Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Сделать словосочетания или предложения с этими словами.

1-4 класс

[big brown] | [blouse sweater ]
[ short red ] | [boots trainers ]
[ small black] | [cap T-shir t ]
[ long reen] | [coat shoes ]
[ nice yellow] | [dress trousers ]
[ new grey ] | [jasket clothes ]
[ dirty orange] | [jeans raincoat ]
[clean pink] | [mittens ]

Помогите пожалуйста !

Арзыгуль 02 дек. 2013 г., 1:33:04 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 дек. 2013 г., 3:31:22 (10 лет назад)

1)THE BIG BROWN BEAR WATCHED US 2)the short red thread was tied on a sphere 3)the car was very small and black 4)at the boy I was very long green small lamp 5)today the nice yellow sun shone 6)to me bought new gray gym shoes 7)Alis came in a dirty orange dress 8)she came in clean pink shoes 9)my friend likes to put on sweaters and blouses 10)the trainer forbade me to come in boots 11)he has very cool cap 12)Bella was in a white coat and in black shoes 13)she doesn't wear trousers and puts on only dresses 14)at Edvord there is a lot of clothes and majority these are jackets 15)in the fall all put on raincoats and jeans 16)at a jacket lovely mittens

+ 0 -
02 дек. 2013 г., 4:04:46 (10 лет назад)

1) big house
2 good weather
3 short is red
4 small cat


Другие вопросы из категории

составь предложения:1 likes,in,to,newspapers,the,read,mothey,evening,my.2 after,like,football,we,lessons,to,play.3

computer,Saturday,on,games,my,plays,sister.4 bad,i,make,the,in,dont,my,morning

Помогите срочно Англиский! The(cuckoo? June? May? flies?) comes in April. it sinqs its sonq in(cuckoo? June? May? flies?)

In(cuckoo? June? May? flies?) it chanqes tune

And in July it(cuckoo? June? May? flies?) away

(Что выбрать в скобках слова которыи надо вставить помогите буду очень блогодарна потому-что это последнии пкт!)


Помогите пожалуйста. Нужно срочно((Read and find the password.1. It's the first letter in картинка "ежик"

2. It's third letter in картинка "самокат"
3. It's the tenth letter in картинка "скакалка"
4. It's the eighth letter in картинка "удочка в пруду"
5. It's the sixth letter in картинка "мяч"
6. It's the ninth letter in картинка "бабочка"
Помогите пожалуйста нужно срочно.

помогите составить предложения из слов: games, my, plays, sister, on, Saturdays, computer; play, puzzle, didn't, Sam, yesterday; my, tomorrow, I,

ride, 'll, bike; day, shopping, grendma, my, went,yesterday, the, befor; were, England, summer, in, they, last; bed, I, make, the, in, don't, my, morning.

Читайте также

Сделать словосочетания или предложения с этими словами.

[big brown] | [blouse sweater ]
[ short red ] | [boots trainers ]
[ small black] | [cap T-shir t ]
[ long reen] | [coat shoes ]
[ nice yellow] | [dress trousers ]
[ new grey ] | [jasket clothes ]
[ dirty orange] | [jeans raincoat ]
[clean pink] | [mittens ]

составь вопрос из этих слов is/room/the/childrens/what/in/there

составь предложение из всех этих слов a lot of/hills/there are/in the/green/ country

дополни предложение ----- ------- a lot of rooms in their flat.
выбери подходящее по смыслу слово The houses in the city are very ------
1.small 2.angry 3.windy 4. tall


Помогите сделать английский язык,5 класс. Надо составить 7 предложений из этих слов (перевод не надо):

get up early
make new friends
wear a school uniform
be happy to meet old friends
get good marks
talk with my friends during the breaks
take pictures (make a video) of my friends
give flowers to the teachers
have many (a few) lessons
get a new timetable
carry a new school bag
have lunch with new friends
have fun during the break

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