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Привет!!! Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение! На тему: A woman's place is in the hom. ( >170 Слов)

10-11 класс

Professor97 15 окт. 2014 г., 17:41:16 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 окт. 2014 г., 20:01:56 (9 лет назад)

in the house always there should be an order. and the girl for it answers. therefore it is necessary to support purity in the house. also always there should be a food, the woman should prepare, very well. she should care of children, bring together them in school, make breakfasts, awake in the mornings. also to bring together the husband for work. to make for it a dinner. the woman should contain the house in constant purity. that in it there was a cosiness and comfort. I consider that my mother perfectly consults with all this. therefore at our place it is always pure
that and is cozy.


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Complete the first conditional sentences with your own ideas.

1. If it rains all weekend, _________
2. I'll pass all my exams __________
3. If I feel ill tomorrow morning, _________
4. I'll go to bed early __________

Пожалуйста помогите перевести глаголы в правильную форму...1.The new pump(to work) for 2 hours when we(to stop) it for examination. 2.We (to study) the pro

perties of this material before we(to begin) to useit. 3.It (to rain) all day yesterday. 4.I usually(to meet) them near our office. 5.He(to be) here for half an hour before I(to come). 6.He hardly (to finish) his work,when somebody(to knock) at the door. 7.They (to work) at the laboratory from 10 till 12. 8.You (to visit) your granny yesterday? 9.Columbus and his sailors (to sail) for many days before they (to see) land. 10.By seven o`clock the wind (to blow) off the white snow from the trees. 11. At 5 o`clock in the morning she still(to write) the composition. 12.Ten years ago my friend (to study) at school. 13. I thought you (to work) here for 2 months. 14.He(to get) up, (to leave) the room , ( to go) into the street and then suddenly (to remember) thet he (to leave) the key on the table.

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Бетховине на английском,примерно 15 предложений.Желательно с переводом! Заранее спасибо!!!

переведите пожалуйста на английский

1) кто автор книги «живя с депрессией, а депрессия и ваш ребенок»? 2) что необходимо предпринять, чтобы избежать депрессию? 3) каковы симптомы депрессии? 4) почему нельзя игнорировать антидепрессанты? 5) почему Автор сравнивает депрессию с такими заболеваниями, как рак и диабет? 6)выпишите 10 глаголов в ing окончанием

Fill in the article, where necessary.

I don't usually like staying at ... hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at ... very nice hotel by ... sea.

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