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Вспомните страдательный залог (Passive Voice) и поставьте глаголы в нужной форме Rewrite these sentences using a passive sentence: Example: Somebody

10-11 класс

cleans the room every day. – The room is cleaned every day. 1. They cancelled all flights because of fog. - ………………… 2. People don’t use this road very often. - ………………… 3. Somebody accused me of stealing money. - …………… 4. How do people learn languages? - ………………….. 5. People advised us not to go out alone. - ……….

0688 13 июня 2016 г., 8:28:44 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 июня 2016 г., 9:08:32 (7 лет назад)

1. They cancelled all flights because of fog. - …all fights were cancelled because of fog.… 2. People don’t use this road very often. - ……this road is not often used by people…… 3. Somebody accused me of stealing money. - …I was accused of stealing money… 4. How do people learn languages? - ……How are languages learned?….. 5. People advised us not to go out alone. - …we were advised not to go out alone….

+ 0 -
13 июня 2016 г., 11:25:23 (7 лет назад)

1. All flights were cancelled because of fog. - Все вылеты были отменены из-за тумана.


Другие вопросы из категории

Рябят выручите, помогите перевести на английском сообщение, плохо разбираюсь, не хочу написать с ошибками( --- я ни чего тебе не хочу сказать, просто мог

бы сделать приятное. Я же не прошу ни чего сверхъестественного, я понимаю, ты занят но всё таки написать то два слово можно, дорогой мой, хотя бы меня успокоить... я же волнуюсь и переживаю, очень скучаю, целую...( Ребят заранее огромное спасибо!)

Сделайте упражнение #1
Помогите перевести текст,может у кого-то есть?


By P.
G. Aldrich

What do you
remember most about your childhood? Running through the long dewy grass of a
meadow or the Saturday morning TV cartoons? Sitting in the kitchen watching
your mother cook supper or sitting in the living-room watching Captain Kangaroo![1]
Which came first on Sunday morning — breakfast or the comics?

пожалуйста помогите переводит на английскому языку заранее спасибо пожалуйста срочно

Когда для меня
наступило время определиться с будущей профессией, передо мной и моей семьей
встал вопрос: «Продолжать учебу в школе или после девятого класса получать
профессию в колледже? А если выбирать профессию, то какую?». От этого решения
зависела моя судьба, поэтому я крепко задумалась. Я всегда была примерной
ученицей и разносторонним человеком. После долгих споров и размышлений выбор
был сделан. Стать бухгалтером мне посоветовала мама, я с ней согласилась и
теперь нисколько не жалею о своем решении.

Многие считают эту
профессию скучной, неинтересной, монотонной. Я думаю иначе: моя будущая
профессия бухгалтера и опасна, и трудна, и важна, и интересна…

Опасна и трудна,
потому что бухгалтеру в работе, подобно сапёру, нельзя ошибаться. Ошибки могут
привести к санкциям, штрафам и тому подобному. Поэтому профессиональный
бухгалтер обязан быть всегда на высоте: постоянно совершенствовать свои знания,
быть в курсе всех изменений.

Уже второй год я учусь
на бухгалтера и теперь с уверенностью могу сказать, что бухгалтером может стать
только человек, обладающий такими качествами, как ответственность, усидчивость,
организованность, умение слушать и запоминать все, что ему говорят, умение
концентрировать свое внимание на работе. Но, наверное, самое главное в выборе
профессии бухгалтера - это любовь к делу, которым занимаешься, и тогда ты с
радостью будешь ходить на работу и с гордостью возвращаться с работы домой,
потому что будешь понимать, что любимая работа приносит пользу не только тебе и
твоей семье, но и твоему Отечеству.

earth day should be every day

Читайте также

Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени,

Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени, употребив каждое из данных обстоятельств.


I (to receive) the enquiry from Green & Co (this week, yesterday,

just, two days ago, this morning, last month). 2. We (to visit) some

places of interest (today, a week ago, already, yesterday). 3. They (to

be) in the office (yesterday, lately, this week, just).

1. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в форму Present Perfect:

1. John (write) his name. 2. I (draw) a picture. 3. Tom (blow out ) the light. 4. The cat (drink) its milk. 5. The tree (fall) across the road. 6. John (give) his bicycle to his brother. 7. You (make) a mistake. 8. We (eat) our dinner. 9. The train just (go). 10. I just (tell) the answer. 11. George never (be) in Australia. 12. John and Richard just (go away). 13. The baker (sell) all his cakes. 14. I (read) this book.

2. В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The pupils are writing the dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables. 10 You are putting the dishes on the table.

