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Дополните предложенния словами:nationality,explore,discovery,curious. 1If child is ... he asks a lot of questions. 2.What's her ... ?She

5-9 класс

is Ukrainian

3.Yuryi Gagarin was the first to ... space.

4.I'm ... to know what happend to them yesterday7?

5.His ... helped to understand that the planets turn around the Sun!

Valeriyamarga20 06 дек. 2016 г., 10:00:14 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 дек. 2016 г., 11:53:21 (7 лет назад)






+ 0 -
06 дек. 2016 г., 13:42:53 (7 лет назад)








Другие вопросы из категории

I . Choose the correct Grammar tense:


на пишите на английском то что я напишу.

Привет Максим я уехал в Бразилию мне там хорошо. Как у тебя дела? у меня все хорошо я завтро пойду на матч Бразилии. я приеду через 3 года мне тут офигенно приежай тоже.пока от сереги лагунова санкт-петербург

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Как работает современный фотоаппарат? Дополни предложение словами из рамки. () - Рамка.

(Records, opens, light, press, on top of, through)

A modern camera.
When you_____the button_______the camera, the shutter________ to let the________________ in___________ the lens and onto the film. The film __________ the picture.

Дополните предложения словами must, can't/couldn't и запишите глаголы в скобках в правильной форме.

1. I phoned them last night but no one answered. They _ (be) out.
2. You _ (see) her at the station - she was at home with me!
4. What happened to sentence 3? They _ (forget) about it!
5. He lost his job and then his father died - it _ (be) an easy time for him.
6. You're going out with Victor? You _ (be) serious! In fact, you _ (be) mad!
7. He _ (be) hungry - he's just had lunch!

Дополните предложения словами must, can't/couldn't и запишите глаголы в скобках в правильной форме.

1. I phoned them last night but no one answered. They _ (be) out.
2. You _ (see) her at the station - she was at home with me!
4. What happened to sentence 3? They _ (forget) about it!
5. He lost his job and then his father died - it _ (be) an easy time for him.
6. You're going out with Victor? You _ (be) serious! In fact, you _ (be) mad!
7. He _ (be) hungry - he's just had lunch!

1). Заполните пропуски, используя правильную видовременную форму модальных глаголов can, may, must, should.

1. You … go to the doctor.
2. … I use your telephone?
3. She … the piano, but she … the guitar.
4. They can’t buy a car now, but they … buy it in 3 months.

2). Откройте скобки, используя Present Perfect, Past Simple или Present Perfect Progressive.
1. The Browns (to have) that car since 1998.
2. Where is he? We (to wait) for him for half an hour already.
3. She (not to build) the house yet.
4. The children (to play) hockey the day before yesterday.
5. Where is the magazine? – I (to put) it on the table.
6. We (to wait) for you since 10 o’clock.
7. How long (to be) you in London?

3). Укажите время, используемое в данных предложениях.
1. They always play in this place.
2. She had told the story by 6 o’clock.
3. He has been smoking for 5 years.
4. The rain has already stopped.
5. I saw him last week.
6. We will soon discover it.

4). Дополните предложения словами по теме «Путешествия».
1. They had a lot of (багажа) when they travelled last month.
2. English is the (официальный) language in the UK.
3. Where is your (страховка), by the way?
4. Have you got (через паспортный контроль) yet?
5. I am not sure that this ship was (непотопляемый).
6. We live in (многонациональной) countr

нужно добавить в предложения слова It __a comfortable old room.The carpet on the floor is faded and the floor is faded and the furniture is plain. A bea

utiful picture __ on one of the walls. Lots of old and new books __ the two bookcases. I __ most of them. I __ to look at these books and feel that I __ my friends round me. Delicate crysanthemums __ the room with a pleasant fragrance. место пропусков надо поставить эти слова: hangs, is, like, fill, have,have read, fill

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