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Open the brackets and complete the sentences.

5-9 класс

1.If the patient doesn't get better,he'll have to go to (-/the) hospital.2.What's on (-/the) television tonight?3.I've just heard on (-/the) radio that Russian cosmonauts are in (-/the) space.

La4 04 марта 2017 г., 3:47:26 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 марта 2017 г., 4:53:51 (7 лет назад)

1 не меняется, 2 the, 3 the..и .просто)


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Six letters were delivered, just six. Six appointments were made, and one by one, family by family, talk, talk, talk, Barney Northrup led the tours around

and about Sunset Towers.

“Take a look at all that glass. One-way glass,” Barney Northrup said. “You can see out, nobody can see in.”

Looking up, the Wexlers (the first appointment of the day) were blinded by the blast of morning sun that flashed off the face of the building.

“See those chandeliers? Crystal!” Barney Northrup said, slicking his black moustache and straightening his hand-painted tie in the lobby’s mirrored wall. “How about this carpeting? Three inches thick!”

“Gorgeous,” Mrs. Wexler replied, clutching her husband’s arm as her high heels wobbled in the deep plush pile. She, too, managed an approving glance in the mirror before the elevator door opened.

“You’re really in luck,” Barney Northrup said. “There’s only one apartment left, but you’ll love it. It was meant for you.” He flung open the door to 3D. “Now, is that breathtaking, or is that breaktaking?”

Mrs. Wexler gasped; it was breathtaking, all right. Two walls of the livig room were floor-to-ceiling glass. Following Barney Northrup’s lead, she ooh-ed and aah-ed her joyous way through the entire apartment.

Переведите плиз предложение.Never in a

thousand years you will believe what's happened over the last ten centuries

Помогите составить предложения с модальными глаголами must и have to используя эти слова из которых нужно составить предложение:

1. shoot a film ( снимать фильм)
2. help ( people/ animals) with health problems ( посагать людям/ животным с их разными проблемами)
Надо назвать профессию того кто этим занимается и составить предложения

Помогите Подумайте об одном из ваших поездок и ответить на вопросы только отвечайте прилично можно не много коротко ; 1) Why do many people come

to Uzbekistan ? 2 ) What placas do they usually visit ? 3) Have you met any tourists in your place? 4) If yes , why do they come to your town/villsge? 4) If no.find reasons why they should come to your plase

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Open the brackets and complete the sentences (use only Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous)

1. You _____________(always/be) my best friend, I can always count on your help.
2. Jack _______________(not/play) in the school team this season.
3. I want to buy these apples. They_____________(look) nice.
4. __________________(you/ever/be) to the USA?
5. The library ______________(open) at 10 and _____________(close) at 18.
6. We ________________(not/talk) to each other since last week.
7. Where is John? – He _______________(smell) flowers in the garden.
8. Jane ________________(always/take) my umbrella. It makes me crazy!
9. It _______________(snow): the garden is covered with snow.
10. Birds_____________(flow away) to the North in winter.
11. She _______________(usually/drink) coffee in the morning but today she ______________(drink) tea.

Open the brackets and complete the sentences using past simple, past continuous or past perfect. 1. Our teacher explained to us that Americans

(wrote/had written) their Constitution 200 years before and it (worked/was working) still. 2. I was not sure that in the USA the judges (worked/had worked) in the Supreme Court as long as they (lived/were living). 3. When my brother (came/was coming), I just (finished/had finished) reading the documents. 4. William (signed/had signed) all the papers by 6 o'clock, 5. The Conference (began/had begun) before James (arrived/had arrived).

Open the brackets and complete the sentences.

1.If the patient doesn't get better,he'll have to go to (-/the) hospital.2.What's on (-/the) television tonight?3.I've just heard on (-/the) radio that Russian cosmonauts are in (-/the) space.

Open the brackets and complete the sentences. 1.This water tastes really(strange/strangely). 2.I can't speak English very(good/well).

3.I'm feeling(happy/happily) today.

4.Yesterday your friend looked(awful/awfully). What's wrong?

5.I haven't seen her yet, but we've spoken on the phone. She sounds (nice/nicely).

Open the brackets and put the verbs in to the proper tense form.

Once, while I 1__________ (walk) in a park in London, I 2_________ (see) an old strange-looking man. He 3_______ (sit) on a bench 4________ (hold) a closed book in his hands. I 5_______ (sit) down on the bench and 6________ (look) at the book. I 7 (see) that the book 8_______ (be) of great interest. It 9________ (be) a very old copy of early Byron's works. I 10_________ (look) at the old man in surprise and 11__________ (understand) that he 12_________ (know) I 13_____________ (sit) on the bench because of him and the book he 14__________ (hold) in his hands. I 15______ (smile). "It is the last I 16_______ (have)," he said and 17________ (stretch) it out to me. I 18_______ (take) with the words, "I 19________ (be) a lover of old books."

I 20_____ (open) this small book and 21_______ (look) at the date. "Oh," I said. "It 22_________ (be) a remarkable book." "Yes," he 23________ (sigh). "I 24________ (have) to sell it to buy the necessities of life. I 25__________ (have) a hard life and this book 26________always_______________________ (be) a comfort to me."

I 27_______ (nod) and 28________ (think) that I 29_______never______ (see) such a remarkable book.

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