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користь і вред від TV-программ

5-9 класс

Magaevamadina 03 сент. 2014 г., 23:28:04 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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04 сент. 2014 г., 0:17:45 (9 лет назад)

The impact of watching TV programs is mostly negative. Because most programs on television are cruel and violent. The more we watch violence on TV, the less sensitive we become after that. Watching TV makes us more passive and lazy, so-called couch potatoes. TV programs also destroyed communication among close friends and relatives. The only advantage of TV programs that I see is that those give us things to dicuss with our friends and family.

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if I (have) any tree time. I ( go) to the swimming pool I (not buy) this coat. if I (be) you the soup (taste) better,if it (be not) so


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Только текстом!! Не тестом!!!! Open the brackets putting the verb into the proper tense:

1. It (to be) November now. It (to get) colder, the days (to get) shorter. It often (to rain).
2. I (to meet ) him when he (to walk) across the park.

Исправьте ошибки пж очень срочно нужно

1. Who did help Mary? 2. It was a wet day because we stayed at home 3. I can't swim and I can ski quite well.4 They went home, did they? 5. I never have been to France.

Читайте также

ТЕКСТ: Television, also called TV, is one of the most important mass media. People with a television set can sit at home and can see and learn

about people, animals, and things in faraway lands. Millions of viewers around the world can watch sports events and other events of worldwide interest. TV brings its viewers a steady stream of programmes that are designed to give information and to entertain. In fact, television provides more entertainment programmes that any other kind of mass media. The programmes include sports events, variety shows, quiz shows, feature films, cartoons, fictional serials called soap operas, etc. There are two main kinds of television stations: public stations and commercial stations. Public television stations are supported by the government. They usually broadcast more educational programmes and programmes on cultural subjects. News and current affairs programmes make up an important section of programmes for most public television stations. Commercial television stations are run by private companies. They sell advertising time to pay for their operating costs and to make a profit for the companies that run the stations. People can also subscribe to cable television system. Viewers pay a fee for this service. Cable television signals are delivered to home TVsets of their customers by cables. Some cable systems carry more than one hundred channels – far more than can broadcast even in the largest urban areas. Satellite broadcasting is another form of subscription television. The signals are transmitted to home TVsets from a direct broadcasting satellite in space. The viewer must have a dish-receiver aerial to receive the programmes. We may speak about different advantages and drawbacks of television but almost every home has at least one TVset. On average, a TVset is in use for about 7 hours each day. Thus, television is the most effective means of mass communication known to mankind. It has become the people’s eyes and ears on the world.

III. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: средства массовой информации, телевидение, телевизор, дома, в далеких странах, спортивные события, зрители, фактически, развлекательные программы, развлекательные представления, художественные фильмы, мультфильмы, художественные сериалы, мыльные оперы, общественные телевизионные станции, транслировать, текущие события, составляют важную часть, продавать рекламное время, затраты, приносить прибыль, управлять станцией, кабельное телевидение, намного больше, спутниковое вещание.

IV. Найдите в тексте синонимы следующих слов: to watch, to comprise, major, to transmit, various, disadvantage.

V. Найдите в тексте антонимы следующих слов: the least, without, less, to buy, the smallest, disadvantage.

VI. Процитируйте предложения из текста, в которых употреблены следующие слова и словосочетания: in faraway lands, a steady stream, soap operas, current affairs, to make a profit, pay a fee, at least.

VIII. Употребите нужную форму глагола to be, to have. Besides the advantages, the television … some drawbacks. To tell the truth, there … many TV programmes that … no cultural or artistic value. There … rather many films about gangsters and killers. We … so tired of them. Lately, so many advertisement clips … appeared on TV screens. But still, TV remains the main source of information, and we … spending a lot of our free time in front of our TVsets.

IX. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What kinds of mass media do you know?

