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Выбрать подходящее слово In Italy, marriage (1) arrangements / engagements can last several years because people tend to wait to marry until t

10-11 класс

hey have finished their education and found employment. Marriage ceremonies traditionally followed Catholic traditions, but nowadays a growing proportion involves civil ceremonies, especially in central and northern Italy. Divorce is now granted only after at least three years of legal (2) division / separation.

Alisher1811 22 янв. 2017 г., 16:53:17 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 янв. 2017 г., 19:12:47 (7 лет назад)

1. engagements

+ 0 -
22 янв. 2017 г., 20:11:20 (7 лет назад)

(1) engagements

 (2) division

(3) attitudes

(4)  sacrifice

(5) extended

(6) dimension

 (7) generations 

 (8)  retrained 


Другие вопросы из категории

12. Вспомните образование страдательного залога — to be

(в нужном времени) + 3-я форма глагола.
А. Найдите пять случаев употребления страдательного залога в тексте 1 и четыре случая — в тексте 2. Переведи-те предложения.
Б. Преобразуйте следующие предложения действительно¬го залога в страдательный по образцу:
People widely use electronic devices-Electronic devices are widely used by people.
1. Electronic devices control the work of power stations. 2. They calculate the trajectories of spaceships. 3. People dis¬cover new phenomena of nature due to electronic devices.
4. Scientists designed a variety of tubes for specialized functions.
5. American scientists invented the transistor in 1948. 6. Inte¬
grated circuits greatly reduced the size of devices. 7. New types
of integrated circuits increased packing density. 8. Electronics
has extended man's intellectual power. 9. Scientists are looking
for new ways for the improvement of integrated circuits tech¬
nology. 10. Jack Kilby developed the concept of integrating de¬
vice and built the first 1С in 1958.

Читайте также

Выбрать подходящее.....

Environment a)the number of people who live in a country
Population b)harmful chemicals and waste , and the damage they cause to the environment
Polson c)the land, water and air that people ,animals and plants live in.
Pollution d)a substance that can kill or harm you if you can eat it or drink it

Помогите,плииз!!!Используйте правильные формы слов в скобках, чтобы закончить текст(пассивный залог)

"English English"is a term that (1)...(apply) to the English language that (2)...(speak) in England.In English-speaking countries outside the UK,the term "British English"(3)...more frequently...(use).However,the term "English English"(4)...(introduce) some time ago by Peter Trudgill in Language in the British Isles.This term (5)...now generally ...(recognise) in academic writing .
The term "British English",however,has a wider meaning,and (6)...usually ...(reserve)to describe the features common to English English,Welsh English,Hiberno-English,and Scottish English.
A lot of people (7)...always ...(interest) in the different accents and dialects that exist in Britain.That`s why The English Dictionary that (8)...(compile)by Joseph Wright,is now extremely valuable.But the diversity of accents within the nation (9)...still...(study)by linguists.Dialect research papers (10)...often ...(sell)for hundreds of pounds.People tend to be very proud of their local accent or dialect.

Переведите текст своими словами , на русский! Не точный перевод - просто передайте смысл

So I want to introduce you to a concept known as the
sunk cost fallacy. Imagine that you’re going to the store and you’re
halfway there when you realize, “Oh wait, the store is actually closed
today.” But you figure, “Well, I’ve already come ten blocks. I might
as well just go all the way to the store, you know, so that my ten
blocks of walking won’t have been wasted. Well, this is a transparently
silly way to reason and I doubt that any of us would actually go all
the way to a store that we knew was closed just because we’d already
gone ten blocks.

But this pattern of thinking is actually surprisingly
common in scenarios that are a little bit less obvious than the store
example. So, say you’re in a career and it’s becoming more and more
clear to you that this isn’t actually a fulfilling career for you.
You’d probably be happier somewhere else. But you figure I’ll just
stick with it because I don’t want my past ten years of effort and time
and money to have been wasted. So the time and money and effort and
whatever else you’ve already spent is what we call the sunk cost. It’s
gone no matter what you do going forward. And now you’re just trying to
decide given that I’ve already spent that money or time or whatever,
what choice is going to produce the best outcome for my future.
And the sunk cost fallacy then means making a choice
not based on what outcome you think is going to be the best going
forward but instead based on a desire not to see your past investment go
to waste.
Once you start paying attention to the sunk cost
fallacy you’ll probably notice at least a few things that you would like
to be doing differently. And maybe those will be small scale things
like, in my case, I now am much more willing to just abandon a book if a
hundred pages in I conclude that I’m not enjoying it and I’m, you know,
not getting any value out of it rather than trudging through the
remaining 200-300 pages of the book just because I don’t want, you know,
my past investment of a hundred pages, the time that I spent reading
those hundred pages to go to waste.

