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1 речення на ангил мові present simpl

5-9 класс

Msv27509 22 дек. 2014 г., 9:30:59 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 дек. 2014 г., 11:58:19 (9 лет назад)

He leaves the club where he works at 6 every morning. — Он покидает клуб, где работает, в 6 часов каждое утро.


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Вставьте в пропущенные предложения слова.

call age fun hit member meet

1 Samantha is only six. but she's very clever for her ..........................
2 I'm Donna Glibert and I'm a .......................
3 Frank I want you to ................ my mum and dad
4 My dad's name is Matthew but most people ........... him Matt.
5 My dogs Jessie and Blackie, have a lot of ................. Together.

треба перевести вірш в ритму з англіської на українську

Sinсе books are friends.
They need much care.
When you"re reading them.
Be good to them and fair.
Use book-marks.
To hold your place.
And don"t turn a book.
Upon its clear face.
Remember children then:
Books are meant to read.
Not cut or colour them.
No really never indeed!

Читайте также

4.Перекладіть речення на англійську мову, вживаючи Present Continuous

або Present Simple.
1. Хтось кричить у конференц залі. Що відбувається?
2. Що ти зазвичай робиш у обідній час?
3. Моя мама знає дві іноземні мови.
4. Як часто ти подорожуєш за кордон у справах?
5. Що вона тут робить?
6. Що ти шукаєш?
7. Він працює в центрі міста.

Пожалуйста помогите !!!! Очень важно, поставьте слова в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

Задание ( на Английском ) :
Complete the dialogue. Use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.

Допишите окончания глаголов в Present Simple (s/es) и в Present Continuous.

Present Simple (s/es) Present Continuous (ing)

Past, Present Simple and Past, Present Continuous

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла¬голы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. I (to play) computer games yesterday. 2. I (to play) computer games at five o'clock yesterday. 3. He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday. 4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday. 5. What Nick (to do) when you came to his place? 6. What you (to do) when I rang you up? 7. I (not to sleep) at nine o'clock yesterday. 8. What he (to do) yesterday? - He (to read) a book. 9. What he (to do) the whole evening yesterday? --He (to read) a book. 10. She (to sleep) when you came home? 11. My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday. He (to play) tennis the day be¬fore yesterday. 12. My sister (not to play) the pi¬ano at four o'clock yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening. 13. When I came into the kitchen, mother (to cook). 14. She (to cook) the whole day yesterday. 15. We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday. 16. We (to wash) the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday. 17. You (to do) your homework yesterday? 18. You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday? 19. Why she (to sleep) at seven o'clock yesterday? 20. He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла¬голы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1.I (to read) now. 2.He (to sleep) now. 3. We (to drink) tea now. 4. They (to go) to school now. 5. I (not to sleep) now. 6. She (not to drink) coffee now. 7. I (to read) every day. 8. He (to sleep) every night. 9. We (to drink) tea every morning. 10. They (to go) to school eve¬ry morning. 11. I (not to sleep) in the day¬time. 12. She (not to drink) cof¬fee after lunch. 13. We (not to watch) TV now. 14. They (not to eat) now. 15. My mother (not to work) now. 16. You (to work ) now?17. He (to play) now? 18. They (to eat) now? 19. Your sister (to rest) now? 20. What you (to do) now? 21. What you (to read) now? 22. What they (to eat) now? 22. What your brother (to drink) now? 23. We (not to watch) TV in the morning. 24. They (not to eat) at the lesson. 25. My mother (not to work) at an office. 26. You (to work) every day? 27. He (to play) in the after¬noon? 28. They (to eat) at school? 29. Your sister (to rest) af¬ter school? 30. What you (to do) every morning? 31. What you (to read) after dinner? 32. What they (to eat) at breakfast? 33. What your brother (to drink) in the evening?

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