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Help me place ;( help help

5-9 класс

Anonimanonimka 06 окт. 2013 г., 12:54:30 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 окт. 2013 г., 14:42:32 (10 лет назад)

1. 1
2. 1
5. 2
если что то цифры ответы это номер слова там первое или второе


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Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

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помогите пожалуйста англ.яз 5класс write sentences with can or cant and use the vesbs brackets model:say it again .i cant hear you 2 please help me.(open)3

call him again.(see).4 dont eat her sandwiches.(cook)5 dont help me . (do)6 dont worry (swim) спасибо:)

PLEASE , HELP ME!!!! "write a short text ( 5-7 ) sentences using at least 7 words from 10 words given below 1.club, everyone, today,

young, need, result, difficult, though, excitement, to allow.

2. Used to, government, good, nowadays, industry, develop, difficult,

builgings,everywhere. PLEASE , HELP ME!!!!

Поставьте some, any or no: 1. If you have ___ news, call me back. 2. She helped me borrow ___ more money. 3.There is hardly ___ place in this house

where we can talk alone. 4. ___ boy at the school had ever taken a scholarship to the uni¬versity. 5. It meant real hardship to my mother unless I earned ___ money at once. 6. My mother hoped that perhaps the school had ___ funds to give me a grant. 7.It was unlikely that ___ of the guests would take particular notice of it. 8. They understood each other without ___ words. 9. "Let's go back home. It's already late." "I'd rather stay out a little longer." "I suppose we've got to go home ___ time." 10.There isn't ___ boot-polish in this tin. 11. You have ___ fine flowers in your garden. 12.Go and ask him for ___ more paper. I haven't ___ in my desk. 13. Later we had ___ tea. 14. He wants ___ more pudding. You can take it away. 15. There are ___ matches left. We must buy ___. 16. I wouldn't go to his concert. He is ___ pianist. 17 ___ time ago I read his story in a magazine. 18. I don't think there is ___ milk left in the jug. 19. ___ student can answer the question.

HELP ME, PLEASE!1Cross out the unnecessary words where necessary. а)Involve using too much energy or money. b) you should to visit the

Brymouth Billiards club.

c)the price per hour is £1.50 and we will to help.

d)you improve your game. so, if you.

e)enjoy to playing billiards, snooker or pool in a

f)relaxsed setting, we suggest to trying our club.

2Fill in the correct form of the infintive or -ing form.

1)i like .... (play) tennis.

2)I'd like .....(play) tennis with you.

3) You must......(practise) more it you want to win the race.

4)If a job is worth....(do), it's worth.......(do) it well.

5)You have to ....... (be) courageous if.

6)Tom agreed ....(meet) us at the pool.

7)I look forward to....(see) you soon.

8)She doesn't mind... (get up) early.

9)I'd prefer.......(play) darts rather than play cards.

10) She made me.......(tidy) my room.

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