2. Why is TV one of the important mass media?

3. What kinds of mass media do you prefer?

4. How many TVsets do you have at home?

5. How much time a day do you watch TV?

6. Do you have cable or satellite television at home?

7. Do you watch educational programmes?

8. Do you use Internet? For what?

A word about books. Man invented a number of means to cover distance - cars, planes, radio, TV, computers, spaceships, etc. But up till now there has been

only one way to covor time- books. Reading is real fun, isn't it? It may be a fantastic journey into the past or the future, a true love story or a serious novel to challenge your thoughts, a detective or something funny if you like humour.
Until recently you could see a lot of people, old and young, reading in many different places, in a park or on a bus, in a plane or on a beach. It might be a magazine or a newspaper, a volume of poems or a lengthy novel. All kinds of reading stuff. But now it's a rare event. Altenrative sources of information like TV or computers seen more attractive to most people. But books give us something different from them. It's a dialogue with somebody who can tell you a lot about life, people, their relations, and about this fast changing world. Books help you understand yourself better. They develop imagination, love for word and expression and awaken a wish in you to create something. It is next to impossible to imagine life without books.

The way we read. We read in meany different ways, and at different speeds depending on the aim of reading. We sometimes look through the book to see what it is about. We may just want to get the general idea from a newspaper article, a report , or a book in a bookshop. This type of reading is callled skimming reading.
Quick reading is also practised when we want to get a particular piece of information, such as a date or a telephone directories, dictionaries and web pages.
But if we want to get the detailed information we read slowly and carefully. This is called intensive reading, it needs training and special skills to understand the entire content, the beauty of the expression. You get involved in the story. It makes you laugh your head off or cry your heart out. It develops your personality.

проверьте грамотность пожалуйста! Срочно!

My family likes to watch TV. Especially grandmother and grandfather. I seldom watch it, but mine we love channels it is THT and STS because they give a wide choice of various programs. Besides I like to watch animated cartoons and comedies because they lighten me mood. And here my father watches NTV. This channel broadcasts the international news. The father likes to learn new about our country. And mother on the contrary loves the First Channel and TNT because she likes series about love and reality show. The grandmother and the grandfather prefer to watch channels Culture and Sports +. The channel the Culture offers the big range of scientific news. The grandfather loves Sports + more, he likes to watch sports meets and безума from boxing. And when all of us together, we watch Muses of TV, it gives wide a choice to music!

перевод на всякие случай:

Моя семья любит смотреть телевизор. Особенно бабушка и дедушка. Я редко смотрю его, но мой любим каналы это ТНТ и СТС, потому что они дают широкий выбор различных программ. Кроме того я люблю смотреть мультики и комедии, потому что они мне поднимают настроение. А вот мой папа смотрит НТВ. Этот канал передает международные новости. Папа любит узнавать новое о нашей стране. А мама наоборот любит Первый Канал и ТНТ , потому что ей нравятся сериалы про любовь и реалити шоу. Бабушка и дедушка предпочитают смотреть каналы Культура и Спорт+ . Канал Культура предлагает большой диапазон научных новостей. Дедушка больше любит Спорт+, он любит смотреть спортивные состязания и безума от бокса. А когда мы все вместе, мы смотрим Муз ТВ, она дает широких выбор музыке!

Пожааалуйстай!!!! Напишите небольшой рассказ(5-6 предложений) об интернете.. Используйте выражения: иметь любимые страницы\программы,из

интернета смотреть лелевизор\видео\ТВ программу\фильм\получить сообщение по интернету..; иметь любимые страницы\программы\ток-шоу\игровые шоу\шоу викторина,заводить новых друзей,слушать радио,узнать новости,игры,информация.

Перевести на английский язык текст Мой любимый спорт -спортивные бальные танцы.В это спорте существуют две программы танцевания стандартная и

латиноамериканская.Стандартная программа представлена такими танцами как медленный вальс,квик-степ,танго,медленный факстрот,венский вальс.Латиноамериканская программа это ча-ча-ча,румба,джайф,пасадобль,самба.Красота этого вида спорта меня покорила с первого взгляда.Танцам я посвятила девять лет.Сейчас это часть моей жизни.Сейчас я занимаюсь в ансамбле "цвета Радуги".мой ансамбль знают во всем мире.Наш тренер чемпион мира по спортивным бальным танцам.Этот вид спорта очень красивый и нравится людям.мое увлечение это по жизни моя профессия.Я буду тренером по бальным танцам.Я люблю танцевать.

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