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My favorite magazine - Oops! This is a magazine for stylish girls, for those who are just discovering the world of glossy women's magazines . Oops! - This

5-9 класс

is the new fashion trend for young beauties expert advice from cosmetics and personal care , as well as special reports on key issues that can only excite girls on the threshold of adulthood. In each room - interviews with Ukrainian and foreign stars, music news and movie, a romantic tale of love, guidance on the image of the best stylists, funny stories from readers and exciting trip. Oops! constantly beauty contest among readers , many of them successfully took part in the photo shoots and appeared on the cover of the magazine. Oops! - The magazine for girls who like to shine !

Ivan180401 15 июля 2014 г., 17:46:06 (9 лет назад)
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15 июля 2014 г., 19:57:53 (9 лет назад)

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Самое лучшее во мне это то, что я полон энтузиазма, а также очень терпелив. В отличие от обычных нянь, которые делают так, что дети сидят перед телевизором все время, я буду делать всё для развлечения детей. Я буду играть с ними в развивающие игры, через которые они могли бы узнать много нового. Я хорошо рисую и я проявлю много терпения, чтобы научить некоторым основам рисования ваших малышей.Еще я буду заниматься с вашими детьми алфавитом и может быть когда они пойдут в школу будут знать весь алфавит . Я также очень дисциплинированный человек, так как мне удается идеально сочетать свою учебу и свои обязанности няни.Помимо того, что я отличный нянь,также очень заботливый и любящий человек, и дети действительно полюбят мою компанию.

Проверьте, пожалуйста!

Look at the picture i see the happy family reunion.All people in the flat to laught.They eat a pie and drink a tee.But the happiest is Carry with her great-grandmother.The girl seems delighted to see her shining blue eyes on the great-gandmother.She looks elegant and at the same time lovely in her velvet dress with a rose pin.Carry's hair knot in ponitail. The great-grandmother sit in a wheelchair.She looks conservative and gracefully.The great-grandmoyher stands for Carry a sings of beauty.

Смотря на картину, я вижу счастливую семейную встречу.Все люди в комнате улыбаются.Они едят пирог и пьют чай.Но самые счастливые это Керри с ее прабабушкой.Девочка выглядит восторженной, смотря своими блестящими голубыми глазами на прабабушку. Она выглядит элегантно и в тоже время мило в её вельветовом платье с розовой брошкой. Волосы Керри завязаны в хвост. Прабабушка сидит в инвалидном кресле. Она выглядит элегантно и изящно. Прабабушка стала для Керри знаком красоты.

Що означає sun and chees. ?

Читайте также

переведите правильно пожалуйста!!!!!Britain is the birthplace of many things, for example

modern music and football, of course. The music influences
us a lot. For me it was Pink Floyd* and the Rolling Stones.* I also know that
British films and actors often rank among the
best at international film festivals." (Barbara, Poland) "If I wanted
to go to study abroad, England would be the only place. In England you can get
qualifications that are recognized
throughout the world." (Syed, Pakistan) "Actually, I like British food,
though it doesn't rank highly. I also
think that its electrical goods are of high quality.
(Sarah, US) "I know that Britain is a rich country with a strong economy. But I think it should
care more about old people and do more for poor people and poor countries."
(Yang, China). "I've been to London and admired its beautiful landmarks.
Britain has an international reputation
for its historical sights. However, I wish London were not so expensive and
Londoners should be friendlier to foreigners." (Paula, Mexico)
"Britain has links with
many countries, though it is an island state. It is a member a of many
international organisations. I know that some British companies trade with my country and we
often buy their products." (Norman, Germany) "For centuries, Britain
has had an enormous influence on the
world. Some of the greatest inventors have been British and many everyday
things were invented by the British."

правда чи неправда say if is true or false.1) People in all countries in the world love to play this difficult game.2) People who live in countries,

which were British colonies, play cricket.3) A professional cricketer is more qualified than a player who doesn`t get money for it.4) A professional cricketer gets more money for the game that an amateur. 5) A professional cricketer has a higher level than an amateur. 6) The players don`t want this game to be so dangerous. 7) It is a rude game, but players like it to be a bit risky.

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8 In the evening Tom showed about fifteen photos to his dad. All of the photos were of the happy children doing their hobbies. “But I still don’t know what I want to do,” Tom sounded upset. “I think you __________(FIND) your hobby already,” remarked his dad. “You are a good photographer, aren’t you?”
9 This summer, I decided to join my friends and buy a ticket for ‘Bestival’. This is a _________ (FAME) British festival which takes place on the Isle of Wight.
10 We arranged everything and bought enough food at the supermarket for five days because we thought that it would be too _________( EXPENSE) to buy food at the festival itself.
11 When we landed on the island, the weather was ________( USUALLY) warm for mid-September. We were wearing jeans and T-shirts, and sleeping in tents didn’t seem too difficult.
12 Although the festival is mainly for people who like electro and house music, there was something for everyone. I especially enjoyed a new but promising ________(SING) from London. His music was great!
13 Since I got home from Bestival, I haven’t stopped telling people what a great _________( PERFORM) it was. I can’t wait to go back again next year!

New York is on the ... River. Another name for New York is... . It consist of five boroughs: ... The heart of New York is ... . It has a lot of

... .

One of them is the Empire State Building. It is the tallest ... in New York but only since ... . One of new York's most famous museum is ... . It's famous for its building, which was designed by ... . Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on ... . The fastet way to see new York is by ... . You need to buy a ... and it will take you all over the city.

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