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Help me please

5-9 класс

Madamarzumanov 16 февр. 2014 г., 4:49:52 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 февр. 2014 г., 6:44:54 (10 лет назад)

1)had studied,went
2)had baked,opened
3)had,had lost
4)known,had been
5)have studied, moved
6)enjoyed, had read
7)liked, had helped
8)had studied, taken
9)got, had reserved
10)had been

+ 0 -
16 февр. 2014 г., 9:40:22 (10 лет назад)

везде s к глаголам добовляй и все


Другие вопросы из категории

Английский язык. Алиана56, Irinasin4, Maxy13, alferovakat.

Кто-нибудь из вас помогите пожалуйста. Спасибо!

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА БУДУ БЛАГОДАРЮ СПАСИБО ЗА РАНЕЕ chance, communication, competition, luck, means, phonе, planet, tour, winner,believe, hate, lose,

mind, phone, win, mean, lucky, twice, be in / out of luck, by means of, each other, Good luck!, have (no) chance, It"s a chance in a million, It"s worth doing smth, means of communication, miss one"s chance, once more, one another, take one"s chance, try one"s chance, waste of time.

Читайте также

PLEASE , HELP ME!!!! "write a short text ( 5-7 ) sentences using at least 7 words from 10 words given below 1.club, everyone, today,

young, need, result, difficult, though, excitement, to allow.

2. Used to, government, good, nowadays, industry, develop, difficult,

builgings,everywhere. PLEASE , HELP ME!!!!

помогите пожалуйста англ.яз 5класс write sentences with can or cant and use the vesbs brackets model:say it again .i cant hear you 2 please help me.(open)3

call him again.(see).4 dont eat her sandwiches.(cook)5 dont help me . (do)6 dont worry (swim) спасибо:)

HELP ME, PLEASE!1Cross out the unnecessary words where necessary. а)Involve using too much energy or money. b) you should to visit the

Brymouth Billiards club.

c)the price per hour is £1.50 and we will to help.

d)you improve your game. so, if you.

e)enjoy to playing billiards, snooker or pool in a

f)relaxsed setting, we suggest to trying our club.

2Fill in the correct form of the infintive or -ing form.

1)i like .... (play) tennis.

2)I'd like .....(play) tennis with you.

3) You must......(practise) more it you want to win the race.

4)If a job is worth....(do), it's worth.......(do) it well.

5)You have to ....... (be) courageous if.

6)Tom agreed ....(meet) us at the pool.

7)I look forward to....(see) you soon.

8)She doesn't mind... (get up) early.

9)I'd prefer.......(play) darts rather than play cards.

10) She made me.......(tidy) my room.

She asks me: “Please, go and turn the radio off”. 2. He says to me: “I don’t swim in the morning.” 3. Billy says: “Granny, water the flowers in the garden.

” 4. Sam says to me: “My mother is a doctor.” 5. Kitty says: “Don’t help me. I can do it myself.” Перевести предложения из прямой речи в косвенную

Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. 1. Marmalade is made of oranges. 2. This town was built a century ago. 3. They were invited to a birthday party. 4. The fax has just been sent. 5. America was discovered long ago.

Употребите правильную форму глагола в пассивном залоге. 1. You (advise) to wear warm shoes in winter. 2. The time before bed (spend) very pleasantly. 3. Sniffer dogs (use) by police to detect drugs and explosives. 4. Huge pine trees (uproot) by the storm. 5. You (allow, not) to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen.

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