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Нужно перевести текст:Mark Twain is a great American writer и т. д. Всё писать не буду он огромен ) В интернете посмотрите начало такое сам в интернете

5-9 класс

найти не могу !(Помогите пожалуйста)

SunSunshine 01 авг. 2014 г., 14:54:03 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 авг. 2014 г., 16:03:12 (9 лет назад)

Мда... Напиши целиком , я не нашла его


Другие вопросы из категории

Прочитайте предложения и составте предложения начиная со слов в скобках: 1) Liza will only stay in Moscow for 2 days. (How long...?) 2)

London is different from Moscow. (What city...?)

3) There ate many places to visit in London. (Are..?)

4) Ben lives not far from Liverpool. (Where..?)

5) They are discussing their trip to Europe. (What...?)

6) She visited the city of London a week ago (When...?)

прошу люди помогите!!!!

put the words in the right order to make questions. then answer them about you. 1)parents/ where/ were/ your/ born? 2)up/ time/ morning/ what/ did/ get/ this/ you? 3)person/ famous/ ever/ a/ have/ met/ you? 4)mother/ look/ your/ you/ like/ do? 5)moment/ what/ you/ at/ are/ the/ wearing? 6)have/ in/ how/ class/ you/ been/ sitting/ long? 7)were/ mother/ work/ what/ you/ came/ doing/ when/ from/ yesterday your?

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Помогите пожалуйста!!! Нужно перевести текст 6 класса 2 юнит 73 страница биболетова. Вот начало текста...Australia the smallest continent in the world...

перевести нужно весь текст!!! Помогите' а то в английском плохо разбираюсь

Перевести текст: Mark Twain, the famous American writer, was well-know as a lecturer. Literary clubs often invited him to speak. Before one of his

lectures a club member came to him and said: "Mr Twain, people say that you tell very funny stories. I hope that during your lecture you will tell a story that will make my uncle laugh. He hasn`t laughed for ten years".

помогите пожалуйста перевести текст, только прошу, не надо писать перевод текста из переводчика гугла.. Вот текст: Помогите

перевести текст с Русского на Английский [Gus] Hi, guys! I'm in an internet cafe. It's raining heavily outside. I'm fed up with this weather. It's raining all the time. [Nemo] I don't know how you can live in Scotland. There are nicer places to go to study. [Gus] Scotland's great. It's the winter i don't like. It's grey almost every day. I hate winter [Amelia] Hey! You think that's bad! It's freezing here in Switzerland. it's snowing again. There is so much snow sometimes that i can't even go out [Gus] That's not my kind of place, then. [Nemo] It's summer here in Australia and i'm having a great time. i'm sitting on the balcony at the moment and it is very, very hot. I love the summer. [Amelia] You are lucky. [Nemo] I'm. Anyway, how are things going for you

кто сделает отдам 27 пунктов или больше нужно перевести выделить главную мысль каждого номера и

сделать типо пересказа из 7 предложений

1)Mexico City is one of the world's largest cities. It has got beautiful old buildings , green parks, museums and an exciting nightlife. it's a great place to visit it each year. 2) many people live in beautiful houses with gardens.Others live in blocks of flats near the city centre. 3) Mexico citi is a difficult city to drive in because of the heavy traffic. The city's fantstic metro network , however, has 11 lines and is very cheap. there are hundreds of buses, trolley buses and pereros (minibuses), too. 4 In their free time, Mexicans shop at colourful street markets.they also enjoy going to the cinema and theatre. They even have street parties. Football and horse racing are the most popular sports . 5)the people of Mexico City are very friendly. The food is execellent, too! The restaurants serve delicious local food like tortillas and frijoles(beans)

нужно перевести выделить главную мысль каждого номера и сделать типо пересказа из 7 предложений

нужно перевести текст: Summer holidays are gone. Winter with its snow is here, And how long will it take us Fr

om today to New Year?

Think of presents and cards. Think about Christmas trees. It will not take you long If you go there in your dreams.

It is windy and cold. Life is boring and no fun. And how long will it take us From the snow to the sun?
You'll be fine. The sun will shine, There'll be no snow or rain. It will not take much time If you go there by plane.

We did not find a plane Took a very big balloon. And how long will it take us From the Earth to the moon?
Come along, come along. Don't forget to sing this song. If you don't go alone. It will never take too long.

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