And you might notice some large things, too. For
example, I was in a Ph.D. program and started realizing, “Gee, this
really isn’t the field for me.” And you know, it’s a shame that I have
spent the last several years preparing for and working in this Ph.D.
program but I genuinely predict going forward that I’d be happier if I
switched to another field. And sometimes it really does take time to
fully acknowledge to yourself that you don’t have any good reason to
stick with the job or Ph.D. or project that you’ve been working on so
long because sunk costs are painful. But at least having the sunk cost
fallacy on your radar means that you have the opportunity at least to
push past that and make the choice that instead will lead to the better
outcomes for your future.

100 БАЛЛОВ!!!

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It’s an unequal world: the rich are becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer in most counties around the globe.
Millions of people in so-called wealthy societies struggle to get by on meagre salaries, while the privileged few at the top end of the _____ (earn) scale _____ (pay) millions of pounds. In Britain, for example, a person like a care-worker or shop _____ (assist) on the minimum wage _____ (earn) less than Ј6 per hour, which _____ (work) out at about Ј12,000 per year for a 40 hour week. A top bank _____ (execute), on the other hand, could earn several million pounds per year when bonuses _____ (include). _____ (Britain) highest paid bank _____ (execute) _____ (be) Bob Diamond, head of the _____ (invest) arm of Barclay’s Bank, who _____ (have) a base salary of Ј250,000 last year, but that _____ (top) up by a _____ (mass) bonus of Ј22 million! Some entrepreneurs _____ (earn) even more than that. Simon Nixon, _____ (found) of moneysupermarket.com, _____ (earn) Ј103 million in 2010. A BBC _____ (document) about _____ (earn) in Britain _____ (show) that 20% of workers in the UK earn less than Ј10,000 a year, while just 4,500 people at the top end of the scale earn the same amount of money per year as the total paid to the three million people at the bottom.
What _____ (be) so worrying about this _____ (be) that the gap in income between rich and poor _____ (increase) in the last 20 years and, _____ (accord) to a report _____ (prepare) by the OECD, it is set to _____ (wide) further in the coming years in the vast _____ (major) of OECD countries. In the two decades _____ (lead) up to the current _____ (globe) _____ (economy) crisis, real household incomes in most OECD countries grew _____ (fast) for the top 10% of people than for the _____ (poor) 10%. The OECD report notes that “at present, across OECD countries, the average income of the _____ (rich) 10% of the _____ (populate) is about nine times that of the _____ (poor) 10%.” In the United States, the top 10% earn 14 times more than the bottom 10%.
The _____ (grow) income gap is _____ (particular) _____ (notice) in English-speaking countries and in Israel. Even widening (tradition) egalitarian countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Germany, have not been immune to the widening (wide) income gap. In Israel and Japan, the real widening (earn) of poorer people _____ (fall) actually since the mid-1980s. Now, with _____ (govern) everywhere _____ (introduce) austerity measures, real _____ (earn), _____ (special) for low income families, _____ (come) under more _____ (press).
Within countries, the _____ (different) in income_____ (associate) usually with particular regions. In Britain, for example, it is the south-east that is wealthiest and has a greater number of high income families. Incomes in London are about nine times _____ (high) than those in parts of Wales. In the United States, the District of Columbia is five times _____ (rich) than the state of Mississippi.

1. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени. 1) As soon as I (to receive) a letter, I shall go to Moscow. 2)

By six o'clock we already (to make) arrangements to take the early train.

3) Autumn (to come). It (to be) November now. It (to get) colder, the days (to get) shorter. It often (to rain). Soon it (to be) very cold.

4) When I (to do) my homework yesterday, I quickly (to run) to the yard, because my friends (to wait) for me there.

5) We (to have) a good time last summer.

6) What you (to do) at live o'clock yesterday?

7) When Mary (to come) home, her brother (to read) the book which she (to bring) him two days before.

2. Переведите на английский язык употребляя глаголы вActive илиPassive Voice.

Книги А. Кристи читают с интересом. Собаки любят кости. Эти орехи съели вчера. Где вы купили эту книгу? Ковер повесят на стену. Книги положат на полку. Что ему обещали?

3. Переведите на английский язык , соблюдая правило согласования времен.

1) Я боялся, что вы не последуете моему совету.

2) Я не знал, что ты будешь работать в читальном зале.

3) Я думал, что он подождет меня.

4) Он боялся , что ему будем трудно сделать доклад.

5) Андрей сказал нам, что, когда он вошел в комнату, его друг уже сидел на диване. Он читал газету.

4.Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Mike said, "I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning."

2, Nellie said, "I read 'Jane Eyre’ last year."

3. He said, "I shall not stay with my friends too long."

4. Mother said to me, "1 feel bad today."

5."As soon as Robert appears, ask him where he put the dictionary," said Mary to her mother.

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