in buisness?


             In the business they follow rules and respect the different levels in the company, don't they?

+ 0 -
16 июля 2016 г., 4:01:57 (7 лет назад)

1Do they follow rules and respect the different leveks in the compony/

2 Where do they follow rules and respect different levels ?

3 in business they follow rules and respect the different levels in the compony, don't they?

4 do they follow rules and in business or in fashion?


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1 there is...large bedroom in our flat....bedroom is light sunny.It is ...very comfortable room.
2 mr.bell's family lives in.... small house with....garden....house and.....garden are very nice.
3there are two armchairs and.....tv set in our sitting room....armchairs and...tv set are near....sofa.
4 there is..... fireplace in mr. blake's study . .... Blakes like to sit near .... fireplace in....evenings
5 there is....built-in furniture in our kitchen.... furniture makes.... kitchen comfortable.
6 there fre ...bookshelves in lavrov's study. ...bookshelves are on.... wall. They are.... nice bookshelves .
7 is there ...study in your flat?-yes,there is ....study is not large , but very cosy.

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3)he is always busy on saturday.

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