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Помогите плиз: Which floor are the people on? Write, as in the example.

5-9 класс

Janet/71st Joy/63rd Sam and Sue/55th David/47th Paul/32nd Nick/24th Tony and Tina/12th Tom/9th

Koludarov 26 мая 2013 г., 0:47:57 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 мая 2013 г., 3:19:53 (11 лет назад)

1. Joy is on sixty-third floor.
2. Sam and Sue are on the fifty-fifth floor.
3. David is on the forty-seventh floor.
4. Paul is on the thirty-second floor.
5. Nick is on the twenty-forth floor.
6. Tony and Tina are on the twelfth floor.
7. Tom is on the ninth floor.

+ 0 -
26 мая 2013 г., 5:44:35 (11 лет назад)

Где, собственно, сам пример?

+ 0 -
26 мая 2013 г., 6:55:54 (11 лет назад)

примера не было

+ 0 -
26 мая 2013 г., 8:31:06 (11 лет назад)

В задании указано - "Напишите как в примере"

+ 0 -
26 мая 2013 г., 10:52:32 (11 лет назад)

Janet is on the seventy-first floor.


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1. your classmate is going to spend his/her Christmas holiday in Europe. ask 5 questions about his/her plans.

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2. write about your hobby.(мне про рисование, если можно)

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Помогите раскрыть скобки!!! The people on the platform (feel) cold as a strong wind (blow). Suddenly there (come) a voice from the loudspeaker

which (say) that the train (arrive) a quarter of an hour later. Mark who (stand) on the platform for half an hour already (decide0 that he (go) to the snack bar and (drink) a cup of hot coffee.

There is only one long street in a small town. The houses aren't tall and the street isn't wide. But the people aren't happy in this town. There are no

trees and flowers in the street. The little children haven't got any place to play. They are sad and unhappy. Nobody can help them.
In autumn Miss Chatter comes to visit the town. She sees the sad children in the street. She mants to help them. She says, ``Dear children! Let's grow a nice green garden logether!" Miss Chatter and the children dig the ground (копают землю), put in the seeds (сеют семена), plant the trees and water the flowers. The weather becomes cold and windy. But they continue to work.
Spring comes and the children play in the garden every day. They like green apple trees, the nice flowers and the merry birds. In spring the days are sunny and warm. Miss Chatter and the little children fly kites and play hide-and-seek. The people of the town like to have picnics in the garden. They say, "Thank you!" to Miss Chatter and the little children. Now all the people are happy in the town.
Найдите прилагательные и сделать вот так например small-smaller-(the) smallest.
Заранее спасибо!

Помогите пожалуйста:( Write it right.Look through the examples of what some people think to be the best or most popular in Russia.Express Your opinion abou

t the peoples choice.Give your own examples and reasons(100 words). Срочно

Make questions. Use going to. Then ask and answer. Пример: What are the workmen going to do in Upton Wood? They're going to cut down the


1)What / the workmen / do in Upton Wood

2)Why / workmen / cut down the trees

3)Who / take / photos

4)Who / write / about the story

5)story / be / on the front page of The Westpark News

6)What / the people of the town / do

Look at the picture and write questions and answers as in example

Пример: Are the many eggs?Yes,there are a lot.Are there many cakes?No there arent many.
Со словами:

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