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зaпишите слова в сравннительной форме и превосходной. Big,thin,large,small,long,happy,interesting

5-9 класс

Dobrynina2002 16 марта 2015 г., 3:14:18 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 марта 2015 г., 4:12:37 (9 лет назад)

Bigger- the biggest
thin- thinner the thinnest
larger- the largest
smaller  the smallest
longer- the longest
happier- the happiest
more, - most interesting


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You've got a job at the information desk at the airport .Help these people What must they do

model:there is a long queue to my check-in desk -You must join the queue

1-I can't find my check-in desk

2-My baggage is very heavy
3-Must i show my passport at the check-in desk
4-I've got my boarding card What must i do now
5- Where must I show my ticket ?
6-What must I shoe at security control ?
model:there is a long queue to my check-in desk -You must join the queue

Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Two weeks ago I celebrated(celebrate) my birthday. I(a) ______(buy) lots of food, including Parma ham. At about 6 I(b)_____(cook) in the kitchen. The sun(c) ____ (shine) and it(d)_____(be) a wonderful evening. so I(e)_____ (open) the back door. Suddently the phone (f) _____(ring) and I(g)_____(go) to answer it. When I (h)_____(come) back the ham (i)______(not be) on the table. I(j)_____(look)out of the window. A cata(k)______(sit)and (i)______(eat) my ham.

Читайте также

3 формы глагола 1)2 форма liked нужна первая и третья форма этого слова 2)1 форма drop нужна вторая и третья форма этого слова 3)2 форма ate нужна перва

я и третья форма этого слова 4)3 форма danced нужна первая и вторая форма этого слова

Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам: 1.I`ve got a big family. 2. My brother`s got a bicycle. 3.

We haven`t got a cat. 4. They`ve got three big dogs in their fiat. 5. She`s got a new car.

Надо вставить слова в нужной форме 11 There's______any coffee left 1 2 He laughed_______as he didn t know what to say 13 He

completed his studies______

4 He touched me_____on the arm

15_____the accident was not serious

Слова для вставки


Задание 4.

16 Do more people speak Chinese or English?

a) the, the b) -.- c) the,-

17. Is Amazon shorter than Nile?

a) a, a b) —.— c) the. the

18. Is Africa larger than Europe?

a) a, a b) —,— c) the, the

19. I want to visit British Museum.

a) the b) a c)—

20___Oxford street is the biggest shopping street in______London

a)the, the b) the, a c) ,

Задание:Прочитай письмо мисс чэттер вставь глаголы в нужной форме Текст:There (be)____a lot of guests on my farm this summer.They (speak)_____different

languages.But we (understand)______ and (get)___ along with each other well.The weather (be)____ fine.My guests (walk)____ ,(swim)____ and (play)____.Tomorrow they (ride)____ horses.In the mornning a girl from Italy often (sing)___ nice songs for us.A boy from Canada (paint)____ wonderful pictures every afternoon.Yesterday he (draw)___ my portrait.Three days ago we (visit)___ Hobbit.He (be)___ hospitable and polite.He (make)___ jokes and (tell)___ us about his new magazine.Hobbit (send)___ you this magazine in a week.When ___ you (come)___ to see me?Зарание Спасибо!!!и за место пропусков тоесть тире снизу там слова в нужной форме

Помогите! Впишите в два столбика(Countable, Uncountable) слова в правильной форме.

1)Countable 2)Uncountable Слова: Air, animal, area, bag, bin, bottle, can, electricity, energy, environment, garden, glass, litter, nature, newsamper, plastic, pollution, pond, school, tree, wildlife. Помогите пожалуйста! Я немного не понимаю!

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