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помогите решить задание

10-11 класс

IR013 16 марта 2017 г., 8:30:07 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 марта 2017 г., 9:33:45 (7 лет назад)

They thought
You ran
He knew
You put
They set

Did she swim
Did it eat
Did they think
Did you run
Did he know
Did you put
Did they sit


Другие вопросы из категории

Несколько вопросов для тех, кто разбирается:

1.Не заметить наш уход (Didnt notice our leaving) - верно?
2.Мы играли в археологов ( We played as if we were aechaeologis)
3. Искали меня по всему городу (имеется в виду: кто-то потерялся и его искали) ( Looked for me around the town)
4. Я пошла домой (Например, гуляла во дворе и пошла домой) НО! Живу в квартире, как лучше сказать (I went to my house или I went to my flat) Или как-то по-другому?

Помогите перевести!!!!!!!! 2) Russia-Россия. Страна в которой я живу называется Россией .Россия поражает своими просторами. Она охватывает примерно

девятую часть мировой суши. Президент нашей страны Путин Владимир Владимирович. Столицей нашей родины город Москва. Вторая столица Санкт- Петербург. Санкт-Петербург является одним из самых красивых городов планеты. Население нашей страны составляет 143 200 000 человек. Наша страна занимает первое место по территории. Флаг России состоит из 3 цветов : белого, синего и красного. На гербе изображен двуглавый орел. В 1917 году Россия была провозглашена независимой республикой. Русские писатели известны по всему миру. Россия считается одной из самых снежных стран.

Correct the mistakes

Philip was washing the car while the fire started

Нужно раскрыть скобки вставив правильную форму.

1.) Listen! Pat (to play) the piano.
2.) Margaret (not/to go) to work yesterday.
3.) Next year he (to be) 25.
4.) Do you want the newspaper‘? No, thanks I already (to read) it.
5.) William Shakespeare (to die) in 1616.
6.) I am a teacher, I (to teach) Maths to young people.
7.) The concert last night (to start) at 7.30 and (to finish) at 10 p.m.
8.) Look! Somebody (to swim) in the river.
9.) It's Kate's birthday tomorrow and I (not to buy) her a present yet.
10.) Mozart (to live) from 1756 to I791.
11.) She is very clever. She (to speak) four languages.
12.) Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You (not to sleep).
13.) I can't open the door. I (to lose) a key.
14.) When I was a child I (to want) to be a doctor.
15.) The City Museum (to close) at 5 o'clock every evening.
16.) I can't talk to you at the moment. I (to work).
l7.) I (to clean) my teeth three times yesterday.
18.) Are they still having dinner? No, they (to finish).
I9.) When you (to go) to London.
20.) Where are the children? They (to play) in the garden.
21.) Peter (to wash) his hair twice a week.
22.) George (not/to be) at work last week because he (to be) ill.
23.) I can't find my umbrella. Somebody (to take) it.
24.) Phone me tomorrow. l (to be) at home.
25.) How often you (to watch) TV?
26.) Don't go out now. It (to rain).
27.) I think Diana (to pass) the exam next week.
28.) Today the weather is nice but yesterday it (to rain).
29.) I often (to go) to the theatre.
30.) He draws very well. He (to go) to be an artist.
31.) Put the old bread in the garden. The birds (to eat) it. -
32.) Look! The Brovms, already (to repair) their car.
33.) Hello! Can I speak to Ann, please? Sorry, she (to sleep) at the moment
34.) I just (to speak) to my teacher.
35.) How much it (to cost) to send a letter to Canada?

Переведите данные предложения на русский язык, используя литературные нормы художественного перевода. The next thing was to

eat the comfits: this caused some noise and confusion, as the large birds complained that they could not taste theirs, and the small ones choked and had to be patted on the back. However, it was over at last, and they sat down again in a ring, and begged the Mouse to tell them something more.

'You promised to tell me your history, you know,' saidAlice, 'and why it is you hate-C and D,' she added in a whisper, half afraid that it would be offended again.

'Mine is a long and a sad tale!' said the Mouse, turning toAlice, and sighing.

'It IS a long tail, certainly,' saidAlice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse's tail' 'but why do you call it sad?'

Читайте также

Помогите решить задание.

Вопрос;Прочитай письмо Джека.Помоги ему сделать письмо короче.Переделай подчеркнутые предложения по образцу.
l am a dog.- l'm a dog.
Dear Tiny,
My name is Jack.l am a dog.l am kind.l am not big.l do not live in London.l live in the country.l have not got many friends.But l have got two friends.They are a donkey and a cat.The donkey does not like winter.He cannot play snowballs.But he likes summer and green grass.The cat likes all seasons.
Would you like to visit us in summer?lt will be sunny. lt will not be rainy.l will be happy to see you.
Your pen friend,
5 -------------------------------------------

Help me.Помогите мне.

помогите решить задание, заранее спасибо!!! дается 50оч.

Помогите решить задание по английскому Test "Find the name of the leading person"

A TV programme
A shop
A shool
A college
The goverening party
An orchestra
A Republic
A hospital
A football team
A monastery
К ним слова
Prime Minister

Do you know The UK ?
1. What is the offical launge obb

Помогите решить задание!) Руководствуясь правилами передачи прямой речи в косвенную ,переделайте нижеследующие предложения по моделям:

Model 2: Be careful, he said to us.-He told us to be careful. Don’t be late,he said.-He said not to be late.
1.Eat more fruit and vegetables,the doctor said.
The doctor said……
2.Read the instructions before you switch on the machine , he said to me.He told……
3.Shut the door but don’t lock it,she said to us.
4.Don’t come before 6 o’clock, I said to him.
I told ……….
5.Can you speak more slowly?
He asked…….

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