3.Раскройте скобки, переведите. Помните, что в некоторых случаях употребляется Past SIMPLE!
1. When he (to come) home, his mother already (to cook) dinner.
2. When we (to come) to my friend’s house, he just (to leave).
3. When her husband (to enter) her office, she already (to finish) her work for that day.
4. Jennifer (to send) him an email after he (to call).
5. Andy (to ask) his friend before he (to propose) him his help.
6. We (to eat) a cake which I (to bring) an hour before.
7. My sister (to take) my dress which I (to buy) in Morocco.
8. I (to work) on the computer yesterday which I (to buy) a week ago.
9. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to complete) the test in the university.
10. Nick and his wife (to come) home from the theatre at five o'clock.
11. Nick and his wife (to come) home from the theatre by five o'clock.
12. She (to finish) my homework at seven o'clock.
13. She (to finish) my homework by seven o'clock.
14. They (to sell) their house before they (to buy) the new one.
15. He told me that he (to buy) a new car.
16. Yesterday I (to wake up), (to open) my eyes and (to remember) what I (to do) the day before.
17. She said that she (to have) a great vacation trip.
18. You (to complete) the test by Friday?
19. I (not to have) a lunch by the afternoon, so I was very hungry.
20. I (to fix) my car before my daughter (to return) back from school.

4.Поставь глагол в нужной форме (Past Perfect или Past Simple) в зависимости от смысла.

1. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody _____________(go) to bed.

2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ______(go) straight to bed.

3. Sorry I am late. The car ______(break) down on my way here.

4. There was a car by the side of the road. It ________ (break) down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we _______ (stop) to help him.

5. Поставье глаголы в скобках в форму present, past или future perfect:

1. I hope you (not forget) all this by tomorrow. 2. I think she (cook) dinner by the time Mother (come) home. 3. He (be) a pensioner for ten years by next spring. 4. I hope they (tell) her the news by the time we (come). 5. Ask him when he (finish) packing. 6. What … you (do) when I (call) on you at 5
tomorrow? 7. He (search) every corner of your room before he (leave). 8. The plane (approach) Moscow at this time tomorrow. 9. By the time you (get) home we (prepare) everything for the party. 10. They (come) to see us next Sunday. 11. The doctor (examine) his last patient at this time tomorrow.

1.Раскройте скобки.Поставьте глагол в нужную форму(Present,Past,Future Simple)

1) He (watch) TV every day.
2) My father (visit) our grandmother next week.
3) Usually they (not do) morning exercies.
4) Last summer my family (go) abroad.
5) Mike(not write) a letter yesterday.
6) In a week we (not buy) a new car.
2.Раскройте скобки. Поставьте to be в нужную форму. Переведите
1) Our today's home task...very difficulf.
2) Yesterday children... more noisy.
3) I... not a student.
4) These books... very interesting.
5) This boy... a good pupil.

Пожалуйста помогите)

Нужно выписать из текста глаголы страдательном залоге Passive Voice.
И ответить на вопросы что будут на фото)
is the most northern part of the island of Great Britain . Its population is
over 5 million people. Scotland was inhabited mainly by the Picts. In the 6th century,the
Scots from Ireland (or Scotia) settled in what is now Argyll, giving their name
to the present-day Scotland. During the 9th century ,the various parts of
Scotland united in defense against the Vikings. The powerful monarchy which
existed in England threatened Scottish independence throughout the Middle Ages.
In 1603 James 6 of Scotland become also James 1 of England when Queen Elizabeth
1 of England died without children. In 1651 Scotland was united with England,
although Scotland kept its own parliament. In 1797, both countries, realizing
the benefits of closer political and economic union , agreed on a single
parliament for Great Britain. The Cheviot Hills mark the boundary between
England and Scotland. The greater part of Scotland is surrounded by see.
Scotland includes the Hebrides off the west coast and the Orkney and Shetland
Islands off the north coast. It is bounded by the North Sea on the east.
Scotland is divided into three parts: the Highlands, the Lowlands and the
Southern Uplands. The Highlands are among the oldest mountains in the world.
There are a lot of valleys and lakes in this region, the best known lake is
Loch Ness. Most of the population of Scotland is concentrated in the Lowlands.
The biggest city is Glasgow. It is an important port in the United Kingdom.
Shipbuilding is the leading industry. But other industries such as iron and
steel, engineering and coal-mining are highly developed too. The capital of
Scotland is Edinburgh. It is the cultural center of Scotland.

V.​Составьте предложения, поставив глаголы в нужной форме:

1) (always/ early/ our manager/ arrive)?
2) (often/ we/ letters and faxes/ to/ send/ different firms).
3) (Kate/ finish/ early/ never/ her work).
4) (My boss/ meet/ seldom/ at his office/ customers).

VI.​Поставьте по одному общему вопросу к каждому предложению, используя
вспомогательные глаголы do или does:
1) Mr.Petrov lives in Moscow.
2) My sister's friend works at an office.
3) This secretary always does her work well.
4) These engineers often send letters to our firm.
5) We always type letters on the computer.
VII.​Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:
1) Our company is very 1 arge.
2) We've got offices in different cities.
3) Mr. Petrov meets customers every day.
4) Our managers usually come to the office at 9 in the morning.
5) We often stay in the office all day.

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