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When I have my house I'll ....

10-11 класс

when I arrive in london i'll ...
as soon as I get to japan...
if i know english very well...

IrikaMorkva 11 февр. 2017 г., 2:19:36 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 февр. 2017 г., 3:10:49 (7 лет назад)

... I'll make it comfortable for me.
... I'll meet my friends.
... I'll eat japan good.
... I'll watch movies in English,


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составьте предложения из данных слов: 1) he . listen . music . does . classical . to . like . to 2) we . last . write . to . Monday . didn't . a . Mary .

letter 3) at . will . come . you . us . five . to . o'clock ? 4)shan't . at . hotel . longer . we . stay . this . any .

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-O.K. Let's see. What do we need? Have we got any flour ? -Yes we've got lots of flour. Here.-Good. We need some butter , too. Have we got any butter.-Some butter ... butter...Ah , yes. Here we are.-Excellent-We've got six eggs. Do you want them ?-No , we dont need any eggs. Sugar?-Sugar...sugar. No ! We haven't got any sugar.-Oh no! I know! We can make...
И найдите предожения Present Perfect =C

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Переведите текст плиз The Doctor. Our HealthWhen we are ill, we call the doctor, and he examines us and diagnoses the illness. When we have a

headache, a stomachache, a sore throat, a cold or a pain in some part of the body, we call the doctor.He takes our temperature and our pulse. He examines our heart, our lungs, our stomach or the part where we have a pain and tells us what is the matter with us. He says: “You have a slight temperature”, or “You have the flu”, or “You have heart disease”. The doctor prescribes medicine, and gives us a prescription, which we take to the chemist, who makes the medicine. The doctor says: “Take the medicine twice a day or three times a day, before or aftermeals”. If you follow the doctor’s orders, you get better; if you disobey the doctor you may get worse or even die. If we have a temperature, we must stay in bed and take the medicine prescribed. If we cannot get better at home, we must go to hospital. If we are too ill to walk there, we go in the ambulance. When we have a toothache, we go to the dentist. The dentist examines our teeth. He says: “That tooth has a cavity. I must put in a filling”. If the tooth is too bad, the dentist extracts it.

11. He gave / was given a present to her. 12. She gave / was given this present for her wedding anniversary. 13. My bike runs / is run very fast. 14. He

knocked down / was knocked down by a bike yesterday. 15. Her house ruined / was ruined in the fire. 16. I don't know anything about building. I will have built my house / will have my house built. 17. Although she is a professional cook, she has all her cakes made / makes all the cakes. 18. She is a hair-dresser, so she has had her new hair-style done / has done her new hair-style. 19. I didn't go to the post office. I had all the letters sent by my secretary / had sent all the letters. 20. Our son had his bike repaired / repaired his bike. We are so proud of him.

ПОМОГИТЕ пожалуйста с переводом. Гуггл переводит плохо и непонятно.Заранее спасибо ) I can't remember ever having a normal

family life. I first got taken into care when I was six. My mum could not look after me properly as she has a mental illness that makes her act a bit. I do not know what happend to my dad-I never knew him. So I had to stay with foster parents or in the children is home to give her a break for a bit.

Although the children is homes are okay, they ere not the best places to live. The staff are always nice and frindly, but you are surrounded by stanges. I sometimes have to share a room and if you don't get on with the other girl, it is not much fun. Also,I never know how long I am going to be in for, so I have to just keep my stuff in a suitcase under the bed .

I've had some nice foster parents, but nithing else lasts for long.If my mum is okey, I get to stay with her, but we only have a small flat, and I feel like I am the one who is running it. I worry about whether the bills have been in and out of hospital a lot, so I understand that she is not always able to look after me. Doreen, one of my foster mums, used to be a nurse, and the explained to me what was wrong with mum. This helped, because when I was younger, I felt like Mum just didn't want me.Now I know that it is because of her illnes.

My life is okay in some ways.I go to the same school and I have some good friends.Obviosly, I fee a bit jealous of them when I go to their houses for tea. They’ve got a nice place to live, with a nice family, but they do not really appreciate it-they are complaining about them all the time! My friend Michelle wanted me to go and live with her, but it is not as easy as that. For a start, I couldn’t just leave Mum.When she’s healthy, I have to be there or her.

It’d be nice if I had a brother or sister-at least then I’d have someone around all the time. I get fed up being on my own. I think Michelle feels sorry for me, living in different all the time, but because this is what I’m used to, it doesn’t seem too bad.I still have my mum, I have my friends and I know all the staff in the homes.It’s not like I’m completely alone in the world.

When I leave school, I’m going to get a job and a nice flat for mum and me to live in. Then I’ll be able to put my pictures and unpack my stuff, because I’ll know for sure that I’m there to stay.

Помогите плиз. очень нужно Complete the sentences with the proper form of the verb. 1. I am going to have a shower when

I_____________________(get)home. 2. Julia is going to live in our house while we____________________(be) away. 3. I'll stay here till he_____________________(come). 4. I can't talk to you now. I_____________________(talk) to you when I have more time. 5. When I_____________________(be) in London, I am going to visit the British Museum. 6. We'll be late if you_____________________(not hurry) 7. Is it o'key if I_____________________(close) the window? 8. I_____________________(be) surprised if he comes. 9. John is still at school. When he_________________(leave) school, he wants to go to university. 10. If the weather________________________ (be) nice tomorrow, we can go swimming.

a) Fill in: a) by b)on c)in d)out of e)off When the train arrives you'll get___it. At Bristol you'll get . Don't wait outside. When a

taxi stops for you I'll tell you and you'll get it. Since I broke my leg I have to travel bus because I can't get____the car. When your bus arrives you get____it. If you want to leave it, you get___taxi. I usually go back home bus. It's mush cheaper then going taxi. Two men with guns got___the car and went into the shop.

b) Supply the articles if they are necessary.

a)a b) an c) the d)-.

One law for rich and another for

There is no place like home.

A danger foreseen is half avoided.

Closed mouth catches n( flies.

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